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This from Dr. Luc, a famous homeopath.
You can access his site online.This is one of homeopathy’s best-kept secrets: take the remedies in water. When you buy a little tube in the store with 80 pellets, the label says to take 3 pellets 3 to 5 times a day under the tongue. (There is no secret door under the tongue!) But it will work much better and much faster for acute problems if you take one pellet and dissolve it in 4 to 8 ounces of water. Take one teaspoon as needed—as often as every 20 to 30 minutes in acute cases such as high fevers and accidents. One cup will is good for 24 hours. If you need the remedy again the next day, make another cup. If after 2-3 doses you are not experiencing any change, you can put a couple of pellets in 8 oz of water (put in a water bottle with some room at the top), pound it several times and take one tsp directly from the bottle. Putting it in water makes it reach more nerve endings. As soon as it touches the mucous membranes it starts to work. If someone can’t swallow, you can even swab it on their skin.

What if you run out the same day, can you make another cup?
You could but you shouldn’t need to, because as you start to feel better you slow down and take a teaspoon only maybe every hour or two. If you don’t see any improvement by the time you finish the cup, it probably means you have the wrong remedy. (It could also mean the potency is too low, but this is something you will learn from experience.) If one is not improving, it is a good to consult a homeopath.

So why don’t they say this on the label?
Maybe because they can sell more tubes this way! Or maybe because they just don’t know. Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, developed this method of taking the remedies in water at the very end of his life, and the manuscript in which he described it was lost for nearly 100 years. Even now it is not well known. The people who work in the pharmaceutical companies have probably never read it.
simone717 last decade
So are you saying dilute one pellet in 4 ounces of water and just give one tablespoon or teaspoon?
Just one but as often as I want? So why just one?
daniellec last decade
Ok so it's been 2nd day he was definitely better today until just this last feeding at 4:30pm he was super irritable screamed in pain. I finally fed him 4 oz only and gave him nat phos he then fell right to sleep woke up an hr later screaming let out a bit of gas and continued to scream. I then gave him his 5th dose of nat phos today and he still screamed I then gave him some warm water but he only took an ounce. Why the screaming still? He is easier to calm down now but still screaming like a sharp pain hit him. Should I continue just nat phos as I have been or now add nix vomica too the teaspoon like was just suggested. Do I give nix vomica before eating or after?? Please advise ASAP I have one feeding to go in an hour.
daniellec last decade

I would do two doses of the Nux vomica a day. A teaspoon.
I would do this not at the same time as nat phos.

Pick a time in the morning and afternoon. You may have to
try this for a couple days to see if Nux vomica is going to

The nat phos keeps the reflux from coming up. The nux is
for gas pains-

The reason he is screaming is bc of gas pains. Babies
don't know what gas pains are and if they are sharp etc
they scream their heads off. I had one with colic and
no meds, no homeopathy and this went on for 4 months.

You have advices from too many people going on- so
it is confusing. Try this and you may also want to buy
colocynthis- which is another remedy for reflux plus
arching of back, bending double, due to gas pains.
simone717 last decade
Ok so to be clear I can give nux v to him once a day only a teaspoon made from the 1 pellets in 4 oz water dillusion.
Maybe an hour before feeding so not with nat phos which is right after a feeding.
Is this right?
daniellec last decade
Sorry nux v twice a day
daniellec last decade
Yes you have it all correct. Except do this TWICE a day,
whenever you feel is a good time.
simone717 last decade
Great. You think the nux v will help with these gas pains?
daniellec last decade

I live in Sri Lanka, which is half way across the world from the US where I presume you live. I presume that you are aware that when it is daylight for you, it is night for us here. Hence the delay in responding.

I have just read your post and can see that you seem desperate for your baby who has not responded to the classical therapy prescribed so far. I note that you have increased the dose of Nat Phos to a full tablet and this seems to have helped baby better than the half tablet that you were using prescribed by Simone.

Answering your question about Nux Vomica that I prescribed I have already given you the answer quoted below:

'In a few stubborn cases like this baby, I usually add Nux Vomica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily as it reinforces the action of NP and baby stops all reflux and the attendant spitting of the feed usually in a few hours after the first dose when the baby shows a market improvement. “

My apologies for having failed to instruct you on how to make the Wet dose which I now do below;

The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.

I note that you already have got the Nux Vomica 30c in the pellets which you can use till you get the Liquid Dilution later. I have observed that the pellets are only 10% as effective as the Alcohol and this is relevant for baby who has suffered so unnecessarily for the last 3 weeks.

Dr Luc de Schepper who was referred to by Simone, was here in Sri Lanka in 2005 and it was he that introduced me to giving the remedy in water which I termed the Wet dose as both Luc and I could not find any term to describe this method of giving the remedy in water in the Organon by Dr Hahnemann who referred to the “Split Dose” which is different from the Wet dose which is a term I coined with Luc’s consent.

I believe that you are now clear about how to make the Wet dose with the Boiron brand pellets of Nux Vomica 30 and you will give baby a teaspoonful twice daily of this remedy to reinforce the action of a full tablet of Nat Phos.both of which will help baby to retain the feed.

Report progress in 24 hours.
Joe De Livera last decade

this Mom is going on vacation to Mexico soon, and she
would have to order the liquid which won't get here in time.
So for now the pellets will have to do.

Danielle, you can click my name and email me if you ever want to.
[message edited by simone717 on Thu, 07 Nov 2013 01:34:16 GMT]
simone717 last decade
I want to make clear Joe... My baby always has maintained his feeding the problem is silent reflux which just burns his esophagus... Causing him to arch his back or spit up clear acid goo sometimes.
He does not throw up.
Yes it seems the Nat phos is working but he does scream from some pain still and I am not sure if it is the reflux now or stomach pain.
Do you continue to suggest nux v. Should I dilute 2 pellets in water instead of 1 to make it more effective?
Will this help with his stomach pain or should I try chamomilla with nat phos?
daniellec last decade
Simone I just emailed you.
Another question do you suggest adding 2 owlets to water instead to make it more effective? Or is one enough in the 4 oz
daniellec last decade
It is obvious that your baby suffers from baby GERD which causes severe distress in his stomach due to the excess acid secreted which creates the many symptoms you have described.

The Nat Phos 6x that Simone prescribed some weeks ago in the half tablet dose was not sufficient to neutralise the acid in his stomach and he was not cured up to now.

This is the reason for my prescribing Nux Vomica 30c in the Wet dose which you can make with 6 pellets in a 500ml bottle of spring water. The number of pellets depends on their diameter.
If they are 3mm ø you will use 6. If they are 2mm ø you will use 10.

You will NOT use Chamomilla or any other remedy if you choose to use my therapy.

You will get the Liquid Dilution of this remedy from any pharmacy in your city or from:

Washington Homeopathics
1 800 336 1695
Joe De Livera last decade
I find that I have not emphasized in my post above that you must continue with 1 tablet of Nat Phos 6x after every feed.

In addition you will also give your baby 1 teaspoonful of Nux Vomica 30c in the Wet dose twice daily.
Joe De Livera last decade
Yes I understand.
My question is: I did not give Nat Phos to him with his last feed for the night because he gets probiotics in his formula. But I gave nux vomica before it because I found he was cramping from severe gas pains. Is the gas from Nat Phos? Is it ok I gave it to him 5 times instead of 6 I still gave him the full pellet..?
Please let me know. Thank you.
daniellec last decade
You will have to make up you mind as to whose therapy you will follow for your baby.

I have clearly specified that :
'You will NOT use Chamomilla or any other remedy if you choose to use my therapy. “

This included probiotics.

When you confirm that you will follow my instructions literally please contact me again for further advice.
Joe De Livera last decade
Ok I will abide by those literally.
I do find he is still gurgles. Like acid or mucous is stuck in his throat. Will this remedy clear this. I find this only happens when his reflux flares.
daniellec last decade
Joe- What is the suggested dose and way to make nux v with pellets and water. I am away and this is ALL I have
daniellec last decade
'I am away and this is ALL I have'
Please clarify your statement.

You will make the Wet dose of Nux Vomica 30c as follows:

Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 6 pellets of Nux Vomica 30c into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.

You will continue to give baby the Nat Phos 6x and you will report his response in 48 hours.
Joe De Livera last decade
Ok but I am not breast feeding so the cap full is for him?
Also to clarify the statement: I am away in vacation the nux v in pellet form is all I have brought with me meaning I can not purchase a wet dose from internet or pharmacy.
daniellec last decade
Ok so far I have been observing him. Seems the Nat Phos is working which I have given him 1 tab after every feeding. I am doing this by just placing it under his tongue with my finger and letting it dissolve I find the water with it he spits out. I have also made the nux vomica I have put 3 pellets in 2 oz of water and shaken it until dissolved and gave him one teaspoon before his second feeding and one an hour after his 3rd feeding. He does about 4-5 feedings a day. I do think the reflux is subsiding. He still gets hiccups occasionally but less gurgle in his throat for sure. His mood is super whining though. Everything makes him irritable. He is usually pretty relaxed. Why do you think that is? He also has less of an appetite and a refusal to water. I tried giving him some warm water before to help his tummy pains.
Few questions: being he only does 4-5 feedings do I still just give 1 pellet or do I have to give 6 total by end of day?
Another question: do you suggest doing this nat phos and nux v till he is less irritable too or just til we see less reflux?
Another question do you think the nat phos 1 tab is too harsh on his tummy?
daniellec last decade
What are your thoughts on Lycopodium?
daniellec last decade
Please state precisely what you are feeding your baby today.

The reason for my inquiry is because I discovered that you started to feed him solids at 4 months, which in my opinion is the root cause of all this distress.

In your first post of October 15 you stated:
'He is bottle fed with barley cereal(1 teaspoon per oz) and I give him probiotics before bedtime.”

At 4 months a baby’s digestive system is not ready for solids and I am surprised that your paediatrician has prescribed Prevacid to treat the reflux caused by the cereal but failed to inform you that solids are best given after about the tenth month.

You should discover that all baby’s problems with reflux will stabilise if you feed him formula exclusively WITHOUT the solids you have added when his digestive system is NOT ready for them.

You should also discover that all the medication that I and 3 other Homeopaths have prescribed will be redundant.

You stated:
'Seems the Nat Phos is working which I have given him 1 tab after every feeding. I am doing this by just placing it under his tongue with my finger and letting it dissolve I find the water with it he spits out.”

It is best that you dissolve the tablet of Nat Phos 6x in water or milk to avoid the possibility of choking.
Joe De Livera last decade
He has been on cereal since 2 months. He's done fine with it until now we are having these problems. The gas I am SURE is from the Nat Phos which is given to him after a feed. The gurgle is back again and he had been screeching from stomach pain will not sit down. I am assuming its stomach bc he grabs his legs. The latest feeding he did not take the whole bottle he has only taken 3 oz he normally does 6 he did that this morning too which is super unusual bc he sleeps 9pm to 7 am straight and usually wakes up starved. I am concerned that although maybe the nat phos is working for his reflux it is making him now irritable and have stomach pains. This happened when we first took him off precacid too. Then we switched to chamomilla and he had less tummy issues. Maybe he reglux is a bit better and I can lower the Nat Phos now. I feel like the screaming from stomach gas is making him reflux more.
daniellec last decade
Ok this is what I have observed thus far. ... I need some opinions please.
He has gotten better. No cured but better. Sunday 10/3 was a bad flare up day I gave him 1/2 tab of nat phos Monday at the last 2 feedings. Tues 1/2 tab all day each 4 feedings Wednesday 1/2 tab all day after each 5 feedings and nux v 1 time Thursday 1 tab after each feed and the nux vomica 2 times a day Friday nat phos 1 tab after each feed 5 times ( no probiotics at end of night) and nux v 2 times.
Friday he was so irritable and had stomach pains bad.
I've experienced that the first time with nat phos so I then next day Saturday I tried chamomilla 30c 3 pellets in 2 oz water gave him 1 teaspoon in morning and he was really great most of the day until his 6pm feed he woke up in pain refluxing and arching back.
He went to bed after a little calming down and slept all night ad he always does. This morning I fed him his 6 oz with cereal as usual and he was good got a little hiccups, a usual sign of reflux so I gave him 1 tab of nat phos. The reason this past Saturday I switched to chamomilla was that he woke up crying which he never does and he was straining bad to poop I had to help him a little and soon after he went and felt better. I gave him the chamomilla to soothe his tummy.
My question is...... Is it possible the nux v is not working for him with the tummy pains and maybe the chamomilla is a little more soothing or maybe the nux v is better for his reflux then nat phos? Or what seems to be the good combo from what you can gather? Can I use the nat phos as I see a flare up or do I have to stick with this belly bomb of a 1tab nat phos 6x. Is it ok to use a combo of nat phos and chamomilla? If not why when you can easily use nux v and nat phos?
He worse times are 3pm-7pm. Obvious because of built up acid by end of day.
Anybody????? Advice??
daniellec last decade
You stated:
'He has been on cereal since 2 months. He's done fine with it until now we are having these problems. The gas I am SURE is from the Nat Phos which is given to him after a feed. The gurgle is back again and he had been screeching from stomach pain will not sit down. I am assuming its stomach bc he grabs his legs.”

I cannot understand the reason why you refuse to accept that it is the CEREAL that you are giving him that is the root cause of his distress.

It is NOT the Nat Phos 6x nor the Nux Vomica 30c.

You have observed that I did not respond to your 2 posts but I am doing so today as I am concerned for your baby whom you have reported is still suffering from GERD 2 days ago and is obviously far worse today.

I have treated hundreds of babies on the ABC and on my own website and they have all been CURED with my therapy. In your case it took me some days to investigate the real reason for baby’s GERD and I had, in a previous post analysed the root cause of his digestive problems today and am copying the conversation below:

'In your first post of October 15 you stated:
'He is bottle fed with barley cereal(1 teaspoon per oz) and I give him probiotics before bedtime.”

At 4 months a baby’s digestive system is not ready for solids and I am surprised that your paediatrician has prescribed Prevacid to treat the reflux caused by the cereal but failed to inform you that solids are best given after about the tenth month.

You should discover that all baby’s problems with reflux will stabilise if you feed him formula exclusively WITHOUT the solids you have added when his digestive system is NOT ready for them.

You should also discover that all the medication that I and 3 other Homeopaths have prescribed will be redundant. “
Joe De Livera last decade

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