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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

high blood pressure cure permanently try it now - Dr. Deoshlok Sharma

Keep your BP normal and Avoid your Heart attack and Kidney failure

“high blood pressure”, is a medical condition where the blood pressure is chronically elevated. While it is formally called arterial hypertension, the word 'hypertension' without a qualifier usually refers to arterial hypertension. It gives a higher risk of heart attack or stroke than any other disease. Persistent hypertension is one of the risk factors for strokes, heart attacks, heart failure and arterial aneurysm, and is a leading cause of chronic renal failure.

Cause of disease: is unknown , it is incurable disease in the world , but in research it is found that cause of Hypertension is due to mental anxiety, anger, irritability, mental tension, Subject holding by the brain and create BP.

I am only working on mind and I know that your brain is the creator of diseases and your brain knows where the problem is created Recently I have tried no. homoeopathic medicine as well as Batch flower remedy in no. of patients with allopathic medicine and without allopathic medicine. I got wonderful result in control of BP.

AGRIMONY AND MIMULUS both the Batch Flower remedy will be taken three times in a day in regular basic.

You can observe the result in a week. Try it now initially both the medicine will be continuing with allopathic medicine when you will get the confidence then you can reduce your allopathic drugs slowly.

I request to all the BP patients to use this medicine and you can report me the result of urs. I once again like to inform you that this medicine does not contain any toxic or any harmful chemicals and there is no any side effect.

Dr. Deoshlok Sharma
  deoshlok on 2007-03-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Dr. Deoshlok Sharma,
Thanks for a valuable advise in the forum.This will help numorous BP patients.But I hv no idea of Batch Flower remedy.I am from Bangladesh.Will you pls clarify details about the Batch Flower remedy and also advise may I get this medicine in B'desh??
Best regards-
khaled last decade
Thanks Dr. Deoshlok sharma for bringing this valuable information to this forum.

I am fedup with this problem, was only able to cut allopathic medicine by 1/2, from 10mg to 5mg, by using homeo remedies. I did a lot of searchings learning and experimentations, got some relief but not quite.

I will start right away with these Batch Flower remedies as you suggested and come back in a week or so.

If this work, I am confident, millions of BPH patients will benefit from this new finding.

Once again, thank you,
sthillaiyah last decade
Dear dr.Deoshlok sharma,its a matter of gladness that your bath flower can control bp permanently.Im a practioner living in Bangladesh and is also a patient of hypertension,in my country lots of ppls are suffering from mild moderate and severe type of hypertension and being a physician i like to treat my patient with modern method of homeopathic treatment.It is really problematic to collect medicine from you or from your authorised sales out let as my country's drug rules is earmarked to import for limited known medicines.I would therefore request you to please inform me the medicines you have used to prepare that flower, so that i can use those medicines to my patient.Thank you and expecting your good coperation to serve the distress as a doctor.With best regards,yours sincerely,drharan
Dr.Haran ch malaker last decade
Dear dr.haran cha malker,khaled,sthillaiyah,

Now a days High BP is the big problem . Though I am graduate homeopath I have tried lot of Homoeopathic medicine like Raulfolia s Q. Creatagius ox Q, Aconite radix , thuja, aurum met. pulsatilla. even arsenic but there is no satisfactory result. And I am bound to tell the patient to continue the allopathic BP medicine along with our homoeopathic medicine. Still I am not promise to the patient , pls do not leave the if you are continuing the allopathic medicine till not getting the satisfactory result from this prescribe medicine. Still I received the result in bp by batch flower remedy. try it and share this knowledge to all the bp sufferer.

Now I am making the batch flower remedy directly from my garden flower and getting result very fast.

Dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Dear Dr.Deoshlok Sharma,glad to see your prompt reply here for which take my deepest congratulation.Im also sufèring from hypertension, if you can please send a course of medicine to the following address and after its use i will try to collect it from your sales outlet.Please mention the cost in indian currency, address and email id so that i can collect it from that address.My mailing address is as follow.Dr.Haran ch malaker,WAPDA SARAK,PO GAIBANDHA 5700,DT.GAIBANDHA,BANGLADESH
Dr.Haran ch malaker last decade
Dr. Deoshlok Sharma,

I remeber you brought to this forum several cases, virtually impossible to treat, you treated those cases successfully. It's a remarkable achievement in the practice of homeopathy.

I believe this, your new suggestion, the Batch Flower remedy,(I would rather call it as mind remedies), could be another mile stone in the practice of homeopathy.

With your permission, I like to add a brief account of these Batch Flower Remedies. This may help those who would like to know these remedies a little bit more.

AGRIMONY, also know as Agrimonia eupatoria, is a homeopathic remedy for the jovial, cheerful, humorous people who love peace and are distressed by argument or quarrel, to avoid which they will agree to give up much. Though generally they have troubles and are tormented and restless and worried in mind or in body. They hide their cares behind their humer and jesting and are considered very good friends to know. They often take alcohol or drugs in excess to stimulate themselves and help bear their trials with cheerfulness.

MIMULUS is the remedy for known fears. The fears are every day fears, like public speaking, dark, dogs, illness or pain. Phobias such as fear of spiders, birds etc.

Mimulus is used as a remedy for people who trend to be nervous, timid and shy generally. Mimulus is the remedy to encourage the quiet courage and strength that lies hidden in such people.

sthillaiyah last decade
Dear sthillaiyah,
The presented detail of remedies is correct. in all cases of hypertension in the back ground of anxiety , anger , irritability and fear i.e. Hypertension patients are generally internally sad but their appearace are quite normal but when examin to the bp patient’s forhead are full of wrinkles with three or four lining - agrimony . fearness i.e. Mimulus. These combination are the right choice of these symptom for its forthcoming diseases. Generally people says he is an anger patient due to his high BP but according to me due to long term Anger subject holding by the brain and nerve are busy in anger and forget to supply do their other routine work which they should do normaly which in future it occurs . For hypertension here cause is mental anxiety. You can see,if there will be More anxiety more the BP will occure.

Dear Friends,
My my hobby is to play with dreadfull diseases. I have succsess rate only 4% to 5% still I am very happy . because I am receiving all gone cases from city like Mumbai, Kolkata, Patna , Bangalore and Delhi. In India. You can see the picture of cure cases with documentation proof.

Dr. Deoshlok Sharma.
deoshlok last decade
Dear Dr. Deoshlok Sharma,

Thank you for your guiding details. I will keep them noted.

sthillaiyah last decade
Dr Sharma,

Please provide the names of the flowers you are growing in your garden to make the remedies from, or if you can't provide the names, some pictures; maybe someone else can identify them.

It is against the forum rules to ask people to contact you, particularly to make a purchase.

Best Wishes,
moderator last decade
Dear simon,
I have two plant only . I am using for my own use at my clinic I am unable to sale out side of india. In india you will get the batch flower remedy at evey store . In india Bhandari is the manufacturer at delhi.
I am attaching the photo graphs of agrimony here to recognise the plant.

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deoshlok last decade

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deoshlok last decade
Dear Dr.Haran ch malaker,
Your nearest city is at kolkata. you can get it all the medicine from modern, homoeoworld, all the bangaldeshi came their to purchase the medicine. I wil provide detail address at kolkata.

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Respected Members,

Please not it is not ' BATCH FLOWER REMEDY' It is 'BACH FLOWER REMEDY' i am giving some details of the same here for the use of members.

Bach flower remedies are dilutions of flower 'essences' developed by Dr.Edward Bach. The remedies are used primarily for emotional and spiritual conditions, including but not limited to depression, anxiety, insomnia and stress.

The remedies contain an infinitesimal amount of flower material in a 50:50 solution of water and brandy. Because the remedies are extremely dilute they do not have a characteristic scent or taste of the plant. Vendors state that the remedies contain the 'energetic signature' of the flower, and that this can be transmitted to the user.

Edward Bach decided that dew collected from the flowers of plants contains some of the properties of the plant, and that it was more potent on flowers grown in the sun. As it was impractical to collect dew in quantity, he decided to pick flowers and steep them in a bowl of water under sunlight. If this is impractical due to lack of sunlight or other reasons the flowers may be boiled.

The result of this process is the 'mother tincture', which is further diluted before sale or use.

Bach was very satisfied with the method, because it was of simplicity he had longed for, and involved a process of combination of the four elements:

The earth to nurture the plant, the air from which it feeds, the sun or fire to enable it to impart its power, and water to collect and be enriched with its beneficient magnetic healing[citation needed].

Bach flower remedies are not dependent on the theory of successive dilutions, and are not based on the Law of Similars. The Bach remedies, unlike homeopathic remedies, are all derived from non-toxic substances, with the idea that a 'positive energy' can redirect or neutralize 'negative energy'.
rajboms last decade
Dear Sthillaiyah,i beg pardon to disturb you please inform whether MIMULUS is homeopathic remedy,if so please mention under what name the medicine is available.Thank you
Dr.Haran ch malaker last decade
yes this MIMULUS is not homeopathy but its process homeopathic but the name out in market is bach flower remedy.

dr.d sharma
deoshlok last decade
Dear Dr. Sharma,

You had mentioned that both the Batch Flower remedy (AGRIMONY AND MIMULUS) should be taken three times in a day. Could you please elaborate how much should be taken. Can it be taken like other homeopathic remedies?
manzul last decade
Thank you Dr. D.Sharma

Here is the photographs of Mimulus guttatus, the Bach flower remedy Mimulus prepared from.

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sthillaiyah last decade
And a sample of the Bach flower remedy Mimulus


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sthillaiyah last decade
Bach flower remedies can be taken as same as homeopathic remedies. The only difference is that they can be taken mixed together.

The easy way to follow is to take two drops of each remedies, direct on the tonge 3 to 4 times a day.

sthillaiyah last decade
Dear Dr sherma
i get lot of Mimulus every summer in my garden. Please explain how to make batch remedy out of it. Any way thank you very much ---
purdaysee last decade
hi i got both bottles you reccommend it sais on bottle 2 to 4 drops in a little water and drink i take it i do this 3 times a day . also i noticed it has brandy will this alchol have any effect on the person i would have thought 2 to 4 drops is insignifinent as far as alchol is concerned and thney can drive
whitts99 last decade
There are several method of preparation. Usually the flowering twigs are picked at a specific time of the year and day, carefully placed in a bowl of pure water, and left to sit in the sun for a certain amount of time. Several essences are not prepared by the sun method, but by a special boiling method.

It's not advisable to make your own remedy for several reasons. Bach was very particular in his selection of flowers and where he found them. Each of his remedies is a specific botanical entity, land substitution are not equally effective. Many of the species he used are difficult to identify without the help of a botanist. Even plants with the same botanical name, grown in different areas of the world have very different effects. This is due to the different in soil and climate which naturally effect the chemical activity and quality of the plant.
sthillaiyah last decade
So dear Dr.Deoshlok,
if medicine for blood pressure is used now you recommend to continue with AGRIMONY AND MIMULUS?

How am I going to know when to stop regular medicine?

Clarewish last decade
Use this website to order both AGRIMONY AND MIMULUS.
Clarewish last decade
Dear Dr.Deoshlok!
I've just received both remedies.
My husband takes blood pressure medicine and I do not. My pressure is 130/90.
His 140/100.

How are we suppose to know if his blood pressure medicine can be reduced or eliminated? Is he suppose to have his bp dropped from 140/100?
Is mine suppose to drop too?

I want these remedies because both are soothing and calming for nerves. If it is affecting blood pressure - great!!!

Any recomendations?

Can My husband take it in the morning and 5pm and 10pm?
He will not going to be able do it while at work.

Thanks and I will report in a week.
Clarewish last decade

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