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ok .. i shall consult John Stanton ...
amitavam 2 decades ago
Yes Nat Phos 6x and Mag Phos 6X ....four tabs each, four times a day is an excellent combination for getting the digestion in order.

some doctors keep it ready made for their patients.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
Kind Attn : Dr Pankaj Varma , Joe

I am Mrs. Kamala aged 58 yrs, weight 54 kgs, height 5' 1" , have no other ailment except blood pressure which is now normal after allopathic medicine, which has been taken since 5 years. I used to take very restricted diet, light tea, without milk & sugar, no spicy foods at all.
I have some acidity problem which has developed since 2 years back. I used to take Omrapazole 20mg which gives some relief after taking 8 to 10 weeks, Whenever i discontinue omrapazole again acidity developed.
After going through your advice to somen, i feel that my case is exactly identical, to whom you have adviced for 4 tabs of NatPhos 6X and 4 tabs of MagPhos 6X to be taken together after meals.
I took the same and got good improvement. Previously sour like water used to come out even after taking omrapazole. Now for the last
3 to 4 days there is no sour like water from the mouth. These medicines i have taken for the last 10 days.
I like to know how long i can continue with the same medicine. Whether it has any adverse effect if i continue for a longer duration.
Awaiting your reply on the same.
kamala 2 decades ago
You may continue to take Natrum Phos 6x after every meal as this promotes peristalysis and helps the food to go down. The Mag Phos 6x soothes the gut and need not be used on a daily basis if you discover that there is no adverse reaction if you discontinue using it.

From what you say about "sour like water" after a meal I would suggest that you do not lie down after a meal. You may be having a mild case of Hiatus Hernia which can be helped by sitting up straight for about a hour after a meal.

When using Homeopathic medicine one must try not to use it on a daily basis unless it is strictly necessary. You should try to discover what the reason is for your continuous acidity after a meal.

You can try eliminating milk and other foods that may be causing your problem. Suggest that you eat less but more often as this may be the main problem due to the enzymes and acid in your stomch digesting the mucous lining whenever there is no food thereby causing it to create an acidic environment.

Exercise like walking for at least half an hour is also essential on a daily basis to keep your body in condition as this too will help to keep the acidity away.

You can also take a vermicide to eliminate any worms in your gut as this too can cause your problem and you can take just one dose of Cina 200 to deal with any worms.
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
Good Afternoon
for the last 4 days, i have very less acidity. should i continue nat phos as you have adviced. when can i stop mag phos. if i continue both these, is there a harm ?
yesterday i have take 1 dose cina.
awaiting your kind reply
kamala 2 decades ago
Glad to note that your acidity problem is now under control with the Nat Phos and Mag Phos. You may stop the Mag Phos and if you do not have any adverse reaction by doing so you may stop it permanently.

You may however continue taking the Nat Phos after every meal on a reduced dosage basis down to about 2 tablets as this will not do any harm even if if is used on a daily basis. However you should try to eliminate it after a few weeks when your stomach is able to digest food without causing the acidity you were suffering from.

Eat small meals but more often if you feel the need for food as this helps to control the hyper acidity.
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
Stop using antacids and Omeprozole.They only make you worse.

Yes.Nat.phos 6x never fails to cure simple heartburn.

If you are not getting relief with nat.phos 6x,it needs professional treatment.

But let me tell you Nat.phos relieves 90% of the cases.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Good Afternoon,
Like to inform you, that slight acidity feeling is there after one hour of eating lunch. I have been taking Nat phos (2 tablets)after meals , stopped Mag Phos 4 days back, as you have said, not to continue Mag Phos. Earlier i was taking 4 tablets of Nat Phos. what is to done to cure acidity completely. Awaiting for your reply
kamala 2 decades ago
Increase your intake of Nat Phos 6x to 3 tablets as it is obvious that your stomach is not ready as yet to do with just 2. If this dose does not help increase to 4 tabs. The idea is to reduce your dependence on any remedy gradually as your body should be able to look after itself if conditions are right.

As I advised you before, eat small meals as this helps with the digestion without causing acidity. Avoid fatty and acidic foods, especially tomatos. Avoid meat and meat products like ham and sausages which contain saltpeter.

Also remember my advice to exercise on a daily basis. This too will help as your food will go down quicker with the increase in demand for energy from your body thereby avoiding conditions that promote acidity.

Do not drink over half a glass of water after meals as this dilutes the enzymes and acid required to digest the meal. Drink all the water you want about an hour before a meal and this will reduce the demand after. Increase your intake of water as much as possible during the day as this too will help to maintain the balance in your body and eventually help you to overcome your problem.

Questions : Do you sleep deeply and for how many hours ? Do you wake up to visit the toilet ? If so how many times ?
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
Joe's advice is excellant.

Taking water along with food is a bad habit with us Indians.

My wife was a chronic acidity patient,and after continuous use of Nat.phos 6x for about a few months ,it is totally gone.

She doesn't take it now, and she says what is acidity?

I am giving you this info, to create confidence in you.Beleive the therapy,and you will have wonderful results.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
It may be important to understand NP,MP,FP & NS for common acidity/heart-burn/GERD.
MP causes relaxation wheras FP relives from relaxation(causes contractions). NP for sour/gastric reflexes, NS for bitter/bile/alkaline reflexes but may also be needed after NP. MP may cause relaxed condition of stomach/intestines & to correct it FP may be useful(ingested food burping. So remedies can be differant as per the case.
Logical 2 decades ago
Hello Logical

This is news to me,and what an illuminating one!.
I copied it into my favourite tips.
Thanks a lot
bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Thankyou very much for your valuable advice on taking water.
Reply to your questions :
Do you sleep deeply and for how many hours ? Do you wake up to visit the toilet ? If so how many times ?

In the night, i go to bed at around 23:00 HRS, and at once around 01:00 hrs aftrer midnight, i go to toilet once. Normally my sleep is around 5 hours.
kamala 2 decades ago
Arnica 6c will promote deep restful sleep if taken last thing before retiring. Dose 3 balls. You can take the Nat Phos shortly after dinner and the Arnica before going to bed.

Reduce your water intake after dinner. The Arnica will help you to sleep without waking up. Exercise is also important to achieve deep sleep. 6 hours sleep is recommended.

The general idea is to help your body to correct the imbalance in your stomach and when this is achieved you can stop the Nat Phos.

Post how you react to this treatment after 2 days on Arnica.
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
Good Morning Joe & all

Thankyou for your advice
After how many hours should i take water after having meal in the afternoon ?

Awaiting your reply
kamala 2 decades ago
You may drink all the water you want an hour after lunch but after dinner it would be prudent to avoid drinking more than half a glass if you wish to avoid waking up as you do.

Keep your meals small in order not to overload your stomach which will then cause acidity and other problems.
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
Here is my suituation.
I seems to have high levels of acids being produced in
my stomach and have constant bloating and belching.
Also due to this I have very frequent mouth and tougue
sores. I have been using zantac 75(acid reducer) which
works fine for me. But recently found out that it has
some sexual side effects. I cannot afford this kind of
side effect right now. I am looking for homeopathic
remedy. I know and believe that homeopathy is a the
way to go to cure my problem permanently. I truly
appreciate your help. Please help me
giri2k 2 decades ago
Stop Zantac (Rantac,Omezole etc) immeidiately.

Start with Nat.Phos 6x four tablets four to five times a day.Post response after two days.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Good Evening Joe De Livera,

How are you ?. As you are aware, that i have been taking Nat Phos 6x since more than a month now (4 tbs 2 times daily after meals), acidity was under control. But from last 3 to 4 days, there has been again acidity, sour like water sensation is coming in the mouth, burning sensation in the stomach.
please advice what is to be done ?.
awaiting for your reply
kamala 2 decades ago
Hi Kamala,

We must try to find the reason why you reacted so positively for a month but came down again with your old problems again.

Increase your intake of 4 tablets Nat Phos 6x to 3 times daily and also start taking 4 tablets Mag Phos 6x also 3 times daily. You may take the Nat Phos after meals and the Mag Phos about an hour before. Never permit your stomach to get hungry as this will release stomach acids and enzymes before you eat which in turn will digest the stomach lining, thereby creating the problems you describe.

Make sure that you keep your stomach busy with a little food eaten often to ensure that it does not digest itself. Please follow my directions of not drinking over half a glass of water or less after meals. Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily between meals as this will help to reduce acidity.

Do not lie down after a meal for at least an hour and a half till the food passes out of the stomach into the gut. I presume that you do not eat any fatty and acidic foods. Exercise for at least 30 minutes daily. Walking briskly will be OK.

Stop all dairy products for a few weeks to check if they are responsible for your problem. No acidic foods like tomatos and other foods which are difficult to digest.

Post your response in 3 days.
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago

In cases where Nat.phos is not able to complete the cure,I got good results by using carb.veg 30, 3 doses,one dose every day,and continuing with Nat.phos 6x afterwards.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago

Please follow Murthy's suggestion that you also use Carbo Veg 30c once daily. If you get relief by using this additional remedy you can safely continue to do so just once daily for about a week when you can report your progress.


Thank you for your input into solving this problem which is baffling me. This the first time that I have not been able to solve a problem like this. It seemed to have resolved itself a few days ago but recurred again as it has done in the past when Kamala was using allopathic drugs which were only good for a short time after which the symptoms recurred.

I feel confident that we should jointly be able to overcome this problem which I feel is due to excess acid and enzymes being secreted in Kamala's stomach the cause for which she may have to investigate in detail later if we are not able to help her.

Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
Hope so Joe.

In case she doesn't get relief even with carboveg,we may have to take a complete case.

Let us see.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Good Evening Joe,
There is no improvement, since 2 days. I have been taking 4 tabs of Mag & Nat Phos 6x thrice daily.
Still there is burning feeling in the stomach and sour like water comes in the throat and mouth. What do you suggest me ?
Please let me know
kamala 2 decades ago

Murthy and I suggested that you take Carbo Veg 30c just once daily as this remedy will also help you to overcome your problem. I note that you have not taken it so far and have only taken the Mag and Nat Phos 6x.

Please take the Carbo Veg 30c and let us see if it can help you.

Joe De Livera 2 decades ago

Any other ideas to help her?
bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago

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