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i am sorry to be late in answering because i was busy for these days.
1. i give ignatia with good results. i use 200c. but i dont know the rule of repetation. everybody helps in finding remedy but i can not find any guidance to repetation and potency. if i give ignatia 200 after a week, she remains alright for a day or two and then revert back to depression. if i repeat it daily, the repeated dosage has no action. if i give ignatia 1M she does not show any improvement. i really dont dare to go above 1M. natrum mur works well after ignatia at 200c but again the result is not long lasting. please advise me a plan or rationale in repeating the medicines.
2. she craves for milk products. craving is great and is very conspicuous. this was before also.
Cries and laughs easily. sometimes laughs even when she is depressed. She is fickle minded. changes decisions often and is impulsive and emotional. afraid of taking a flight.
3. she has severe constipation. gets natures calls once in two days and even more. constipation is like not feeling the urgency to pass stools. after two days she feels heavy in lower abdomen and feels like passing stool.
4. she likes sour spicy foods like any other normal person but they are not outstanding nature of hers. milk and its products are all time favorite.
5. she does not get sore throats often. Physical symptoms are few. mainly mental symptoms. But physical symptoms are shortlived.
6. she was shy, indecisive, cried silently to troubles in life. rarely discussed with anybody. always avoided people from childhood. likes to be alone and likes privacy. No cruality but was short tempered. Short temper is hereditary. bad fights in family.
7. she is taking allopathy because i am an allopathy doctor and so i consulted a psychiatrist and started the anti depressants. She is also taking some anti psychotics. But she always liked to leave medicines. she always threatens to stop medicines but wants to help herself with homeopathy.
i am trying counselling. puri does not have clinical psychologists for counselling but she is undergoing online conselling from 'myselfhelp.com'. i dont know how much it will help. hope this may help you decide some medicine. i will be greatful.
drdipankar last decade
Hello friends, i have a good news to give. This may be helpfull in other cases. OPreviously i was using ignatia on my wife-200c. although there was an initial response, later she failed to respond. as suggested by tree frog i gave aurum met 1m and she responded. meanwhile i noted a strange thing. when she says--'i am feeling sad and i want to run away from the situation' ignatia 200 gives immediate relief. after some days she becomes irritable--specially before the menses and then one dose of natrum mur 200 relieves her dramatically. i have seen this again and again.then she goes through a phase of restlessness--at that time i give arsenic alb 200 one dose and her restlessness goes and she goes to sleep. again after one week she says 'this life is not worth living' i dont want to live anymore' this is the time when aurum met --one dose of 1m gives her very good result--but i dont know if using medicines like this is allowed in homeopathy. but after using aurum met she is getting some relief. can any one advise me how to complete the case?
drdipankar last decade
Hi I was suffering from anxiety and for that doctor has recommended me to take
SZETALO 10 mg medicine everyday in the morning, i am not of very old age and wantted to avoid this but i was strobngly recommended to take the same : requesting someone to please tell me why this medicine is used , i am also given rivotri for that i have got enough info but for SZETALO i have no such Info: Kindly helo me out in this
axsuri last decade
SZETALO or escitalopram is an anti depressant. It works very nicely with minimum side effects. It has to be a long term treatment
drdipankar last decade

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