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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Feeling not being in my body and more other symptoms

Hi everyone, I will be very thankful if anyone can help.
I will try to describe my symptoms.
Woman 40 years old, married for 4 years, 1 daughter 1,5 year old, singer and songwriter (I also worked in special needs care). I love meditation and I am on "spiritual yourney". I am very intuitive.
(white, short, most of the time slim, blue eyes, dark blond hair)

- feeling like I am out of my body, behind the courtain, not able to use my senses properly (lac humanum, lac maternum and granite helped a lot)
- it started 20 years ago, when I lived abroad (I missed my family very much, especially my mum)
- depressed (nux vomica, ignatia amara, pulsatilla, staphysagria, sepia helped a lot)
- like my heart chakra is closed, I can not feel love (anacardium and hydrogen helped and also carcinosinum)
- I have no sex drive
- I am tired
- When I am ok, I am like an agel, when I am in mental pain I feel like I have many personalities, or better to say none
- I also feel other people, because I am not in my body, I feel like they are getting in, so when I am talking to someone, I tend to behave like that person after a while
- I feel not connected to this world and invisible by people
- I am intolerant to milk, hayfever
- I am constantly eating, love chocolate (lac humanum and saccharum helped for a while)
- my all body is itching, when I eat too much (granite helped)
- I have sun allergy (only my legs, they need to be covered, not exposed to sun, otherwise I get blisters)
- mycotic nails
- very poor memory
- sometimes I can not even calculate 2 plus 2
- I was born with ichthyosis
- I feel like I am in astral, living couple of lives
- I do not know who I am, I feel strongly my higherself and am very little drown to my body
I also tried amniotic fluid, umbilicus humanus, folliculinum, placenta humana) I had beautiful dreams after taking them - feeling I am one with universe etc.
I had much more symptomes, but a lot of them has gone away with the remedies.
Now I am taking still couple of them every day to keep me going.
I am just curious if you know any other better way.
I am perfectionist (but it is much better now)
I used to be very emotional and had no self confidence, so my shield was humor and big ego.
(I also tried silicea, thuya, berberis, lycopodium, apis, chamomilla, rhus tox)

The things are much better when I am not eating that much, I am even getting back to my body... but it is so hard for me not to eat. Very hard to explain. Nux vomica is my life saver in these moments

I am on a right path, it is getting much better now, but maybe you can suggest something I am not aware of.

Thank you, I will provide more symptoms if needed, but I think this is quite good picture, I feel like Lac maternum and granite personality.
[Edited by Ivana2 on 2022-01-14 20:37:08]
  Ivana2 on 2022-01-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Any history of drug abuse by you or by your parents cannabis opiates
Excessive alcohol
Stop self medication
Kaps 2 years ago
No, no drugs, I do not drink, do not smoke. But when I eas a baby I was in hospitals a lot because of ichthyosis and the used a lot of corticosteroids. And also when I was 24 I got sun allergy and doctors didnt know what it was and I was on corticosteroids for a year. Couple of months after I stopped taking them I got out of my body and since then I am behind a glass observing nit experiencing my life. I am also very cold all the time and always sit with my legs crossed and sleep tucked in like a baby. I also tried ayahuasca in Peru with native shamans and it also helped. But after one year it was getting back. Natural healers are saying that I need to clean my liver and kiddneys and I also feel there some blocage. In my solar si something that goes away only when I am on a strict diet.
Ivana2 2 years ago
Any medical tests carried out recently uf yes post the results
Firstly stop all supplements and medication unless prescribed by a qualified doctors
Nux Vomica 200 single dose at bed time
Next day onwards
Sulphur 200
Thrice a day for three days
These are for removing the ill effects of what you have been taking.
Post on the fourth day after completing this protocol
[Edited by Kaps on 2022-01-15 07:46:19]
Kaps 2 years ago
For medical tests - I am healthy, everything is fine they say, everything is working properly - all my organs.
I will try the medicine as you said.
Thank you very much.
Have a beautiful day
Ivana2 2 years ago
Yesterday evening I had nux vomica 200, I started to feel spaced out, not able to concentrate, loosing sense of my own body. I had a lot od visions about my past lives, one included even my husband. Milions thoughts were running through my head, I could not stop them, mostly negative katastrofic pictures. In the morning I got up tired and spaced out. I did not take any matridonal remedies and graphite which I used to, so I am feeling myself out od body again, I have full had of thoughts but can not experience present. Also my all body was itching through the night, therfore I am not gonna take sulphur 200 yet, I think it would be too much itching.
[Edited by Ivana2 on 2022-01-17 10:37:18]
Ivana2 2 years ago
All those supplements and the previous remedies without any control has brought you to this state and Nux has started it’s action

Do not take anything
Post ASAP if these symptoms get aggravated most likely these shud not rather will get ameliorated
Kaps 2 years ago
I haven been in this state for 20 years. Foggy and out of body.
Ivana2 2 years ago
I just came to know your symptoms once you posted
If you are too uncomfortable take 1/2 spoon of coffee powder and let it get dissolved on its own
Kaps 2 years ago
No, its ok, I an used to mental pain. Just saying that lac humanum helps me with overeating and grafit is getting me back to my body. Nux vomica also. I am new to homeopathy, that is why I ask, but also very sensitive and spot difference straight away. Thank you for any help
Ivana2 2 years ago
Take care and DO NOT Self medicate wait for these fresh symptoms to subside and post a lot of ur issues shall be addressed
Kaps 2 years ago
Ok, I have done sulphur and vomica. My head feels lighter, not so many thoughts but still feeling like out of body and very tired etc
[Edited by Ivana2 on 2022-01-20 17:46:45]
Ivana2 2 years ago
Anacardium 200 once a day for three days
Kaps 2 years ago

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