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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Help for my Husband Please Page 2 of 2

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Please give him three doses of Rhus Glabra 200 at a gap of 12 hours and see how that affects in 15 days.
kadwa last decade
Hi kadwa! So I think my husband is ready for the other remedy now. He says he still has the thick mucus in his sinuses - he's convinced that nothing will ever clear this up. He seems to be more content with things. He isn't as grumpy as he had been. He's a little more willing to talk and listen. He's even willing to try to start eating a little better. I know he still has the constant ringing in his ears and allergy related headaches when allergens are high in the air. What dose and how often should I give him the other remedy?
CCMom last decade
Please give him Natrum Mur 30 once in 4 days and report back after 16 days.
kadwa last decade
Hi kadwa- my husband is doing better mood wise; however, allergy season is here and his allergies are starting to act up. He tells me the thick mucus is still stuck in his sinuses as well. He is also attempting to quick dipping tobacco as well. What should I give him?

CCMom last decade
Please give him Dulcamara 30 in the morning and evening for 3 days and see how that affects in 7 days.
kadwa last decade

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