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15 Month Old Wakes Every 1 or 2 Hours Page 2 of 6

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vaccines---they will effect ..besides other complications.....need address vaccine usage---single dose sulphur 30c soon as able----no refined (brown and white)sugar products for child--pure maple syrup ok
John Stanton last decade
Well, my son's behavior yesterday and last night was pretty much status quo except that there was more flatulence when he was sleeping, or rather crying because he didn't want to sleep. His appetite was good, behavior the same-playing, smiling, happy, same stool and urine outputs. And his sleep behavior last night was one of the worst. He kept waking every hour and would take 60+ minutes to fall back asleep. Finally at 5:00 am after trying to get him back to sleep since 3 am, I relented and brought him into bed with me where he slept until 8 am.

I will see if I find the sulphur 30c today. How will this help? If I cannot find it, I do have thuja 30c at home-can that be given?
cucu111 last decade
sulphur --deals with metals used as filter/carrier.in vaccination.

what is complete listing of all immunizations/vaccinations given to child? please list dates also---
John Stanton last decade
luckily i have all the immunizations info. it is as follows with the abbreviations from the doctor's list:

dtap1- 2/1/2005
dtap2- 4/4/05

hib1- 2/1/05

ipv1- 2/1/05
ipv2- 4/4/05

mmr1- 3/6/06

hep b1-6/2/05
hep b2- 8/29/05
hep b3 3/6/06

varicella 1- 3/6/06

prevnar 1- 2/1/05
prevnar 2- 4/4/05
prevnar 3- 6/2/05

influenza 9/22/05 and 11/10/05

thanks for all your time and expertise!
cucu111 last decade
what condition of child's fingernails and around? chapping?
how many (if any) white spots on/under fingernails?

what other illnesses/injuries/accidents child have in health history?how treated? please explain thoroughly (dates also)
John Stanton last decade
His fingernails and surrounding areas look normal and healthy. His nails grow quickly and in a healthy way. I did not see any white spots on or under his nails.
He has not had any illnesses/injuries/accidents. The only thing he's been treated for is jaundice during the first week of his birth. He was born Dec.1, 2004. Also, I was in the hospital for 3 weeks prior to his birth due to preeclamsia and was given magnesium sulfate for that, in addition to insulin because of gestational diabetes, and I believe prednisone (steriods) to develop my son's lungs because I was only 32 weeks along when I entered the hospital and they thought they would have to deliver him immediately due to the preeclampsia.

I was able to give him sulfur 30c yesterday. His sleep was the same- waking up every 1 or 2 hours and crying. Do I give him anything today?
cucu111 last decade
I also wanted to point out that his stool this morning was very dark. Is this because of the sulfur?
cucu111 last decade
no other remedy yet....

stool dark? remember child EVER having this before ?if so when?

what exact meds/treatment used for jaundice?

it is for certain that child has NEVER slept through night alone?once again-- please explain this thoroughly --all circumstances concerning --bringing child home from hospital;when first observed sleeping complaint...
John Stanton last decade
I don't remember ever seeing his stool this dark, although I cannot be 100% positive. It was a dark brown-probably a shade darker than his stools of late. The one subsequent to that was a little lighter in color. He was treated with phototherapy for jaundice, much like I think any other newborn.
Up until around August 2005, my son slept in my rooom with me and my husband. When he first came home he slept in a cradle next to me. As with all newborns, he woke every 2-3 hours for food, etc. At times after waking up and tending to him several times in the night, I would fall asleep with him on me in my bed. Then him sleeping in my bed 1/2 the night became more usual. Then almost the whole night. He has never been a great sleeper or napper. Finally it was getting too crowded in our bed and my husband wanted him to sleep in his crib in his room. I agreed but then developed the bad habit of sleeping on the floor next to the crib. When he cried, many times I took him out of the crib and let him sleep next to me on a mattress on the floor. He only slept extended hours if I was with him. At times, he would almost hurl his body at me to sleep on top of me. And he has had the habit of playing with my nose as he's falling asleep for ar least 6 months or more. Finally in November, I decided that he needed to sleep on his own and I needed to go back to my marital bed. I had tried letting him cry it out once or twice before this time, and it always ended in disaster-him screaming for hours and me ultimately relenting. Since I am opposed to crying it out, I decided to see a homeopath who assessed him and put him on pulsatilla for a month, phosphorous the next month, stramonium the following month and chamomilla last month. About 3 weeks or so ago, I tried a modified cry-it-out and for the first time I left his room and he was truly alone on waking. The only remedy tried when he was totally alone was chamomilla. It appears that he doesn't like to be alone and is fearful of being alone. I know part of it is separation anxiety, but it also just seems like he doesn't fall into a deep sleep and so when he wakes, he looks for me and when he doesn't see me gets up in the crib and screams bloody murder. Over the past 3 weeks or so, he only slept 7 hours in a row on 2 occassions, and once for 5 hours straight, but that was at least 3 weeks ago. I just feel there has to be some remedy out there that can help him. I wouldn't mind it if he sleep at least 4 or 5 hours straight and woke up then crying for me. But he wakes every 1 or 2 hours, it takes me 30-90 minutes to get him to sleep again and then 1 or 2 hours later we are at it again. It's just not healthy. As for his personality, he is a very happy baby who loves to smile, play and laugh. He's curious and a joy. He does have a temper at times and will try to hit you when not given his way. He's more attached to me than anyone else and definitely voices displeasure when I am not around. He'll cry if I leave the room. Eventually he does get over it though. He has also been clingier with me lately and cries when I put him down a lot lately. He is slim with light brown hair, brown eyes, and fair complexion.
cucu111 last decade
what potencies were used for remedies mentioned (pulsatilla;phosphorous;stramonium)? what exact repeitition? what response (any at all--no matter how seemingly unimportant) from each remedy?
John Stanton last decade
I don't know the exact potencies unfortunately. I know that each time she gave me 3-4 pellets to give the first night and she said this was to give him a high dosage the first night. Then each night thereafter I was to mix a teaspoonful of the liquid remedy(she mixed the remedy with alcohol at her office)after shaking the bottle 10 times, into 2 ounces of water and then give him one teaspoonful at least 15 minutes after and before eating or drinking anything. I was to do this until the remedy finished which was usually about 25 days. I thought the bottles said 30 something on it as far as dosage, but I honestly cannot be sure. I don't remember if there were any responses since I was looking only for a change with sleep, except I do remember that while on stramonium, he cut down on flinging himself at me at night and seemed a little (very little) less clingy. It seems that while on chamomilla he became clingier and whinier. I wish I had paid more attention to all the details during the remedies, but this is my first experience with homeopathy and I guess I know better now.

Thanks for all your time!!
cucu111 last decade
please explain as thorough as possible ---chid's biological family health history...diseases/causes death...
John Stanton last decade
My family- My mother has high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and glaucoma. She's been operated for glaucoma issues, cataracts, knee replacement. I don't know what her parents died from, but she was a little girl when they passed. My father has type 2 diabetes. He's had a hernia operation and detached retina surgery. Both of his parents died from type 2 diabetes complications.
My sister is healthy as am I.

My husband's side- His mother has type 2 diabetes, had breast cancer, has liver disease, suffers from asthma, depression, anxiety, bad back, etc. His father has high blood pressure. My husband's brother is healthy and my husband is healthy except that he suffers occassionally from OCD. He doesn't know what both sets of grandparents died from.

My son has a half brother who is relatively healthy save childhood illnesses and he has been diagnosed with manic depression.

This is about all the information I have concerning family health history.
cucu111 last decade
what changes (in any aspect at all) noticed after sulph 30c?
John Stanton last decade
The only slight change I had seen was that the first
stool of the next day was slightly darker. No other change has been observed really.
cucu111 last decade
ok--need get control of case-- wait til (march 12) without any remedies or meds or any other treatment at all ---allowing for observation of response (or not) to sulphur 30c..and access from there

need take note of any change at all (if any)..and post

keep me informed by posting regularly--no matter if no change
John Stanton last decade
Okay, will do. I didn't observe any changes yesterday.
cucu111 last decade
No changes observed yesterday or today thus far.
cucu111 last decade
ok---time to work different potencies of sulph in attempt get a response..

single dose (2pellets)sulphur 12c....
John Stanton last decade
I have sulfur 30c and cannot find 12c locally. Should I give him 30c or just order the 12c?
cucu111 last decade
no repeat same remedy dose without modifying potency...

4 pellets of sulph 30c in 10 tablespoons of water---stir vigorously--adminsiter ---1 teaspoon dose---ONLY

obtain sulphur 200c and 12c...
John Stanton last decade
Okay. I will give him the dose as you advise and order the other potencies. I'll update you again tomorrow. Thanks for your help.
cucu111 last decade
I gave my son the remedy as you recommended. I noticed a bit of moaning as he slept. He slept a few 3 hour stretches without waking. But when he did wake he was still crying out for me and standing in his crib. I also noticed that as I tried to get him back to sleep when he awoke, he was very restless.
cucu111 last decade
what change in appetite?

what other change notice (if any)?
John Stanton last decade
No real change in appetite. He has a good appetite. I did not notice any other change.
cucu111 last decade
if seemto settle after last dose sulphur

this time 2 pellets of sulph 30c in 10 tablespoons of water---stir vigorously--adminsiter ---1 teaspoon dose---ONLY--administer in mo4rning 1 hour before first feeding
John Stanton last decade

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