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15 Month Old Wakes Every 1 or 2 Hours Page 3 of 6

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if seemto settle after last dose sulphur

this time 2 pellets of sulph 30c in 10 tablespoons of water---stir vigorously--adminsiter ---1 teaspoon dose---ONLY--administer in mo4rning 1 hour before first feeding
John Stanton last decade
Okay. I will report back tomorrow to let you know how he does tonight and to advise if dose given in morning.
cucu111 last decade
Well, yesterday was wonderful. I almost hate to say it because I don't want to jinx myself. My son napped for almost 3 hours in the afternoon. Then at night, he slept from around 8:30 pm to 11:30 pm. When he woke I comforted him for a few minutes and put him back i his crib. I heard him cry lightly after a few minutes but I did not go to him. His light on and off cries stopped by 12 am. He next woke up at 6:45 am! I could not believe it. I gave him the next dose of sulfur as you recommended at that time. And then from 7:15 am to 9 am he slept some more. His appetite all of yesterday was good and the rest of his behavior was the same as usual. Wow- I still can't believe it. Thanks!!
cucu111 last decade
we will see-may be only partial/pallitive occurance--in which case return of old sleep pattern return----if not partial though i would expect other changes--particularly in appetite/thirst (desires and such);passing stool;urination; characateristics of urine /stool--as well as some change in way child 'relates' to surroundings....

examine closely...and rspond back with info (if any)
John Stanton last decade
As for food, he seems to crave fruits more, since lately I have had to mix some fruit with his vegetable baby food in order for him to either eat it or finish it. He doesn't seem to be as thirsty as he was a few weeks ago, but he still drinks enough liquids. He passes stools 2-3 times a day and yesterday they were not as hard or formed as usual. His urine smell seems a little bit stronger. Yesterday he was still a bit clingy at first when I took him to a playgroup.
cucu111 last decade
Also, his stools are a little more smellier, he isn't passing gas as much, but he is burbing a tiny bit more. I am going to order the sulfur 200c and 12c online now and was wondering if you think I should order anything else. I can only get remedies locally in 30c potency for the most part (some 6c also) unless I see a homeopathic dr. who will charge me at least $75.
cucu111 last decade

sulphur 12c;200c
nux vomica 200c;
calcarea carbonica 30c;200c
lycopodium 30c;200c
natrum muriaticum 30c;200c

beyond this no certain---

get all remdies in oral liquid ----5ml be ok--prefer dropper bottle style...

companies---ainsworth and helios only 2 i recomend so far..
John Stanton last decade
Thank you. I know that you cannot possibly know for sure what remedy may be needed in the future at this time, but I wanted to get as many as possible to have them on hand if necessary. I did order all the above remedies (except for calcarea carbonica 30c which I have in pellet form)as recommended in oral liquid from Helios since the Ainsworth site asked what % alcohol was desired and I wasn't sure. Since I am in the US, they will probably take at least a week, if not longer to arrive. I will write again tomorrow to let you know how the rest of tonight goes and if he sleeps well again.
cucu111 last decade
I thought you would find it funny that finally after 3 weeks, the homepathic dr. I had taken my son to see called and suggested we place him on lycopodium. I told her I'd let her know at a later date if necessary.
cucu111 last decade
hmm lycopodium? hard tell her thought process...

remember IMPORTANT...child is to avoid foods mentioned in earlier threads....NO acid foods or drinks (caffiinated ;carbonated soft drinks;vinegar;acid fruits and juices:tomatoes;..etc); No sweets at all--particularly refined white/brown sugar--even seen organic rawe sugar cane give unnecessary complication/aggravation...100% pure maple syrup ok..

no other meds/remedies

if any discharge occur (nose or such) --DO NOT treat at all--let me know and i will guide --no need interupt treatment---in fact if any 'acute' illness occur---do not treat --post here or email --but let me know so as to not affect treatment currently undergoing..
John Stanton last decade
She just asked me about his sleep habits over the last few weeks and if he had suffered any traumatic stress. She then said that he fit the lycopodium profile because of his history and my pregnancy history and that she had thought of placing him on it when she decided to try stramonium instead. It just annoyed me that I've paid her over $400 and I contacted her 3 weeks ago for help and she took this long to get in touch with me. I will have to keep in mind again what foods and drinks my son must avoid. He did have some juice today that contained some orange juice, so hopefully that won't do too much damage. I had remembered about not giving him sweets, since he does have a sweet tooth (just like his mom!). I will let you know if anything different happens with him, and I'll also post again tomorrow to let you know if he gave me a second night of sleep!
cucu111 last decade
Another great night. My son slept from 9:30 pm to 6:30 am without needing me to go to him. I noticed that as he was in his first hour of sleep, he seemed to complain and moan a bit. During the day yesterday he seemed a little hungrier than usual in that there was less time in between feedings. His stools were also not as solid as before but they aren't liquidy. And of course he thinks it's funny to play with his privates when I am trying to clean his poop. Urine just a stronger smell. He's burping more now after meals too. Still playful and laughing. Do I give him any more remedy today?
cucu111 last decade
no remedy today--we will observe ...

"...thinking funny...playing with privates...while cleaning ..." is this a new occurrance? when did this actuallly start?

P.S. no more vaccines/immunizations til satblize child's health state...i dont advocate vaccines or such--but such issues are left to parents in charge---but i suggest each parent getting informed before subjected a child to such regime--often causation in much ills of this day we live....not always for healths best interest...
John Stanton last decade
Okay. I'll see how he does today and tonight. I would say the playing with privates and laughing while I clean him has only been happening within the last week or so. Even my husband commented about it last night. He's not due for any immunizations for 3 months and those are supposed to be the last ones until he turns 5. I guess I have some time to think about that. Here in the US it is hard to find a pediatrician who will care for your child unless you agree to vaccinations. Thank you for the advice and I will certainly take it into consideration.
cucu111 last decade
Last night was another good night. I first thought it would not be, as he fell asleep around 8:30 pm, but by 9:25 pm was restless, moving as if to get comfortable, and then finally woke crying inconsolably until I picked him up. He fell back to sleep right away and I put him down in his crib. This all took about 10 minutes and he was fast asleep by 9:35 pm. I next heard him crying softly around 12:30 am but did not go to him as it lasted less than 5 minutes. He then woke up at 6:30 am at which point I took him out of the crib, made a big deal of him being great at night again, etc. He fell asleep for about another hour in my bed. I have noticed that when he wakes in the morning he's crying and standing in the crib. It is only when I lift him out of the crib and open the window blinds that the look of concern and protests die down and he smiles. During the day yesterday he seemed more sensitive than usual. If I scolded him even lightly, took something away, or said no, he would start crying. His appetite was the same- ate well and ate at closer intervals. His stool was the same- not liquid but soft and not formed- seems spread out. He wasn't extremely thirsty, although he did drink enough. Another behavior observation- he seemed to get frustrated easier. When told "no", he would continue to try to do it (like usual), but then would start complaining, kicking his feet and pushing me away with his hands. This would last for a few seconds- maybe 30. I had been meaning to ask your opinion- would you have recommended the remedies prescribed by the local homeopath? Also, why would she have him take it for 3 1/2 weeks without stopping for observation occassionally? Your way of doing things seems more logical and I am thankful that you have given this so much time without anything in return.
cucu111 last decade
no way i can explain another's method of treatment but what most i see is lack of experience--and perhaps not willing to learn the art/science to heal--in which homoeopathy is capable of..

single dose (3 pellets) sulpur 200c ...same restrictions... if sulph 200c not arrive yet; then we wait and observe..may need go 30c water dose......

..as for frustartion exhibited--well observe and see where occurs from here--learning 'no' is a 2 edged sword..it establishes indivduality or/and enslaves us to ignorance---either way observation is calld for...
John Stanton last decade
The sulfur 200c has not yet arrived. I don't think it will arrive until next week, at the earliest. For now all I have is sulfur 30c in pellet form. As for his frustration, I believe most of it is him trying to get his way and me putting limits, as with any child. But I will be more observant of this behavior too.
cucu111 last decade
you need understand comfort/neediness of mother near him in sleep --once motivate to change -- an independence will develop---INDIVIDUALITY --and a test the boundaries (as healthy beings/children will do) ---complacency is unhealthy...

keep me informed..
John Stanton last decade
Yes. I understand that now he is seeing that while he may want or like me to be near him while he sleeps, he doesn't need me. Just 15 minutes ago he started crying in his room and I did not go to him. The crying died down after 5 minutes and he has been silent since. I assume he put himself back to sleep, as I dare not open the door for fear that I might wake him. He really is such a great boy. He is my joy and I am happy that he is finding the strength to be independent, although I know that at times it will be frustrating for us both. I will report back in the morning as to what transpires the rest of the night.
cucu111 last decade
Another successful evening. My son fell asleep at 9:10 pm, roused at 9:50 for 5 minutes, roused again at 3:00 am for 10 minutes (neither time did I go to him) and then slept until 8:15 am. He was crying when I entered the room and continued until he realized that I was "freeing" him from his "solitary confinement". During the day he was more sensitive. For instance at one point he was laughing and my mom started laughing and imitating him too and he started to cry. He was hungrier at closer intervals, not excessively thirsty, burping louder after meals and drinks, softish stool, etc. He still primarily wants me during the day. Still happy and playful-likes imitating what he sees. Woke up yesterday with a small blemish on his right cheek (left cheek if you're facing him). And he's still testing the limits, as is normal. Have I mentioned that he's still cruising and won't let go to walk without support?
cucu111 last decade
please explan "cruising" in more detail...

what about verbalization or "attempts to" ?please explain

please describe 'blemish' in detail...when in child's health history has he had such before?

DO NOT put any cremes/ointments/oils/anything at all on blemish...that goes for diaper rash---etc--no skin coverings at all---and still NO sweets --also NO milk products....
John Stanton last decade
He either holds onto furnitute, people, walls, etc. in order to "walk" around. He seems like he is afraid to let go, but I've seen this in other children so it doesn't seem odd to me. He does a lot of babbling and says mama, dada, baby, etc. He also gestures and points to get attention to what he wants. The blemish is small and red and looks like a very small pimple or perhaps mosquito bite.
cucu111 last decade
I am not sure if he's had a blemish before. Just looks like a small dot. What can I use if he gets a diaper rash?
cucu111 last decade
need think that 'diaper rash' is a symptom and is to be addressed as part of whole symptom picture---yet still looking into causation--..e.g.. candida through mother's breast milk or formula used or part of other illness-...etc -always causation need be looked into....

BUT for geneal purpose and not as symptom suppressive treatment---calendula/ ""Certified Organic"" virgin coconut oil and/or hemp seed oil

when has child had diaper rash?how severe?how treated?

P.S. dont use any medicated/treated "baby wipes" AT ALL--even when no diaper rash
John Stanton last decade
Thankfully, my son has not had a diaper rash yet. He has only had the beginnings of irritation (red area around anus) when he has had many bowel movements in a day. About 6 months or so ago he had a slight virus that caused mild diarrhea and that irritated him, but it ran its course. In the past I have uded Desitin for redness in area.
cucu111 last decade

Also, no remedy today/ tomorrow? My order has not yet arrived with the 200c sulfur. Also, if I could impose on you some more, what remedies do you suggest I purchase for run of the mill childhood woes- e.g. runny nose, cough, diarrhea, fever, etc.?
cucu111 last decade

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