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The ABC Homeopathy Forum



I am Hungarian.

I cannot speak unfortunately in English.

I write with the help of a dictionary.

My symptom: headache

Side: right (temple)

Extending to : into my eye

Nausea, causes vomit.

Approximately 28 days, but possibly the hunger and the nervousness takes it out.

Ameliorated : strong pressure and to lie down on it.

Aggravated : Smells, motion.

I am begging you let him help me, let him suggest something, what let me rehearse?

Thank you very much: jozephina from Hungary
  jozephina on 2007-10-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You presented your detail in not enough for homoeopathic treatment I request you present your sign & symptoms with your expression / sensation / Feeling / Event / Gesture in turn of . I will present you a healthy prescription to you
1. Name
2. Age
3. Sex
4. Married/Unmarried/widow
5. weight
6. Height ….
7. country
8. climate
9. Family History
10. Qualification of patient
11. Nature of working
12. Complexion: Fair/Wheatish/ Darkish
13. Constitution: Well built/Fat/Thin
14. Veg/non veg
15. History of taking Alcohol/Tobacco/coffee/Tea/any drugs addiction
16. List of your complain first 1. 2.. 3 ……
17. Since how long you are suffering for each complain
18. current medicine you are taking for each complain
19. Diabetic or non Diabetic
20. Desire sweets/sour/salt
21. Thirst –Small quantity/short interval/long interval/large Quantity
22. Tongue color
23. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine)
24. What exactly is happening ?
25. How do you feel ?
26. How does this affect you ?
27. How does it feel like ?
28. What comes to your mind ?
29. One situation that had a big effect on you ?
30. How did that feel like ?
31. What sensation do you experience in that situation ?
32. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand.(habits or Action) ?
33. desire or like and dislike of food
33. Name of foods which increase your problem
34. Body odor ,/sweating/-
35. Under line the right word for you ----
Morose, Quarrelsome, Hasty, Lachrymose, Anxious, Delirious, Groping, Despairing, Sad, Hopeful, Fearful, Restless, Calm, Drowsy, dullness, Anger, Being overwhelmed, Depression and gloom Despair and faithlessness , Despondency from overwork, Domination of others, Doubt or Discouragement, Easy impressionability, Fear and Shyness, Fear for the others welfare, Fear of losing mental balance, Feeling of powerlessness, Guilty and self-blame, Hard master onto oneself with an urge to inspire others, Hopelessness, Immaturity of Mind/Emotions, failure to learn from mistakes impatience, indecision in difference or boredom Intolerance and criticism lack of mental tranquility, lack of motivation and incentive longing for past happiness, nostsliqia, low self-confidence, Mental Fatigue, Mental torture or worry, Mental/emotional and physical weariness, Overcome for welfare of others, Overenthsiasm, Pride or aloofness, Resentment and bitterness, Sadness, greif, shock, Self centered talkativeness, Self-distrust, Shame or feelings of un cleanliness, Terror, jealousy, Weakness too willing , Fear from known thing, fear from unknown thing. Whether you can able to give public speech or not.
36. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)
37. . Details of the adverse features in the Pathological ,ECG, XRay Ultra-Sound's tests already conducted
38. Attached here your photographs of the affected area. (if required/optional)

Dr. Deoshlok Sharma
deoshlok last decade
Dear Jozephina

1. Is the pain dull or sharp?

2.Explain: 'nervousness and hunger takes it away'

no pain when you are hungry or nervous?

3.. What happened 28 days ago? Why did it start?

4. it is aggravated by movement.
movement just of head? whole body?
Astra2012 last decade
Hello dr. Sharma,
I think Jozephina got overwhelmed with so much English to translate that she gave up. I wonder if we shouldn't just venture remedy selection based on what she says (bell?bry? I couldn't decide, what do you think?) and hope for the right choice as otherwise she will not try homopathy at all...
Astra2012 last decade
better she should try Belladonna 30c three times in a day .....

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Dear Jozephina,
BELLADONNA 30C - three doses /day for a week, then stop

if no change (only if no change!)- try BRYONIA 30C, three doses/day

Dear dr. Sharma,
Thank you.
Astra2012 last decade

deoshlok last decade
Dear Dr. Sharma!


I am glad that somebody deals with me.

I translate the questions gladly and I answer .

I like the homoeopathy , I read much on Hungary here from him and I employ his councils and I try the implements that says.

Tomorrow or today I send the answers onto the questions.

His patience and his answers, thank you very much.

Ui: I do not give it up ! :-)
jozephina last decade
Dear dr. Sharma!

You presented your detail in not enough for homoeopathic treatment I request you present your sign & symptoms with your expression / sensation / Feeling / Event / Gesture in turn of . I will present you a healthy prescription to you
1. Name : Éva Jozefina Czinege
2. Age : 33 year
3. Sex : female
4. Married/Unmarried/widow : Married
5. weight : 56 kilogram
6. Height …. 162 cm
7. country : Hungary
8. climate : continent
9. Family History : father diabetes, grannie cancer, another grannie diabetes,
10. Qualification of patien : nurse
11. Nature of working
12. Complexion: Fair/Wheatish/ Darkish : normal
13. Constitution: Well built/Fat/Thin : well built
14. Veg/non veg : I like the meat, non veg.
15. History of taking Alcohol/Tobacco/coffee/Tea/any drugs addiction: 13 years I smoked (three of his years already not) , I liked the alcohol once, I do not drink alcohol already in at most a year with three occasions a little. The alcohol was with bad influence onto me. I do not desire the alcohol already .
16. List of your complain first 1. 2.. 3 ……
1. headache, 2, allergy (onto medicine), 3, hair loss, 4, leucorrhea
17. Since how long you are suffering for each complain
The 1,5 years of headache , the 5 years of allergy, the 5 months of hair loss, leucorrhea since years, alternate.
18. current medicine you are taking for each complain
Only pain palliative + contraceptive.
19. Diabetic or non Diabetic : non Diabetic
20. Desire sweets/sour/salt : Salt
21. Thirst –Small quantity/short interval/long interval/large Quantity
Daily 1,5-2 litre water,
22. Tongue color : normal
23. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine)
Onto headache pain palliative + contraceptive
24. What exactly is happening ?
1,5 of his years, 28-30 daily, (periodicity) I have a headache, on right side , with nausea, with vomit, 2-3 day. Reason : contraceptive? Is he a full moon? Is he hunger? Anxiety? I do not know.
25. How do you feel ? Migraine, cramping, pain. On right side around the temples and behind my eye.
26. How does this affect you ?
Bad mood, irritated, nervous, I will be impatient.
27. How does it feel like ?
28. What comes to your mind ? I am incapable.
29. One situation that had a big effect on you ?
1982 : my grandma died. This was very bad for me.
1993 : My parents are divorced.
I am compassionate with the animals , I cannot hear or see that an animal suffers. My soul hurts from this.
30. How did that feel like ?
A pressure is strong corrective.
I lie on right side it corrective. I lie down on it onto the painful part.
Caress I do not like it.
31. What sensation do you experience in that situation ?
32. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand.(habits or Action) ?
Tearing and biting skin around nails.
I picking my face.
33. desire or like and dislike of food
I desire it : soup, pasta, meat, spicy food, (pepper, chili)
I do not like it : fruit and sweet foods (I eat very rarely simply)
33. Name of foods which increase your problem
Possibly the sweets.
34. Body odor ,/sweating/-35. Under line the right word for you ----
Helpful, patient, stubborn, jealous.
I am afraid of the deep water, and from it, something happens to my husband and I lose it.
I fear from the spiders, from cockroach, from stray dogs.
,I do not like the company .
I am a little bit impatient with children. ( I do not have child. )
36. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)
Agg. : motion, smells, fragrances, odors, the moving of an eye, and wind
Amel. : strong pressure, lying on the painful side, silence, cold pack, calmness,
37. . Details of the adverse features in the Pathological ,ECG, XRay Ultra-Sound's tests already conducted
An examination was not made. I do not have a test.
38. Attached here your photographs of the affected area. (if required/optional)
Let me send a photo from myself?

Good night.
Thank you very much: jozephina

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jozephina last decade
Dear dr. Sharma!

The pain is continuous and dull. Alternate, strong and weak. He is not sharp.

Begins to ache soon if I do not eat and I am furious and nervous.
Aggr. hunger, fury, stress.
Aggr. motion head and motion body
Aggr. sudden head translation.

History personal: (in adult age) : abortion, mumps, Lyme disease , antibiotic consumption.
I was a child , appetiteless, skinny, weak, anaemic and a doctor advised vitamins, iron artefact, and steroid (Nerobol tablet) + child illnesses.
My mother under the pregnancy , picked a tranquilliser (Pipolphen, Seduxen) and was nervous continuous, because his first husband is an alcoholic and was quarrelsome.
I was born from his second marriage.
My father would have liked a little boy , did not accept me because of this, but now good our contact, all ok.
Interests the supernatural, subconscious, mystic things. (Reiki, mind control, psichologia )
I say thank you, for his patience and work.
Beautiful day and I wish good health.
jozephina last decade
dear jozephina,
Belladona is good remedy take its One dose of 200 potency 0nce a day but aggr. of pain in hunger leads me to ANACARDIUM ORIENTALE-30 please take 3 drops on tongue thrice a day for a week and report.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Hello dr Mahfooz,
Since Jozephine does not know English well let's do not confuse her and let's leave it to dr Sharma.
(personally I do not see Anac. here but Bry->extreme sensitiveness to motion)
Astra2012 last decade
Hi Dr.Mahfooz,
sorry: anac is as good as bry: both cover her symptoms only partially (I have just checked in Murphy MM).
Astra2012 last decade
Dear Jozephina,
please give me time at least one day to answer. I want know your smoking is continue or stoped.

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Dear astra,
please convay to jozephine, she is advise to take only one doses of Ignatia 10M and wait for a week and report me symptom for further treatment..

I hope that only one dose will cure all the problem she should wait for a month...

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Dear dr. Sharma!

Three or four years I do not smoke. I got out of the habit of the cigarette, I do not endure his smell.

Ignatia for me very simpatic, but I did not apply it yet till.
I test it with pleasure.
I buy, CH 10M.

Kind dr* Sharma. I wait for the answers with patience. Thank you.
I say thank to everybody, for answers and the work.
Regards : jozephina
jozephina last decade
Dear Jozephine,
I think you have learned a lot of English since your first post!
Keep in touch.
Astra2012 last decade
Dear dr. Sharma!

Thank you very much.
I endeavour, struggling. assiduity.

I waiting the onto Ignatia.
It is necessary to order it here.
I apply a portion immediately when I get hold of it.

How many globule, been a portion? 10?

I use when, evening or morning?
Onto empty stomach?

Thank you very much.
I wish ace, health, for you.
jozephina last decade
Dear jozephina,
you will take one dose of 2 drops or 4-6 pills early in the morning by disolving 2 spoon of water at empty stomach.... need not require to take 2nd dose...

pls wait for result...

dr. deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Dear dr. Sharma!

I wait for Ignatia, twelve days.
Pharmacy order, from England.
I write, of course. about the changes.
Everybody so kind and helpful here , I heal already half.
Thank you very much.

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jozephina last decade
Dear dr. Sharma!

The ignatia, arrived, at last..
I took, one dose Ignatia, on saturday, after midnight 3:30 clock.
I am waiting, now.
My headache, on thursday ex.
I feel, small dull pain now, but this not such bad, than wonted to be.
This, may aggravation?

Thank you very much.
jozephina last decade
Dear dr. Sharma!

I am having a cold, possibly?
Whole day I keep sneezing and I blow my nose.
I have a headache blunt, i think because of i caught cold?
Or, does Ignatia work in me?
I do not know … but I tolerate, if he leads to the recovery.

Thank you very much.
jozephina last decade
Dear dr. Sharma!

I am very well, today.
I do not have a headache.
My nose is not running.
I sneeze, little.

I take, one dose oscillococcinum and painkiller. yesterday.
I not make bad, with this?

Thank you very much.
jozephina last decade
Dear dr. Sharma!

I had a headache with two occasions, after ignatia.
Was not strong.

I wait for the full moon, what will be then?
My head , will hurt , or not?

I wait for his answer onto my previous letters.

Thank you very much.
jozephina last decade
Hello Jozephine,
Thank you very much for writing an update from time to time. It means a lot!
Dr.Sharma is presently very busy with the engagement of his daughter but he will attend to all his patients as soon as possible.

Is your headache usually ocurring at the full moon?

Seems that ignatia is working
-let's wait for Dr. Sharma to continue the treatment.
Astra2012 last decade
Dear Astra!

I am grateful for their work and their answers.

I wish Dr. Sharmanak and for his daughter , very much happiness!
I wait for his answer, with patience.

My headache strong, periodically , 28-30 daily.
( Periodicity, 28-30 day.)

This falls into one unfortunately, with my menstruation and with the full moon.
Is in a time, my headache, my menstruation, and full moon.

Thank you very much.
jozephina last decade

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