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Antimonium Arsenicicum

Arsenite Of Antimony, Antim, Antimonium, Arsenicicum, Antimonium Arsenicosum, Arsenicosum, Ant-a.
Available in 6X-30X, 3C-30C from $6.59
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HPUS indication of Antimonium Arsenicicum: Cough

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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Antimonium Arsenicicum in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



Found useful in Emphysema with excessive dyspnea and cough, much mucous secretion. Worse on eating and lying down. Catarrhal pneumonia associated with influenza. Myocarditis and cardiac weakness. Pleurisy especially of left side, With exudation, and pericarditis, with effusion. Sense of weakness. Inflammation of eyes and oedema of face.

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Skin; discoloration; yellow

Swelling; fluid accumulation

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Lungs; emphysema


Difficult (dyspnea)

after eating

while lying down

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Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Antimonium Arsenicicum

ANTI > general
Arsenite of antimony. Formula, (Sb2O3) AsO5 + 3 p. c. (For chemical preparation, see All. Hom. Zeit., 79, 76) Preparation, Triturations.

Ant-t > general
It was a proving of Antimonium. Ant. tart is full of it. It was a common thing, formerly, for old broken down constitutions to be put on Ant. Tart at the end of pneumonia and fevers, but they almost always had bloating of the feet for three or four months after getting up.

Eug > relationships
Compare: Eugenia cheken-Myrtus cheken (chronic Bronchitis); Antim.; Berb. aquif.

Phos > relationships
Compare: Tuberculinum follows Phosphorus well and complements its action. Phosphorus Hydrogenatus (crumbling teeth; hyperesthesia; locomotor ataxia); Amphisbaena (right jaw swollen and painful). Thymol (Typical sexual neurasthenia; irritable stomach; aching throughout lumbar region; worse, mental and physical exertion); Calc.; CHIN.; Antim.; Sep.; Lyc.; Sulph. In Pneumonia, Pneumococin 200 and Pneumotoxin (Cahis) taken from the Diplococcus lanceolatus of Fraenkel. Pneumonia and paralytic phenomena; pleuritic pain and pain in ilio-coecal region (Cartier).

Ant-c > general
Antim. crud. corresponds in a sense to the race of swine, as Arsenic does to horses and Pulsatilla to sheep. It is preeminently a scrofulous medicine, corresponding to gross constitutions with tendency to rough scaling skin with horny patches. With these horny patches is great tenderness, the patient can hardly bear to walk on them. Analagous to these horny excrescences are warts, and Ant c. has cured many cases of these. A student, 17, had twenty-three on right hand and thirty four on left, mainly on backs and fingers, but a few on interior surface of fingers. In addition redness and inflammation of eyelids. Cured in seven weeks with Ant. c. 200x. In the same category may be mentioned the tendency of the nails to grow in splits. Ant. crud. is specially suited to infants and children (with coated moist white tongues) and also to elderly persons. Tendency to grow fat. When symptoms recur they change their locality or go from one side of the body to the other. Left side predominates, especially lower left and upper right. Among special symptoms are Itching of scalp and falling out of hair. Tendency to take cold about head. Scrofulous ophthalmia, canthi especially affected (Graph. the whole margin). Otorrhoea. Moist eruption behind ears (Graph.). Slight noises startle. Nose-bleed with vertigo.

Ant-t > general
Antim. tart. resembles closely Antim. crud. and the other Antimonies in its action, though the modalities differ. Antim. tart. was the favourite emetic of olden times, and consequently it is one of our best remedies in states of nausea. The nausea is as intense as that of Ipec., but less persistent, and is amel. by vomiting. Nash has found it the nearest thing to a specific in cholera morbus, the indications being "nausea, vomiting, loose stools, prostration, cold sweat, stupor, or drowsiness." In chest affections of all kinds it is indicated where there is great accumulation of mucus with coarse rattling and inability to raise it. Drowsiness and even coma may accompany cases of all kinds in which Ant. t. is called for. The face is pale or cyanotic and the breathing stertorous. There is heat about heart and warmth rising up from it. A sensation of coldness in the blood-vessels. A correspondent of the Chemist and Druggist (May 21, 1892) related the case of an apprentice who had been employed for a week making up "cough-balls" and diuretic balls for horses, both containing powdered antimony. He had been cautioned not to inhale the powder, but his employer believes he did. At the end of the week he was seized with an illness, due, his employer thinks, and no doubt correctly, to the antimony. The symptoms are very characteristic. First, there was nausea, lassitude, and a desire for sleep. He was sent to bed, and during the night his fellow apprentice said he got up and struggled to relieve himself of an imaginary load on the chest. On being put to bed again, a profuse perspiration broke out, and also a peculiar rash on his face and chest.

Ant-t > general
with perspiration on forehead. Fulness and sensation of stones in abdomen especially when sitting bent forward. The skin is notably affected. The typical eruption is like that of small-pox, the symptoms of which disease are so closely reproduced in the proving that it has been used instead of vaccine for inoculation purposes, and prophylactic power has been claimed for it. (Compare Variolinum.) The terrible backache of small-pox is paralleled by the back-pains of Ant. t., which I have found to correspond to more cases of lumbago than any other remedy. Ant. t. is also a "sycotic," and I have verified a symptom given in Hering, "warts at the back of the glans penis." Antim. tart. has agg. by warmth, but not the excessive sensitiveness to heat and sun of Ant. c., and some of the rheumatic symptoms are amel. by warmth. Warm drink agg. cough, also lying in bed, especially becoming warm there. There is also agg. from cold and damp, but not the ill effects of cold washing found in Ant. crud. Also cold washing amel. the rheumatic toothache of Ant. t. Both have agg. from touch and even from being looked at. Ant. t. has agg. on sitting down.

Ars > general
as Puls. is the sheep's, and Antim. crud. the pig's. The reprehensible fashion of "doctoring" horses with Arsenic is merely an abuse of a therapeutic fact. The horse is an animal on whose power of endurance and "wind" enormous demands are made, and Arsenic is the remedy for the effects of feats of prolonged endurance. The Arsenic habit of the Styrian mountaineers has arisen from the discovery of its power of strengthening the muscles both of the limbs and of the breathing apparatus. But in another way the horse typifies the Arsenic temperament. The mental symptoms of my drug, when pronounced, carry precedence of all others. The horse is an exceedingly nervous animal, constantly moving about, restless to a degree, and very prone to take fright.

Ant-c > relationships
Similar in gastric vertigo to Pulsat.; gastric headache from sour things, to Pulsat. or Arsen.; inflamed eyes to Acon.; Euphras.; in toothache in hollow teeth, to Pulsat.; in lessened appetite from summer heat, to Bryon., Carb. veg.; cramp in stomach, to Pulsat. or Ipec.; watery diarrhoea, to Ferrum; after getting overheated, gastric symptoms, to Bryon., Antim. sulph. aurat., preferable for asthma from muco pus in bronchi.