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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

stomach remedies

I have been suffering with gastritis and gastric ulcers, is there a remedy which may help. I also suffer with anxiety, have asthma, and some high blood pressure, and some problems with rls. I know that you may need more information before giving a remedy, please tell me what you need, and i will try to help.

Thank you.
  mike2305 on 2007-03-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Could you please provide the following information?
Patient ID: Sex: Age: Nature of work: Habits:

Describe your main suffering?
What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
When did it all start?
What are the things which aggravate or ameliorate your suffering?
When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
How is your bowel movement and stool type (Constipation etc.)?
How sleep, how are your dreams?
Do you have any strange, peculiar or unusual symptom or feelings?
What medications have been taken earlier?
How do you look like (Appearance)?
If your are female how is your menstrual cycles (normal, irregular, painful, clotted, colour etc.)
Family history - What major diseases are running in your family?
Any other information?

Dr. Mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Hello and thank you for reply.

I am a 53 year old male
I work in a warehouse which is dusty and dirty
Anxiety is my main suffering, and some depression. also asthma is a problem sometimes, however it is my stomach that is my main concern with 4 endoscopy, and another coming up.
I worry that i seem to have so many things wrong with me.
about 5 years ago following worry about my mother, however that problem has now gone as sadly mum died.
stress makes it all worse
i feel better in warm weather, not hot.
I like spicey foods, i hate corned beef
Thirst is normal
hunger is normal
Some constipation, and bleeding piles.
I dream every night, however i am on medication for rls.
I am always thinking of how i will cope with death.
Anti depression medication, medication for high blood pressure, now stopped, medication for stomach problem.
I like to dress smart
Depression, heart problems, ulcer.

thank you
mike2305 last decade
please take the following medicines for a week and report.

1 sulpher-30 morning
2. Nux-Vomica-30 (bed time evening)

Dr. Mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
thank you I have bought the remedies, and will try tonight, i will let you know how it goes.
mike2305 last decade
Hello again I took the nux vomica last night and had a really bad night with my restless leg, which knowing homeopathy is i think a good sign, however i dont think i could stand night after night of not sleeping. I also noticed after 10 mins or so that my breathing was irritated, like a bit of asthma, again a good sign i think. Nothing to report about the sulpher this morning. I just dont know if i should take the nux vomica again tonight, what do you think??
mike2305 last decade
Dear Patient.
No you should wait for 2/3 days and do not take any medicine.

Dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
hello again, should i start taking the remedies again, but perhaps try the nux vomica in the morning?
mike2305 last decade
Dear Patient,
Now what is progress?
What is your feeling?
Aggravation/Amoliration after using the above remedies?
what are present symptoms?

Dr. Mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
hello again,
yesterday, i felt as if everyone was trying to go faster than me, i was going and thinking too slow, a strange feeling. Nothing else, stomach is ok, asthma just the same.
mike2305 last decade
Now stop these medicines and take only Arsenicum Album-30
wet doze 3drops thrice a day in a little water for a week and come with up with progress please.

Dr. Mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Hello again, I have been taking the arsenicum album 30 for almost a week. The only things i have noticed is first it makes me a little nausea at first, but soon goes. My stools have been a little paler than normal, almost white at first, and my tongue started with a green coating but is now mostly white.
mike2305 last decade
sorry i forgot the most important, my asthma has been much better, peak flow reading is much higher, i was only getting 350-370 now 430-480
mike2305 last decade
Please take Carboveg-30c after meal.

Dr. Mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Hello, thank you for your replies, however i am sorry to say that my heartburn and acid indigestion is no better, sometimes like burning into the side of my chest, i am no longer taking arsen alb 30, and have stopped taking carboveg 30. My tongue colour is much better, a little white perhaps, my stools are hard and small, and some straining, however asthma much better. Any ideas?
mike2305 last decade
While using Ars.Alb how were your feeling about acidity and heart burning. If it was right then take it again otherwise come back with latest report.

Dr. Mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Thank you again. I have started taking Ars Alb again, there does not seem to be any difference with my stomach problem, sometimes lots of acid, sometimes not to bad. However asthma much better, got a reading of 460 on peak flow reading, never had that before. Should I continue with Ars Alb?, and do you think it will help my stomach problem?
mike2305 last decade
Sorry to ask you again. Not sure if i should continue taking arsen alb. Stomach is still sore, but asthma much better, however it is stomach that concerns me most.

Thank you.
mike2305 last decade
Dear patient, Please continue Ars. Alb. and start Natrum Sulph 12x thrice a day after meal and come back after a week.

Dr. Mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Thank you, I thought i should tell you while this is fresh in my mind. After taking the Natrum Sulph, i noticed my eyes started to smart and then water. Taste seemed better, but feel irritable and impatient, and rarther tense. I can put up with the symptoms if you think i should continue?

kind regards mike
mike2305 last decade
Dear patient, be hopeful you will be alright. Continue the medicines for another week and come back with progress.

Dr. Mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Hello again, I continued to take the Natrum Sulph and feel ok, i think my stomach is less sore. The only other change is that i only pass a stool twice a week at the most, which is a little hard, should i continue?

many thanks for you time and help.
mike2305 last decade
Dear Milke,
Thanks God.
Also thanks to you for following my from time to time advice.
Now stop further medication and try to live normal. Avoid to use spies,sore and other disagreed things.

Wish you good health

Dr. Mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Dr Mahfooz, could you please help me once again. I am having bad problems with anxiety/depression, and panic attacks, since mid December. I think this may be seasonal, as i have had this before. I would be grateful of your help, as you have helped me before. Kind regards Mike.
mike2305 last decade
I would suggest you clean up your system, really clean up.

Go on juice diet & sauna.

allow 11 days no food, water & juice.

this will detox your organism. Also, get yourself a Bible, and study it. You'll find many principles given to ancient Jews regarding proper diet & social lifestyle as an aid. All of the principles still work best today.

report in a month.
jmosun last decade
forgot to mention, juice won't do any good to your ulcers.

try milk products to help calm them down. McDonalds milkshakes are great for ulcers (well, at least they won't bug you as much)

jmosun last decade

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