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4 month old on prevacid need remedy Page 4 of 4

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You stated:
'He has been on cereal since 2 months. He's done fine with it until now we are having these problems. The gas I am SURE is from the Nat Phos which is given to him after a feed. The gurgle is back again and he had been screeching from stomach pain will not sit down. I am assuming its stomach bc he grabs his legs.”

I cannot understand the reason why you refuse to accept that it is the CEREAL that you are giving him that is the root cause of his distress.

It is NOT the Nat Phos 6x nor the Nux Vomica 30c.

You have observed that I did not respond to your 2 posts but I am doing so today as I am concerned for your baby whom you have reported is still suffering from GERD 2 days ago and is obviously far worse today.

I have treated hundreds of babies on the ABC and on my own website and they have all been CURED with my therapy. In your case it took me some days to investigate the real reason for baby’s GERD and I had, in a previous post analysed the root cause of his digestive problems today and am copying the conversation below:

'In your first post of October 15 you stated:
'He is bottle fed with barley cereal(1 teaspoon per oz) and I give him probiotics before bedtime.”

At 4 months a baby’s digestive system is not ready for solids and I am surprised that your paediatrician has prescribed Prevacid to treat the reflux caused by the cereal but failed to inform you that solids are best given after about the tenth month.

You should discover that all baby’s problems with reflux will stabilise if you feed him formula exclusively WITHOUT the solids you have added when his digestive system is NOT ready for them.

You should also discover that all the medication that I and 3 other Homeopaths have prescribed will be redundant. “
Joe De Livera last decade
The reason for cereal which we've been given him since 3 months old is to keep the formula down. Many babies with gerd are put on it. If you truly believe THAT is the reason I will try. However he was a bit better today when we only gave the Nat Phos when we saw signs of reflux and we gave chamomilla when his stomach pain acted up.
So in total today he's had 1 and 1/2 nat phos and 1 teaspoon of chamomilla 30c.
He has been good.
I will try the no cereal when we return. His pediatrician said we could more introduce solids at 6 months. I've checked around that's pretty standard too.
daniellec last decade
You stated:
'His pediatrician said we could more introduce solids at 6 months.”

You stated:
'He has been on cereal since 2 months.”

I fail to understand the reason why you REFUSE to accept that there is a gap of 4 months between the 2 time zones you have quoted yourself. You have been responsible for denying your Baby’s right to milk and for reasons best know to you alone, you have given him CEREAL which does not comprise the essential ingredients for his growth at his age today.

You do still REFUSE TO STOP the cereal and whine when baby shows signs of distress. This is the reason why I am still on this thread to advise you of the danger to him in later life which you are deliberately causing by insisting on giving him cereal since he was 2 months old and continuing to do so even today in spite of my efforts to advise you to STOP doing so.

You are obviously not aware that the digestive system of a baby is NOT DESIGNED to process SOLIDS at 2 months of age. A baby must be fed MILK either Breast or Formula, till at least 6 months of age as it is only milk that contains the essential ingredients to ensure that the infant grows normally as ordained by nature.

I do hope that even at this late stage you will feed him only MILK and you will discover within 24 hours that ALL baby’s problems will be History and you will not want any remedies to treat his digestive problems which were caused by you.

I hope that that you will share the conversation on this thread with your husband.
Joe De Livera last decade
As I said. When I return home I will try however the pediatrician was the one who advised us at 2 months of age to introduce a little of rice cereal in his milk. It was not I. He was doing fine on it. We then discussed introduce more foods at 6 months.
Now I will try for a few days just milk but when I return from being away from out home which will be Wednesday. I will give it one full day and see if he keeps it down. I have been lowering the amount of cereal we've been giving him today and will see if that works too. As I said a LOT of babies with reflux take cereal in there bottles.
daniellec last decade
Also it was suggested by our GO to out him on cereal for a while as he was hospitalized from choking on just his milk because it comes up to much for him.
So there is another medical advisor that told us to do so. I assume he does 'understand' the digestive system.
daniellec last decade
If, as you state, it was your pediatrician who advised you to start a baby at 2 months on cereal, I would recommend that you report him to the Medical Council where you can present the case of your own baby who has been traumatised by this additive of solids to his milk which he then treats by prescribing the drug Prevacid or Lanzoprazole which is a PPI (Proton Pump Inhibitor) drug known to cause allergic reactions in adults and far more so in babies.

You can do a search on Google for “The danger of using Pravacid” to read the danger you have unwittingly exposed your baby to.

You stated:
'As I said a LOT of babies with reflux take cereal in there bottles.”
You will not be surprised now, if their mothers complain that their babies were also traumatised in the same manner that your baby has been so far.

You have obviously got your facts completely wrong when you stated:
'he was hospitalized from choking on just his milk because it comes up to much for him.”
A baby cannot possibly be hospitalised for sucking on his mothers Breast Milk.

A baby is just not ready for SOLIDS till at least the 6th month. I recommend 12 months and have done so for all my Grandchildren.
The Millions of Mothers who breast feed their babies do not give any solids till they wean their babies who are over 12 months and they grow up to be healthy children who are resistant to disease.

I believe that the US system of medicine is pre-programmed to CREATE disease to enable the doctors to treat the disease created artificially with drugs.

Please visit my website where I have dealt with this matter :


I shall copy this article below:


I am copying the Editorial that appeared in the issue of the Daily Mirror Sri Lanka which was based on a Letter to the Editor I addressed to this Journal which will interest members of this Forum.



Saturday, 17 September 2011

Many of us have been brainwashed into believing that life is only possible to be lived to the fullest if the requisite medicinal drugs are taken on a regular basis. Regular health checks are promoted and are being carried out in private hospitals after which the patient is advised by the consultant that unless the drugs prescribed are used, the chances of the patient surviving without catching some life threatening disease in the future are high. It is strange that the patient who does not have any disease is often frightened into taking drugs which can be considered as being unnecessary or non-essential, and are usually sold at high prices often in some hospital pharmacies.

This has led to a pill popping culture that many innocent people, especially those in the upper strata of society, have been following for many years, purely as ‘insurance’ to ensure that they do not succumb to some disease that has been vaguely mentioned. They are not aware that their reports on blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar are found normal but they have been told it is best to take some drugs to avert the formation of cholesterol and plaque in the arteries and thereby ensure that a possible heart attack in later years, is averted.

It is rarely that the patient is advised to control his or her diet and refrain from eating fatty foods with special reference to fast foods and to also start a daily exercise routine to ensure that he or she sweats it out and replaces the sweat lost with liquids preferably water, in adequate quantities to ensure that the body is kept at peak efficiency.

The unsuspecting patient is not aware that most of the drugs taken have some side effects on the body and this often results in another drug being given at a later consultation to treat the problems caused by the first. It is also possible that these unnecessary drugs can predispose the patient to other problems and also to be infected by a wide range of diseases including dengue for which there is no known curative drug. But according to Joe De Livera, Sri Lankan representative for Homoeopaths without Borders, a homoeopathic remedy is available for dengue and any other viral flu – as referred to in one of our editorials recently. This is known as Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c, which is used internationally and has in Sri Lanka, saved the lives of many who caught this disease and were fortunate enough to use this Remedy within a few days after being infected by this highly infectious disease.

Public health experts emphasise that western medical drugs alone cannot possibly cure all diseases in Sri Lanka. There are many forms of alternate medicine practiced here including Ayurveda and Homeopathy both of which are established and practiced and can be co-opted to cure disease, especially Dengue. Unfortunately Homeopathic remedies are not used officially by the medical profession in hospitals where patients continue to suffer as a result of a lack of a National Health Policy. It is fortunate in India that these two curative sciences are accepted and officially used by the government side by side with western medicine to help cure diseases.

Billions of rupees are being spent in importing more than 10,000 varieties of drugs under various brand names. Public health experts have appealed that the state health authorities open their eyes to the realities of life and follow the example of India and make greater use of both Ayurveda and Homeopathy in alleviating human suffering and eradicating disease.
Joe De Livera last decade
I have found Nat phos alone has helped with his reflux so much. I do notice a bit of a flare up now that he is 6 months being he is moving so much more. My question is... is it safe to continue giving him the nat phos as we have been since November 3rd? He started with 5 a day now is down to 2 1/2 for the past 3 weeks now. Is this ok to continue 2 1/2 until I see his reflux disappear? Is it safe to give nat phos for this long now? If so should I up it if he has a flare up then and decrease when he is ok obviously? Please advise
daniellec last decade
Glad to learn that your baby is now 6 months of age and that he does not have any spit ups today. I also note that you have reduced the dosage of Nat Phos 6x to just half tablet after a feed. It is rarely that a patient confirms that he has been helped by my therapy aka “Joepathy” although they are always very concerned when the remedy prescribed does not help the patient, in this case your baby, after the first dose.

I have advised you in the past on this thread that NP is absolutely safe in use to treat GERD in both babies and in adults. Feel free to use it only when you feel that baby has a digestive problem and you may need it when you start him on solids which I would recommend you do in the 8th month or later. I do not know if I have prescribed you the mother, to also take NP after every meal thrice daily as this will ensure that baby gets the benefit in your breast milk, which will ensure that he does not need the full tablet. NP will also reduce your weight by 1 kg per week.

I have also advised mothers NOT to vaccinate their babies till they are over a year old as their tiny bodies are then better able to accept the invasion of various chemicals and other products used in the vaccine.

It is my hope that other Homeopaths on this Forum will also read this case as it may open their eyes to the efficacy of “Joepathy”, in this case the use of Nat Phos 6x to treat Baby GERD, which they would not normally prescribe for their own patients merely because it is not listed for use in the classical texts they have studied in their colleges.
Joe De Livera last decade
Yes Nat Phos has worked but he is starting to flare up again. It does help but I would not say cures.
My question still is..can I continue using until he is better and does not need it to help his reflux symtoms? It is safe??
daniellec last decade
I can see that you do not seem to read and UNDERSTAND my response to your posts as I have already answered your question about the safety of NP in my last post above which I quote below. Is there some reason for your not doing so before you rush to reply?

'I have advised you in the past on this thread that NP is absolutely safe in use to treat GERD in both babies and in adults. Feel free to use it only when you feel that baby has a digestive problem and you may need it when you start him on solids which I would recommend you do in the 8th month or later. I do not know if I have prescribed you the mother, to also take NP after every meal thrice daily as this will ensure that baby gets the benefit in your breast milk, which will ensure that he does not need the full tablet. NP will also reduce your weight by 1 kg per week”.

Are you feeding him any solids today with his milk?
Are you still breast feeding him or is he on formula?
Joe De Livera last decade
He is on formula. I also once a day an introducing him to solids which I make. I have been trying to stay away from acidic foods but I have notice since introduction he has has digestive issues so I have been upping the dose of NP
daniellec last decade
'I have notice since introduction he has has digestive issues so I have been upping the dose of NP”

I have specifically requested you in the recent past NOT to give him any solids as he is only 5 months and his digestive system is NOT ready for them as you have seen on many occasions.

I do not understand the reason why you deliberately flout my advice and regret that I cannot continue helping your baby as it seems to me that you are just wasting my time and are not interested in following my therapy although you have confirmed on many occasions that it has worked for your baby.

I also note that you have posted his case again on the ABC on

I note that Rishimba has prescribed Calc Phos and suggest that you follow his advice.
Joe De Livera last decade
I have given the Calc Phos. for teething as she suggested. It has worked for that. Thanks for being so rude. My pediatrician had suggested introducing some solids as mostly all babies have at 6 months. I am not the only one and you are not a Dr. Joe are you?
I will up Nat phos and see how that goes. And I will continue to slowly introduce introduce the solids to him as I just started.
And he is 6 months almost 7
daniellec last decade

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