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Need help with getting my children off of Prevacid 223 wk infant on prevacid 13


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4 month old on prevacid need remedy Page 2 of 4

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Hi Danielle,

You might want to add in some baby probiotic to
help his constipation - you can find brands at
Whole Foods.


simone717 last decade
He is already on probiotic and has been since 3 weeks and still on. We use flora baby from whole foods. Every night last feeding
daniellec last decade
How would you say he has been mentally & generally since last 3 days.

If he has been improving constantly overall, then constipation is just a temporary thing and will pass on its own by keeping him hydrated.

If the improvement is not as described above we have to look for another remedy.
fitness last decade
Mentally he still seems needy wants to be held a lot. He is definitely less irritable but that might be now that he is used to not having prevacid anymore.
He is on day 4 now of no meds.
He has times he screams but I think he is improving.
He seems better now that he pooped. He is not refluxing much. Do you think I should do another day of chamomilla or nothing at all tomorrow?
daniellec last decade
Also he is not napping long at all. Most 1/2 hour naps hoping this round he does longer. But sleeps fine at night. We still have him on the wedge in pack n play in our room though. Would love to get him to sleep flat again.:(
daniellec last decade
We are making good progress.

Please give him another dose of Chamomila tomorrow i.e. at least 24 hrs of break between doses.

Hopefully he will be off the wedge in 2-3 days.

Keep me posted.
fitness last decade
Ok so he was great for a good week and a half.
Now I am noticing major rebound reflux.
We give him multigrain cereal in bottle 5 oz bottle 7 tsp multigrain . We give probiotics too.
I don't know what to do people are saying go back to meds because it's a fail but I don't want him to. He won't stay down he arches and screams. Should I do the nat phos routine again or go back to prevacid?
daniellec last decade
He needs more of the remedy. When was the last
dose of Chamomilla- on 10-19?

When symptoms reappear you give another dose.
Then wait. The gaps between giving the remedy
get longer and longer.

Don't go back to the prevacid, remedies can take
care of this.
simone717 last decade
I gave the chamomilla Sunday along with some colic calm later in the day. I didn't see much results at all. Other I think the colic calm helped him calm down.
I don't want to return to meds. I had a terrible episode with his this past Thursday of him refluxing in the car a huge goey bumble came out of his mouth along with other goo that he nearly choked on. It scared him and me.
I just gave him a dose of nat phos today after his 11:30 feeding and will do again later I figure it's how we got him off of it initially. Do you suggest this or do you think the chamomilla still. I can hear the gurgle in his throat :(
daniellec last decade
First, no need to panic and give different remedies.

Give him a dose of Chamomila and nothing else. Report back in 24 hrs.

How is he mentally and how is his stool.

What is colic calm?
fitness last decade
Colic calm is an all natural gripe water. It has chamomilla in it and other natural ingredients.
I already gave nat phos today do I stop and now give chamomilla? Isn't that too much or should I continue nat phos just today
daniellec last decade
May I ask why you started Nat Phos.

I was under the impression that Chamomila was working fine.

Anyways, if Nat Phos shows desired results in around 6 hrs, continue that, otherwise give a dose of Chamomila.
fitness last decade
Also he mood is irritable. A bit warm temp 99.3. Hands in mouth arching back. Won't sit and super Whiney.
daniellec last decade
I gave nat phos bc that is what I initially starting with when I took him off prevacid. I used it for 2 days and then the chamomilla for 1. After that he was great.
Until this weekend.
How can I tell if the Nat Phos is working?
Should I just continue for today and see and if not try chamomilla Tom.
How will I know if a remedy works will I see results in 6 hours a complete turn around or will it be gradual?
I just don't want to go back to meds and so many people are telling me to until he can at least sit on his own. We leave for Mexico vacation Thursday and I am worried he'll be like this all weekend. I may bring meds in case all fails.
daniellec last decade
Soon after the dose there should be a gradual improvement which will be substantial within 6-8 hrs. If you see this, that's improvement.

Just wait 6 hrs after Nat Phos and if nothing substantial happens, given Chamomila.

And subsequently also, whenever there is a need, give Chamomila.
fitness last decade
Ok so I he does seem to be a little better. Still occasionally screams in pain but it seems like from stomach pain too.
He seems gassy is that from nat phos or reflux?

I have given him 2 pellets so far both after feeding dissolved in teaspoon of water after he burps.
So far I am thinking i will doo the same as I did when I weaned himm off the first time...
2 days of Nat phos and 2 days of camomilla.
With the Chamomilla they are pellets and I dissolve 1 pellet in 1/2 cup of water right? Then give 1 tsp?
daniellec last decade
There is no need of alternating between Nat-P or Cham.

Only one remedy will do the job if its right.

But its your choice.

You can prepare Cham dose just like Nat-P.
fitness last decade
I only dilute the nat phos in teaspoon of water.
You said lol lute tge pellet of Cham in half a glass of water that's a big difference.
What do I do????
daniellec last decade
In homeopathy the size of the material dose has little effect.

Please follow whatever is easier for you, teaspoon or half glass both will produce the same results.
fitness last decade
If Nat-P is giving adequate results why do you want to switch to Cham?
fitness last decade
I have been monitoring this case of the 4 month old baby boy since the mother first recorded her problem early in October and although many have prescribed a selection of remedies, the baby does not seem to have been cured of his Reflux. I believe that the primary reason is because the mother does not use Nat Phos 6x (NP) in the correct dose of a full tablet after every feed which has resulted in baby not responding as babies usually do in 24 hours as can be seen from similar cases that I have treated on my website:

You may not be aware that I have been treating many babies who were on PPI drugs with Nat Phos 6x which is not a remedy that is generally used by classical homeopaths as it is not recorded in the standard text books used in Homeopathic colleges. I first experimented with NP in the early Nineties and after many tests on adults suffering from GERD, I felt confident to prescribe it for babies suffering from Reflux. At first I used to prescribe half a tablet of NP but when this dosage was found to not be sufficient for some cases I increased the dosage to a full tablet given to the baby, dissolved in water or milk after every feed.

NP is absolutely safe in use for both babies and adults and is the ultimate replacement for PPI drugs like Zantac, Nexium usually prescribed by paediatricians and it is also equally effective for babies on regular doses of Prevacid, all of which invariably are useful in the short term, but which all promote constipation in babies and also in adults.

In a few stubborn cases like this baby, I usually add Nux Vomica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily as it reinforces the action of NP and baby stops all reflux and the attendant spitting of the feed usually in a few hours after the first dose when the baby shows a market improvement.

As many Homeopaths are aware I do not subscribe to the Classical formula of “Treating the totality of the symptoms with a single remedy”. I use the “This for That” therapy aka “Joepathy” which was a term coined by a coterie of classical homeopaths who resented my intrusion into their domain even without a certificate to practice professionally which I do not do as Homeoapthy to me, is only a Hobby which I practise free of charge to all who seek my assistance.
Joe De Livera last decade
I have been using the whole tab which does seem to be helping after burping after each feed
daniellec last decade
Is this what you suggest he eats 4-5 times a day though. Is that ok 1 tab 4-5 times a day until reglux is gone. I find it's helpful to have nat phos on hand incase it does come back too
daniellec last decade
What is wet dose of Nux v and how do I give it and what does it do
daniellec last decade
I need an immediate answer please. How can I administer my son the nix vomica 30c in pellet form the brand is boiran. Anybody????
daniellec last decade
This from Dr. Luc, a famous homeopath.
You can access his site online.This is one of homeopathy’s best-kept secrets: take the remedies in water. When you buy a little tube in the store with 80 pellets, the label says to take 3 pellets 3 to 5 times a day under the tongue. (There is no secret door under the tongue!) But it will work much better and much faster for acute problems if you take one pellet and dissolve it in 4 to 8 ounces of water. Take one teaspoon as needed—as often as every 20 to 30 minutes in acute cases such as high fevers and accidents. One cup will is good for 24 hours. If you need the remedy again the next day, make another cup. If after 2-3 doses you are not experiencing any change, you can put a couple of pellets in 8 oz of water (put in a water bottle with some room at the top), pound it several times and take one tsp directly from the bottle. Putting it in water makes it reach more nerve endings. As soon as it touches the mucous membranes it starts to work. If someone can’t swallow, you can even swab it on their skin.

What if you run out the same day, can you make another cup?
You could but you shouldn’t need to, because as you start to feel better you slow down and take a teaspoon only maybe every hour or two. If you don’t see any improvement by the time you finish the cup, it probably means you have the wrong remedy. (It could also mean the potency is too low, but this is something you will learn from experience.) If one is not improving, it is a good to consult a homeopath.

So why don’t they say this on the label?
Maybe because they can sell more tubes this way! Or maybe because they just don’t know. Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, developed this method of taking the remedies in water at the very end of his life, and the manuscript in which he described it was lost for nearly 100 years. Even now it is not well known. The people who work in the pharmaceutical companies have probably never read it.
simone717 last decade

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