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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

pilonidal cyst

Hello Doctor,
My daughter has just been diagnosed with pilonidal cyst. She is 15, the Dr suggests antibiotics and surgery but I would rather try Homeopathy first.
The cyst appeared 4 to 5 months ago. She was under a lot of stress at this time. Now it's bigger and painful when she sits down. She is maybe more thirsty, still anxious and nervous.
Thanks for your precious help,
  Framboise on 2004-11-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Is this the "name" of the cyst or where it is. If where, please explain because I cannot find in medical book.

In the skin on some part of the body, or within some part of the body?

Something about what type of person she is. is important. Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
A pilonidal cyst or sinus is an abscess (localized collection of pus) or a chronic draining sinus (canal or passage leading to an abscess) located in the opening between the buttocks muscles. This cyst may have a deep cavity containing hair and may be without symptoms unless it becomes infected
John Stanton 2 decades ago
what medicines used /use in health history prior to this condition?

how acive is daughter?please explain
John Stanton 2 decades ago
when (date /age) daughter start menses (if at all)? what complications during this time?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Thanks John, I had a heck of a time looking it up. I am too used to symptoms. S.

In this particular case I would try one dose of SILICEA. 200X or less. ONE dose only. Silicea must not be taken more than once a week. In 10 days if no response, give another dose.

This may cause breakouts on the face or elsewhere. This is short term and not permanent. This remedy is deep and long acting and usually removes any type of cyst by pushing it to the surface to empty. On the other hand, Silicea has been known to just heal it from the inside.

If there is acute swelling at the site, try APIS M. It also works with cysts. If Silica seems to be working and there is too much discomfort with inner swelling, take one or two doses of Apis. Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
Thanks for your prompt answer. I will try the silicea.

My daughter has always been hyper but able to focus and bright at school.
She hides a lot, lies easily, has a lot of fears and nightmares, acts irresponsibly frequently.
She is able to speak with anybody about anything except her deep problems.
Physically she is tall, cute, brown hair and attracts a lot of people.
Last year she had a depression and had Trazodone/Lexapro over the summer. She had a lot of side effects to these medicine but I am afraid she will have to go back because she still have a lot of mental problems.

Thank you John and Sabra for your support and advice, I am open to any suggestion.
Framboise 2 decades ago
when (date /age) daughter start menses (if at all)? what complications during this time?

is there any abuse of child in any form in her health history?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
I am quite familiar with this matter.

Let me first tell you about the surgery side of it.

In allopathy the answer to this problem is surgery.

However, at the end of it... the surgeon will warn you that if the area is not kept free of hair and perspiration is not frequently dried up (from the area of the sinus)....it can happen again. Many times it does recur.

This kind of thing happens to constitutions (individuals) who have an internal tendency to pus formation.

Although you will see only one wound (with pus) on the lower most part of the back....the pus is actually travelling from within the body through 2 or 3 channels to that site.

Now the homeopathic side.

First you need to push all the pus out on to the skin.
Let the wound burst and keep cleaning it out.

Next is to dry it up totally.

This is important:

Silicea ...in lower potencies like 6, 12, 30 promotes the expulsion of the pus.

In higher potencies like 200 , 1M etc. it promotes drying up of the area where the pus existed.

And the patient needs Myristica to burst open the wound. (this is the knife of the homeopath...much more accurate and faster than a surgeon's knife).

I will give you more of my comments on this later as I have to rush for an important meeting.

But I will try to do it soon.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
To John,
I am sorry but I don't understand the word mense. Do you mean menstruation?
I asked my daughter about being sexually abused, because I am wondering too. She said she doesn't think so. Maybe she forgot? She forgets easily the bad moments.
Is there a way to evacuate or to help these awful feelings to resurface?
Thanks for your concern
Framboise 2 decades ago
Hi Pankaj,

Do I begin with Silicea at a low dosage? and then increase? or with Myristica?
Thanks for your help,
Framboise 2 decades ago
Hi Framboise - I just posted a new pilonidal topic too - hopefully we can get some clarification - I asked many of the same questions you probably have. Hopefully between the both of us we can figure all of this out.
smarie 2 decades ago
is there any reason to suspect such abuse?please explain


what is daughter's menstruation characteristics?when was first period?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Hi Smarie,
Thanks for the info. I will check on your answers too.
I wish you the best
Framboise 2 decades ago
Hi John,
I suspect abuse because she has sometimes strange reaction, because she hides a lot of fears and has nightmares. Because she was interested in sex at an early age.
There is also a lot of mental disease in her Father's family ; schyzophrenia, dementia, Alzheimer, probably bipolar disorder. It's hard to know because they refuse to speak. A lot of secrets.
Her first periods were about 2 years ago, no particular problem. Now she experience some pain on the first days. I am a Reiki master and do it when she wants.
Framboise 2 decades ago
what is your current relationship like with father?please explain

what is condition of daughter's fingernails and around fingernails? any white spots on/under fingernails?

what is characteristics of daughter's sleep?postion?dreams?waking?....etc
John Stanton 2 decades ago
what is your current relationship like with father?please explain

what is condition of daughter's fingernails and around fingernails? any white spots on/under fingernails?

what is characteristics of daughter's sleep?postion?dreams?waking?....etc
John Stanton 2 decades ago
I too (as the people in the topic before) have had a pilonidal for about 8 months now. It's flared up twice and been lanced both times. Surgery recommended. I didn't feel the invasive surgery with the month-long healing time was the thing to do. I am now worried because I can feel it getting sore again - I want to take homeopathic measures TODAY. I'm trying to understand the doses and tinctures you are prescribing - when I walk into the health food store, I need to know exactly what I'm looking for. SO - do I only start with Mysterica/myristica at 200c - how often? Also - mercurius solubilis 200c how often? Do I take them together? Also Hepar Sulph 200c - do I take this too? How do I know which level (6, 12, 30, 200) to start at - does my age and weight matter? I would prefer to know exactly what each is for so that I know what I'm putting into my body. I understand that Myristica is for bursting it open - that would be good for mine because mine has never drained. So the objective is: get it open, get it dried. Right? Now - how long to I continue to take the pills after I see that it isn't hurting or flared? Will it reoccur? Do I just keep repeating this same process the rest of my life? I have lots of questions - I'm tired of dealing with this strange and embarrassing phenomenon. PLEASE HELP. Thank you.
smarie 2 decades ago
I've been reading that taking Silicea and Hepar Sulphuris will help in homeopathic remedies - I've also read success with colloidal silver - any commments?
smarie 2 decades ago
To John,
We are divorcing and this situation triggered the stress.
Her fingers are fine, sometimes a white spot on the nails. Nails are thin.
She has difficulties to go to bed and falling asleep is long. Then, she has nightmares sometimes but don't remember them.
Framboise 2 decades ago
any screaming/crying or making of any noises ...etc envolved with nightmares?

how often nightmares occur?

divorce--whom will get primary custody?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
I wil ltry to answer both of you (Framboise and Smarie).

The differnece between Silicea and Hepar Sulp...the mentals:

Hepar Sulph. is a querrel some individual

Silicea is not...he/she is a sluggish individual...both mentally and physically. in fact Silicea does wonders to such a constitution.

Both have to wrap up in cold....they feel normal cold also to be like extreme cold.

what to do first:

A dose of Myristica 200 will burst the wound open....use thsi first.

After 48 hours use Silicea 6 or Silicea 30 ...three times a day......will help to drain out...may take a week or so.

Then take Silicea 200...one dose in the morning and one dose in the evening ...thats all . no more.

Then wathc the whole thing drying up.

If the patient corresponds to Hepar Sulp .constitution....just let me know...will suggest the way out.

Keep osting feed back.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
Thanks a lot Pankaj for these info.

My daughter is the opposite of a slug - very active, thinks and learns fast - but in the past months, maybe year, she slowed down. She is not involved anymore in activities or sport.
Maybe she would benefit from Silicea.
She saw an homeopath in Georgia a few years ago who told me she was a Natrum muriaticum type.
But things change a lot with adolescence...
Framboise 2 decades ago
all my answers are on separate thread (pilonidal clarification)
smarie 2 decades ago
To John,

My daughter moves a lot when sleeping but no scream or anything else.
I don't know how often the nightmares occur because she doesn't want to speak about that, same for her fears. I learned it recently.
I will get the primary custody.
She hides and lies lot, to protect the others? herself?
Framboise 2 decades ago
I need to put down this here for Framboise and Smarie:

Hepar Sulp. individual likes ketch up, vinegar, pickles....all sour things.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago

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