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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

severe dandruff

please give me any remedy for severe dandruff. i am suffering from severe dandruff problem.

please help me i will be grateful to you all
much thanks

i always had dandruff problem in winter season but now its in summer. please help
  asimattar on 2007-07-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
your problem is epistaxis and dandruff both or dandruff for others.
because for dandruff and epistaxis both can be treated by one medicine. In homoeopathic all complain are created by the the brain only for that you have to send all the following detail in this format.

1.Name --------------


12.What are you doing at present................................
14.Describe your current complain---------------

What exactly is happening ?

Since how long you are suffering for each complain

How do you feel ?

How does this affect you ?

How does it feel like ?

. What comes to your mind ?

. One situation that had a big effect on you ?

. How did that feel like ?

. What sensation do you experience in that situation ?

. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand.(habits or Action) ?

15.Describe your Past complain/Any surgery-
16.Write your pathological report (Blood test Ultra sonography / MIR/ X-ray, if any (optional) if any.--------------..
17.High Blood Pressure Continue from and current B.P.---------------
18.If any heart Disease
19 Name of medicine using currently-------
20.If Diabetic Patient/Name of medicine---------------
21.Insulin Dependent/Doses---------------
22.Detail about Operation/Surgery if any ---------------
23.Thyroid Problem if any T3/T4/TSH---------------
a Any Gynecology Problem (Write in Detail) --------------
b. Is there is any pain in the Breast before menses---------------
c. Is there is any Tumor/Fibroid/ in Breast/Uterus---------------
d. Is there is White discharge (Leucorrhoea)---------------
e. Is there is pain during mating------------------
f. Is there is habit of Masturbation----------------
g. About Your sexual desire increased/absent/normal---------
h. Is there is any itching/scratching of your gyneic area--------
i. Flow of your menses-------------

25. Male
a. Is there is any infection/ulceration/eruption on your pubis
b. is there is any seminal discharge during stool
c. Is there is any discharge during talking from female
d. Is there is any itching/scratching on groin region
e. About Your sexual desire increased/absent/normal---------

27.Joints pain---------------
29.Any Other Disease---------------
30. About Your sexual desire increased/absent/normal--------------
31.Choose your nature from following word ---------------
Mental Symptoms:-(Compulsory)-Morose, Quarrelsome, Hasty, Lachrymose, Anxious, Delirious, Groping, Despairing, Sad, Hopeful, Fearful, Restless, Calm, Drowsy, dullness, Anger, Being overwhelmed, Depression and gloom Despair and faithlessness , Despondency from overwork, Domination of others, Doubt or Discouragement, Easy impressionability, Fear and Shyness, Fear for the others welfare, Fear of losing mental balance, Feeling of powerlessness, Guilty and self-blame, Hard master onto oneself with an urge to inspire others, Hopelessness, Immaturity of Mind/Emotions, failure to learn from mistakes impatience, indecision in difference or boredom Intolerance and criticism lack of mental tranquility, lack of motivation and incentive longing for past happiness, nostsliqia, low self-confidence, Mental Fatigue, Mental torture or worry, Mental/emotional and physical weariness, Overcome for welfare of others, Overenthsiasm, Pride or aloofness, Resentment and bitterness, Sadness, greif, shock, Self centered talkativeness, Self-distrust, Shame or feelings of un cleanliness, Terror, jealousy, Weakness too willing , Fear from known thing, fear from unknown thing.

32.(in case of married) Is there your husband/Wife is cooperating to you or not any friction write in detail------------------

33. What is your current anxiety in your mind (compulsory)- Write in detail--------------

34. How you will be deference from other person or What is your peculiarity in nature--------------

35. Can you give speech to the public meeting-------------
deoshlok last decade
.Country INDIA
.Age- 37
Weight 80 KGS
Height 5' 9 '
What are you doing at present



Describe your current complain
Very forgetful, cannot concentrate similar to attention defecit syndrome

What exactly is happening ?

Cannot concentrate on any single job

Since how long you are suffering for each complain
Since 1-2 years

How do you feel ?

Very depressed

How does this affect you ?

Cannot remain in a job for more than 6 months, very fickle minded, easily irritated

How does it feel like ?

What comes to your mind ?

Feel like committing suicide but afraid to do so cannot leave my family to dogs.

One situation that had a big effect on you ?

My first elder brother's death of Heart Attack, my love failure

How did that feel like ?
Yet to come out of that shock

What sensation do you experience in that situation ?

My second elder brohter also had an heart attack I am always worried about his life

What are you showing by that gesture of your hand.(habits or Action) ?

Smoking is the only habit that I have

Describe your Past complain/Any surgery-

None so far

Write your pathological report (Blood test Ultra sonography / MIR/ X-ray, if any

(optional) if any.--------------..

No such complaints

High Blood Pressure Continue from and current B.P.---------------


If any heart Disease


Name of medicine using currently-------

Bach Flower remedies Agrimony and Mimulus as suggested by you feel a bit better than


If Diabetic Patient/Name of medicine---------------

Insulin Dependent/Doses---------------

Detail about Operation/Surgery if any ---------------

Thyroid Problem if any T3/T4/TSH---------------

25. Male
a. Is there is any infection/ulceration/eruption on your pubis


b. is there is any seminal discharge during stool


c. Is there is any discharge during talking from female


d. Is there is any itching/scratching on groin region

e. About Your sexual desire increased/absent/normal---------


Joints pain---------------

Pain behind Neck, cannot rotate neck completely it pains


A little it of swelling behind neck

Any Other Disease---------------

Choose your nature from following word ---------------
Mental Symptoms:-(Compulsory)-Morose, Quarrelsome, Hasty, Lachrymose, Anxious,
Hasty, Quarrelsome, Anxious, Morose

Delirious, Groping, Despairing, Sad, Hopeful, Fearful, Restless, Calm, Drowsy,
Restless, Despairing, Sad

dullness, Anger, Being overwhelmed, Depression and gloom Despair and faithlessness ,
Anger, depression and gloom despair

Despondency from overwork, Domination of others, Doubt or Discouragement, Easy

impressionability, Fear and Shyness, Fear for the others welfare, Fear of losing mental

balance, Feeling of powerlessness, Guilty and self-blame, Hard master onto oneself with

an urge to inspire others, Hopelessness, Immaturity of Mind/Emotions, failure to learn

from mistakes impatience, indecision in difference or boredom Intolerance and criticism

lack of mental tranquility, lack of motivation and incentive longing for past happiness,

nostsliqia, low self-confidence, Mental Fatigue, Mental torture or worry,

Mental/emotional and physical weariness, Overcome for welfare of others,

Overenthsiasm, Pride or aloofness, Resentment and bitterness, Sadness, greif, shock,

Self centered talkativeness, Self-distrust, Shame or feelings of un cleanliness, Terror,

jealousy, Weakness too willing , Fear from known thing, fear from unknown thing.

Yes, all of these symptoms

(in case of married) Is there your husband/Wife is cooperating to you or not any friction

write in detail------------------

Sometimes, I have a misunderstanding with my wife regarding finance

What is your current anxiety in your mind (compulsory)- Write in detail--------------

How you will be deference from other person or What is your peculiarity in


Very mild, but if the other person becomes strong I become quiet I do not like to argue

Can you give speech to the public meeting-------------

Never I become nervous and start stammering.
ganesh2280 last decade
try the following batch flower remedy.

gorse 30 30ml liquid
2 drops three times in a day for 3 month

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
dear dr deoshlok you have treated me successfully twice times but again i have to fill the whole form ..anyways i give you detail sir
1.Name waqas asim

4.Country: pakistan

8.Age- 25
9.Male/Female: male
10.Weight: around 75 KG
11.Height: 6 feet
12.What are you doing at present: electrical power engineer
13..Single/Married/Separated/Divorced/Widow/widower: single
14.Describe your current complain: i have severe dandruff problem and itching in my head also last week lots of blood has passed away from my right nostril i was amazed because the blood was not going to stop after 30 minutes i went to hospital and they plugged the nostril then blood stoped. i am surprised that from last two years i didnt had any blood from my nose but last week on that day why too much blood came .now there is no bleeding since that day.

and my last problem is frequent urination problem i go to washroom 12 or 14 times in a day there is no pain or nothing i drink lots of water but i go for urination after every 45 minuts or 1 hour please solve this problem also.

What exactly is happening ?

Since how long you are suffering for each complain

dandruff is from last two years but worsen in winter now its in summer also

nose bleeding came once in two years and i dont know the cause of it

frequent urination problem is from last one year but its became too much now

30. About Your sexual desire increased/absent/normal: normal but it will be better if improves

this is my detail sir please give me good remedy again sir please give me remedy in 30,200 or mother tincture form because where i live i cant arrage 3x or 6x etc . only 30,200 and mother tinctures of willmar schwabe are availabe here easily

thanks alot sir
waiting for your reply
asimattar last decade
dear dr deoshlok please include one more problem i forgot to mension

sir i am also feeling difficult in breathing from last 20 days i feel that breathe has stoped in stomach and i have to take breath very deeply
there is no asthma history of mine or my family but i dont know why i am feeling difficult to breathe please solve this problem too
thanks again
asimattar last decade
where are you dr deoshlok please reply
asimattar last decade
dr deoshlok is not showing any interest regarding my problem
any other doctor please take a look
asimattar last decade
no reply so far
anybody help
asimattar last decade
I had REALLY bad dandruff and burning red itchy scalp for years. I am happy to see someone who is helping people like me who have severe dandruff. I have no problems with it now - I can thank the information I got from a an ebook written by Mia Wadsworth called Beautiful Hair & Healthy Scalp Secrets & Remedies.
Mia too recommends aromatherapy remedies (plus tells you what causes scalp problems) this helped tremendously and this website abchomeopathy really reinforces what I now know to be true. Once a skeptic - I now swear by homeopathic remedies and by coming to this website for your severe dandruff answers you have come to the right place to find answers. Thanks for the helpful info!!!

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shanikin last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.