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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

pilonidal cyst Page 2 of 8

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I need to put down this here for Framboise and Smarie:

Hepar Sulp. individual likes ketch up, vinegar, pickles....all sour things.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
the cysts are small matter which hepar or silica can help---permanently--depends upon what real causation is...---but there are deeper issues envolved---you need establish communication with daughter--but for some reason it appear you (for a little while) have not been in touch with her...i will leave this for now--after cysts are treated and --if need help with daughter--we will continue then--it does not seem appropriate at this point..
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Of course, I know that I need to establish communication with my daughter but she is not able to. It's the same with everybody even her boyfriend.
Nobody can reach her.
That's why I was hoping to find an homeopathic remedy to help her release what she needs.
When you look at her, she seems fine, good grades at school, she speaks and communicate .But she is not fine inside. She hides her problems, is very scarred and sad.
I am fighting for her because she can't do it by herself and I will go on until I find out.
It could be a bipolar disorder/borderline.
Framboise 2 decades ago
well -if need to continue case here -for daughter's deeper issues-then just let me know..
John Stanton 2 decades ago
If your daughter is in physical distress...she will want you to solve the physical problem first and the emotional problem after that ....not vice versa.

If you don't let homeopathy work, then she has to go for surgery....which will take 3/4 weeks to heal up to a level where she can move around on her own. Till then you have to be constantly on her side.

Sometimes, after surgery the wound cannot be stitched due to soft tissues around that area. In such case , surgeon will leave an open wound to be dressed every alternate day....for 3 weeks. (Not necessary in all cases).

Just for info of Framboise .

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
Thanks Pankaj,

Your advice are precious and make sense, that's why I asked first about the kyst. I think the same way and will try homeopathy first. I ordered the remedies today and will let you know.
Thanks again,
Framboise 2 decades ago
Hi Pankaj,

When you say : A dose of Myristica 200, is it 3 granules?
Just to make sure, I should receive the remedies soon and begin the treatment.
Thanks for helping us.
Framboise 2 decades ago
If the little pills are the size of a sugar crystal...then 4 or 5.

If it is smaller (tiny)...then 8 or 9

If bigger than a sugar crystal.....3
Normally pills are classified as No 10, 20 ,30 etc. but very few people know about it.
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
Hello Pankaj,

Great treatment ! Thanks !
the kyst is almost totally gone, just after a few days it was not painful anymore. Is there a risk it comes back?
Can she take the treatment again if needed?
You really helped her a lot and avoided her surgery.
God bless you,

Framboise 2 decades ago
Gho...oooo....sh !

It worked so fast.

Jesus and Baba are on your side. They are your surgeons.

Meds will need to be repeated some time later.

Post symptoms after 10 days.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
Thanks Pankaj,

It's good to hear from you again. I will keep you informed.
Take care.
Framboise 2 decades ago
Need some help! I too have a pilonidal cyst on the left side of my buttock (near the top part of the bumline/crack). The thing is I have had it for about eight years. At first I thought it was a pimple and it would build up and I would squeeze it and the pus would come out. This would happen on and off.

I went to see the doctor several times and he told me surgery and antibotics will do the trick. I thought there is no way I am going under the knife. So I didn't and put up with it until recently.

I have been seeing a homeopath and he has given me hepar sulphur in liquid form L2. This was ten days ago. Where do I go from here? Am I on the right track? Nothing has changed. Do I need to wait longer?

I am female, 165cm, 58kg medium build, very sensitive to the cold and have acne prone skin (face + back). I come from a Greek background so I have a lot of hair!!! I also suffer from extreme period pain to the point where I can't move (which I want to cure after I deal with my cyst).

Would love some advice.

VickyKane 2 decades ago

Pl. follow the guidelines given on this thread by me.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago

Am I right to assume that you suggest the following:

- Myristica 200
- After 48 hrs Silicea 30x 3 per day (for a week approx)
- Silicea 200 1 in morning, 1 at night)?

Should I discontinue the hepar sulphar my homeopath has given me (LM2 x3 per day for a week)?

Would your suggestions also help my acne and severe period period? Or do I need to look at those once I've cured my cyst?

Thank you for your initial quick response, it was much appreciated.

Kind regards


VickyKane 2 decades ago
Hi Pankaj,

Sorry to be a pain but can can you confirm the course of action (you suggested) in my previous message to get rid off a cyst I have had for 8 years!!!


VickyKane 2 decades ago
Take a dose of Myristica 200.
continue with Hepar Sulp.

The cyst will burst open in a big way in 3/4 days. Keep cleaning it.

Externally apply Calendula ointment (homeopathic).
Post feed back.
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
Hi Pankaj,

Would like some advice on the further treatment for my pilonidal cyst. I have taken a dose of mystrica 200 as you suggested on Monday. The cyst has not burst yet but it is getting bigger. What should I take after it bursts? I was taking hepar sulp 2M liquid form 3 times a day for a week. Then I stopped my treatment to try and cure my period pain. Now I want to continue with my cyst. What dosage do you recommend? I am your typical hepar sulp person but the 2M that I was taking didn't seem to do anything?

Would love some help!

Kind regards

VickyKane 2 decades ago
Hello guys,

Need some urgent attention. My pilonidal cyst has burst after taking myristica 200. I am a hepar sulp type person so I know I should take that remedy (after reading the pilonidal cysts threads) but I don't know what dosage. I have had my cyst for 8 years so I am thinking maybe I need a stronger dosage. I have already had a treatment of 2ML 3 times a day given by my homeopath about 3 weeks ago. So what next??? The pus is still oozing from my cyst.

Kind regards

VickyKane 2 decades ago
Keep cleaning the pus....apply Calendula ointment on the (and around the) wound.

Take Hepar Sulph. 200C morning and evening for a week.

Report feed back.

If you don't find me on the Forum, send an e-mail.

My personal work keeping me very busy.
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
Hi Pankaj,

I have been taking the medicine you suggested hepar sulpha 200c once every morning and night and have been using calendula cream on and around my wound.

I had to stop the treatment half way because I got my period and I get severe period pains to the point where I can't get out of bed. With the help of Sabra we have been trying to find the right remedy but so far had no luck. So I resulted in taking ibropufen (which I hate doing).

After my period I continued with the hepa sulpha again. I noticed a lot of pus was coming out and my wound was extremely itchy especially during my period. The wound seems to have gotten a little bit smaller but what I noticed the most was my skin around the wound was not swollen like it used to be it has gone down but not completely.

Where should I go from here?

Thank you for your time and effort!

Kind regards

VickyKane 2 decades ago
Can anyone give me advice as to the next course of action for curing a 8 year old pilonidal cyst. I was following the advice of Pankaj but I know he won't be posting for a while. Is there someone who has any similiar experience in treating this kind of problem? Would love some feedback!

Kind regrads

VickyKane 2 decades ago
Can anyone help me with my pilonidal cyst it has gotten worse and it is throbbing making it difficult to sit down and walk without feeling the pain.

VickyKane 2 decades ago
Mbellm !!
I have brought this up for you from the archives.
Read the post of Framboise dated 2004-11-29.

How can you say there are no successes and that we don't care about results????

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dear Pankaj,

Yes, this treatment was a success. I am really thanksful for your help and wise advice.
It's comforting to see that people we never met care about the others.
Best regards,

Framboise last decade
You are welcome Framboise !!

The ultimate healer is GOD and He brings us all together !!

My wishes for you and your family
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
I resolved two similar cases with a piece of sheetrock.
kuldeep last decade

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