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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

high blood pressure cure permanently try it now - Dr. Deoshlok Sharma Page 6 of 7

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
'Now days all are suffering form mental tension and anxiety.. and the reason for it, is Mind holds the subject which creates High Blood pressure..

But generally people think that anxiety, anger and mental tension are created due to the High Blood Pressure.'
--- Dr.Sharma

A person with long term addiction such as cigarette or alcohol or even sex addiction will damage the liver and give rise to heat rising from the liver to damage the heart. This will also give rise to irritability, anger, mental tension etc.

The problem is then with the liver and not the heart.

Excessive mental thinking is considered as an exogenous pathogenic factor but it is only one of the many causes.
chiongguo last decade
This is a continuation of heart related ailment. Let me say first that Dr.Sharma is an excellent and caring physician. I had previously consulted him and his advice was very helpful and useful. It was his compassion that had, in part, motivated me to want to help others. I am retired and am picking up homoeopathy and TCM. I find that the two can marry to forge an excellent treatment modality. TCM has very good diagnostic tool as well as a workable model. Homoeopathy has very good and accessible remedies. TCM's herbs and acupuncture may not be so accesible.

Cardiac Inssuficiency(Cardiac failure)

f. Deficient heart qi and deficient spleen qi.

Palpitation and shortness of breath after exertion; fatigue; ashen, pale face; spontaneous sweating; little appetite;watery stools.

Pale,thin,white coating

Thin or frail and knotted

Arsenicum album

g. Deficient Heart Yang and deficient kidney yang.

Palpitations;asthma;face,eyelids and four limbs are swollen; ashen, white face; sweat on forehead; scanty urine;cold limbs

Swollen,pale, white coating.

Thin and frail or knotted or intermitten

digitalis purpurea.

h. Deficient heart yang and congealed heart blood

Palpitations;hurried breath;darkish face; purplish lips;painful flanks;lower limbs are slightly swollen; counghing with blood;scanty urine

purple,darkish or purple coating with red spots

thin and choppy or knotted or intermitten

china officinalis

i. Deficient kidney yang, with water radiating to lungs

Asthma;urgent breathing; saliva and phlegm or even a great amount of foaming phlegm from nose; gray-white face; very cold limbs;copious,cold perspiration; fear;irritability

pale, greasy,white coating


lycopodium clavatum

Cardiac and renal failure(uremia)

j. Deficient heart qi and deficient lung qi

Palpitations;shortness of breath; weak cough,asthma; spontaneous sweating



calcarea carbonica

k. deficient heart blood and deficient spleen qi

palpitations; insomnia; loss of appetite;abdominal distention; loose stools; lethargy;pale,sallow complexion; menstrual blood is pale and excessive, or amenorrhea



homoeopathy :
china officinalis

l. heart yin and kidney yin deficient

palpitations;insomina; irritability;forgetfulness;vertigo;tinnitus;dry throat;sore back;nocturnal emissions;afternoon fever;night sweats.

reddish,dry,scanty coating



m. Heart yang and kidney yang deficient

palpitations;cold appearance; edema;scanty urine

pale,swollen,moist,white coating

sinking and feeble

arsenicum album,
china officinalis

o. Lung yin and kidney yin both deficient

cough with little mucus;mucus with blood;mouth and throat dry;voice low or hoarse;lower back and limbs sore and weak; night sweats; red cheeks; afternoon fever; sterility

red,scanty coating


pulsatilla nigrigans
chiongguo last decade
dear Dr DEoslok,
thanks for the tip. i will try on my patients too.
till now allopathy was only solution for BP.
drlkumar last decade
Dr.Sharma Ji,
Thanks for providing the tips related to cardiac conditions at different stages but to judge the texture of tongue, the throbbing of pulse with rates, voiding of urine with its nature ,all in acute stage
becomes very very difficult and no one would like to take any risk.Therefore my feeling is that there must be some specific based on homoeopathy which must be approved clinically so that one should be very clear of its administration.
If you have any thing like that it will be much appreciable.

kakku47 last decade
Dear friends,
there is tendency of patient is..
if eye disease they will go to eye doctor,
If skin problem first visit to skin doctor,
if child then child specialist.
but they do not know that all indivisual organ govern by the brain.. brain can cure all the disease .. indivisual medicine or doctor is not required...

thanking you..
happy deepawali to all
dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Dear dr.deoshlok sharma
In my legs there is less blood circulation and having pain after 5 minutes walk. Allopathic test Doppler is saying good circulation. May be in small capillaries less oxygen. Dr. Akshaymohl suggest for Carbo Veg but it did not worked. I also have BP and Triglaceride high (285).
Kindly suggest.
RKGupta last decade
R.K.Gupta ji

my feeling is that you are getting the symptoms of ataxia and that might be due to some obstruction of nerve at lumbo-secral region. MRI is suggested.with one symptom it is just impossible to arrive to one appropriate medicine, instead my suggestion is take Plublum met 200 one dose fortnightly once alternate with causticum 200 .Hope that will give you some benifit.

Bharat Bhushan
kakku47 last decade
Dr. Bharat Bhushan Ji
Thanks for your kind response. I have all allopathic test (MRI (Lower Back), CTScan, Nerve conduction, Muscles test and full heart check up and there is nothing only little effect of diabetic in the legs and arms. Blood sugar is veriable. Fasting is high around 135-148 and if I took Glacazide little part and goes in 5-7 hours 55-60. I have done many experiment but did not work. I also used Syzegium for many months but no improvement.At this time I am under Psychiatric treatment from Holy Family, Delhi last 2 months.
RKGupta last decade
Sri.R.K.Gupta Ji
As you ahve said that you have undergone for MRI and found okey. Fine but your fasting suger lavel is on higher side. Therefore here one possiblity is that the cause of ataxiamight be due to diabetic neuropathy.In that case lactic acid is choice ut my feeling is that you alternate it with plumb. met.Psychitric treatment
will not help you that far,as because it is physical ailment. realization ofpain will be less.

Dr.Bharat Bhushan
kakku47 last decade
Dr. Bharat Bhushan Ji
Thanks again for your time for me. You are right I have physical ailment and how to improve it. If I lift any 5-10 kg weight for few minutes. After that I feel too much pain in the whole body and hands looks like no more. If I take rest for 2-3 hours so, I feel little better.
Kindly advise what is the best remidy for this physical ailment. I took Avena Sativa for few months and no improvement.
Best regards.
RKGupta last decade
Sri.R.K.Gupta ji,

As per earlier suggestion, my assisment is that take Plumbum met 200 alternate with Lactic acid 200 every third day, once only for a month.

Bharat Bhushan
kakku47 last decade
Dear sharma sir,

I am at beginner level and successfully trying medicines of bach flower remedy. I have one query about the combination you said to cure the BP problem.
my mother has high bp and she has no symptoms of agrimony because she is aggressive in nature.
I have given her mimulus , white chestnut, rescue as well as aspen.

she is getting the results, we have not kept the records because she is at remote place and i live in pune for my job.

so i want to know whether agrimony is necessary here
onestudentofbfr last decade
Dr. Deoshlok Sharma

Nice to see such useful article regarding high blood pressure.

As I understand that :

1. both medicines are homeopathic ?
2. and are available in the market easily?
3. and should be taken in Q form?
4. May I get both medicine in Pakistan?

I will be thankful for your quick response.
aziz.ahmad last decade
I have been experimenting with standard Homeopathic remedies and have found that Nat Mur 6x dose 3 tablets taken thrice daily will reduce Blood Pressure by about 20mm Diastolic and 10mm Systolic.

The patient must also actively participate by exercising and abstaining from fatty food.

If the patient is obese he can also take Nat Phos dose 2 tablets twice daily and Arnica 30c in the Wet dose twice daily.

The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear All,

With reference to Bach Flower remedies
i.e; AGRIMONY AND MIMULUS which were recommended by Dr. Deoshlok Sharma for treatment of high blood pressure (hypertension), I want to know below things, please confirm my understandings that :

1. Both are homeopathic remedies?
2. Both are easily available in market?
3. Both should be taken in Q form?
4. Both may also available in Pakistan?

Any response will be highly appreciated.

Thanks & Regards,
aziz.ahmad last decade
Dear All,

With reference to Bach Flower remedies
which were recommended by Dr. Deoshlok Sharma for treatment of high blood pressure (hypertension),
I want to know below things, please confirm my understandings that :

1. Both are homeopathic remedies?
2. Both are easily available in market?
3. Both should be taken in Q form?
4. Both may also available in Pakistan?

Any response will be highly appreciated.

Thanks & Regards,
aziz.ahmad last decade
My wife about 47 years old and suffering from high blood pressure since 10 years.She is using Tinormin 50mg tablets every day.She gave birth 5 childeren one normaly and otaher four on major operation.She remain in tension and felt pain in head and some time on both sides of abdomen.
Kindly advise me for medicine available in Pakistan.
nizamani last decade
you can try the following medicine.....

1. Pulsatilla 200 daily two doses morning 4pills/2 drops and night 4 pills /2 drops
2. Agrimony Bach flower remedy
2 drops thrice in a day
3. Mimulus 2 drops thrice ina day

continue for 3 month but alopathic medicine will be continued with this medicine after confermation of normal bp then you can reduce the alopathic medicine
dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
dear nizamani,
before going to start this medicine pls take albendazole 400mg 5 tab daily one tab at night by chewing after diner for 5 days continues... this is for worms medicine.. for better result...

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Dear Sir, I had DNS which has been operated but the conditions now are more worst. I have severe feelings of blocked both nose and a feeling of suffocation and the hot and dry weather is not tolrable. If taking alopethic medices for allergy it give relief for few hours. Please advise me some homeopathic medicines. Very many thanks and Regards
minhaj last decade
Thanks Dr. Deoshlok Sharma i believe these both Bach Flower Remedies are very good but my suggestion if you can add two more remedies ( Rauwolfia serpentina Q, Creategus Q) then you can see its effects will be double and without any side effect.
But according to my knowledge if you could work on single remedies basis that will be excellent
DR. BASHARAT AHMAD last decade
thanks for advice..
you can add the creategus Q but not the rauwolfolia S Q..
Rawwolfolia may drop the BP suddenly... but our agrimony and mimulus give us permanent cure of bp.

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
dear minhaj,
pls try CAUSTICUM 6C daily one dose early in the morning empty stomach for continues 6 days morning and report me the improvement...

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
still i wonder how dr.deoshlok sharma claims that agrimony and mimulus cures blood pressure permanently.It is a functional disorder and both physiology and pathology had already being involved as per the causation.
please rethink about the statement.
bharat bhushan
kakku47 last decade
Dear Deoshlok sharma ji,

I have been on BP tablet from last 5 years. My Bp level is at 140/90 after taking Stamlo 5mg. Can you please suggest medicine.My age is 52, Male, Married.
Sudhee last decade
As I said earlier too that high bp. is only to be managed and the best way is by imroving the life style- intake of medicine,doing meditation and controlling the diet on regular basis. My field here is medicine and in homoeopathy there is no such specific just for controlling the high bp. My suggestion to you is take Arjuna Q 10 drops with water daily morning and 10 drops of Raulf. serp.Q and Paaiflora inc.Q with water at bed time.
Hope you be under control but never forget to monitor your pressure regularly.
bharat bhushan
kakku47 last decade

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