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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

high blood pressure cure permanently try it now - Dr. Deoshlok Sharma Page 3 of 7

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You mean remedies like aur, aur-m,glon, bar-c, bar-m etc are useless in high bloodpressure cases?
anon last decade
Dear Dr.Deoshlok,
I recommended and ordered your remedies for my 52 y/old male friend who suffering from high bp and would not admit it and would not go to a doctor.
Remedy works for him but 5 drops once a day gives him diarreah 5 times per day.
Can you see why?
Everyone else is happy with solution.
How 5 drops can give such a diarrhea?
He tried a few times.
Clarewish last decade
can anybody give the address of store at kolkutta?plz,plz advise.thanks
khaled last decade
dear dr. deoshlok sharma
it is wonderful that you have suggested flower medicines for hypertension patients.pl inform whether you have tried this on secondary hypertension patients ?
chandru last decade
here lot of queries I am unable to judge .

for chandu,
you can use this medicine for secondary BP also and I am getting a very good result. If you are facing sleep problem then you can use Eschscholtzea calfornica Q 10 drops at night.

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
dear tendercity73,
there is no any side effect of this remedy becuase it is flower base remedy . this flower's remedy is reducing your anxiety and releif in Blood pressure. try and report me

dr. deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
for khalied,
please take the kolkata address

The homoeoworld
87a , sarat Bose road,
(crossing of Hazra and Lans down )
mobileno. +91 9830137957
phone 91 33 24860352

dr. deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
for anon,
You mean remedies like aur, aur-m,glon, bar-c, bar-m etc are useless in high bloodpressure cases?

Ans: these medicines are not dependable for the patient . patients want instant result you can give side by side or weekly one doses as a constitutional medicine but agrimony is giving me good result in a day .it reduces the anxiety of the patient and reduces the bp. try it now and tell me.

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
fro maya,
you can use with any medicine may be with homoeopathic medicine and allopathic medicine it doesn't matter.
try this medicine and tell me you will get sure shot result. at least somthing is sure

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
for kr. pbedi,
you can take arnica 30 but Agrimony will give you good result wait and see . if it fails to get the good result then pls start allopathic medicine for a week and then start the agrimony and gradually tapering the allopathic medicine.
dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
for Mr. dougadam,

question-What is your view on garlic and high blood pressure?

Ans.-you can try both the medicine you can judge which is the faster.

agrimony is faster then the garlic.

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Dear Forum Members,
you can send me direct email. some times I am very busy with my patient for that I unable to visit the forum. but now I will regular give the answer of this blood pressure thread.

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Dear Dr.Deoshlok Sharma,
Thank you for the address.I shall let you know outcome of mine.
khaled last decade
Thank you DR. Sharma. I will follow your advise.
pbedi last decade
Has any one heard or suffering from Taka Yasu, its a tightening of veins. My mother has diagnosed with it and her BP is high and its not in control
Sweet_Lemon last decade
Dr. Deoshlok Sharma, I have tried these 2 medicines for 2 days and I have to report a very interesting news. My BP used to be 130/90 always. After I started taking these remedies my BP came down to 120/92 and again increased slightly to 130/92 yesterday.

Could you explain this phenomenon of increase and decrease in BP?

I am trying to get these plants to grow them in my garden but I am unable to find them in Karnataka, Bangalore. It is also because I known the scientific names of these plants but do not know the general name in Kannada, a language of Karnataka. Do you know a source to find the common names of these plants what it is called in Hindi and I can find it in some dictionary or something.

Please help me in getting these plants.
ganesh2280 last decade
Dr. Deoshlok Sharma, I am happy that you introduced me to agrimony and mimulus. I am feeling a lot better now and fresh in the morning than before.

I am quite relaxed and positive now than before. I used to be irritated and angry early in the morning I have cooled down now. Hope other members of this forum also respond back simliarly with their experiences. All this has happened just after 2 days of taking the medicine.

Thanks a lot.
ganesh2280 last decade
Dr. Deoshlok, I started my wifes father on these two remedies. While on these remedies he continued with allopathic medicine to control blood pressure.
First two weeks he felt fine and mentally even a little better. After this period he began getting headaches which he says are directly related to an elevated blood pressure. He had headaches for four days straight so decided to stop Bach remedies and then headaches went away the next day.
Can you please let me know what your thoughts are on this.
Ryelink last decade
I request to you please start only one medicine agrimony and tell me whether his headache starts or not . go on coninue the agrimony. and inform me
dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Thank you, I will let yo know if he is willing to try again.
Ryelink last decade
HI Doc. deoshlok!
My husband started your remedy and was doing quite splendidly for a while with 6 drops once a day in the morning. He was even taken off lotrel by his cardiologist!
However last week we had noticed hos bp goes 150/90.
Use to be 130/80...best was 120/73. Lotrel was never gave him less then 140/100.
His weight is 250LB and hight 6'2'.
Clarewish last decade
pls gradually reduce the allopathic medicine.
dr. deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
pls do not stop any medicine which was prescribed by your cardiologist. You can continue the above prescribed medicine by cardiologist with our homoeopathic/batch flower remedy for few days. after that gradually reduce under the supervison of your nearest doctor.

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Dear Dr.Deashlok, I said in my post:
He was even taken off lotrel BY HIS CARDIOLIGiST!

So can he increase qty of drops OR take it twice daily or what? Thanks
Clarewish last decade
Good Day!
I am waiting for the reply since my husband has no other remedy now to lower his BP but your stuff.
Please, help.
Clarewish last decade
first send all the detail to me. I will set medicine for bP.

what will be the other complain or send me the blood report of lipid profil i.e. cholestrol and triglyceride.

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade

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