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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Headache Page 2 of 5

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Astra!

I am grateful for their work and their answers.

I wish Dr. Sharmanak and for his daughter , very much happiness!
I wait for his answer, with patience.

My headache strong, periodically , 28-30 daily.
( Periodicity, 28-30 day.)

This falls into one unfortunately, with my menstruation and with the full moon.
Is in a time, my headache, my menstruation, and full moon.

Thank you very much.
jozephina last decade
Dear Jozephine,

Does your headache start before or during or after M. (=menstruation=menses)?

or it differs? (=sometimes before and sometimes during, or rather depends on the full moon)?

Please be patient, the goal is your full cure!
Astra2012 last decade
Dear all, I speak Hungarian, hope to help speed things up on this thread for Jozephina...
Kedves Jozefina, en magyar vagyok, ha tudnek segiteni a forditasokban, szivesen megteszem.

I'm going to translate the last post.

Az utolso kerdes:
A fejfajasa a menzesz alatt vagy utan kezdodik? Vagy valtozo? A telihold hatassal van ra?
Legyen turelemmel, a cel a teljes gyogyulas.
Edina last decade
Thank you Edina! (although Jozephina's English is getting better and better!)
Astra2012 last decade
Kedves Edina!

Nagyon szépen köszönöm a segítséged, de szívesen elbíbelõdöm vele, legalább azalatt is tanulok valamit. :-)
Felajánlott segítségedet természetesen evidenciában tartom és élnék vele engedelmeddel, ha olyan választ kapok, ami felett csak pislogok :-)és nem értem , mit szeretnének tõlem kérdezni.
Nagyon kedves és segítõkész emberek vannak itt, szeretek ide járni :-)
Köszönöm szépen.
Szép napot, jó egészséget jozephina
jozephina last decade
Dear Astra!

Thank you for it the praise.
For me, good feeling. :-)

My headache start, it differs.
My headache, maybe rather depends on the full moon.
Begins before the full moon.

I did not write it down unfortunately.
I do not know, exactly.

I observe, henceforth, onto myself.

Thank you very much.
jozephina last decade
Thank you Jozephina. You really have made a great progress!

Is it possible for you to buy liquid remedy?
I think you should follow now with NATRUM MURIATICUM 10M. One dose. (it often completes the work of Ignata)

Please report (and watch your reaction careully).
Astra2012 last decade
Dear dr. Sharma and Astra !

My headache, not so strong maybe.
He hurts yet unfortunately.

What should I do?

I take one dose Ignatia or Natrium muriatikum?

Thank you very much.
jozephina last decade
Hi patient please try lachesis 200 3dosge(2drops mixed with 30ml of drinking water) 3days early in the morning in empty stomach and come back with your update after 15 days.Wishes you the best,malaker
Dr.Haran ch malaker last decade
Dear Doctors!

I have headache is , but not anymore so strong.
He did not disappear yet totally unfortunately.

I have the next problems now.
I fear of the dogs and beast.
I am afraid of the cancer. ( genitalia.)
I pluck the leather around my fingernail and I scratch my face while he does not bleed.
I tearing skin around nails. I scratch the wounds and pimples off.
I check it two times or repeatedly I closed the door or the car.

Help me please.
Thank you very much
jozephina last decade
Hello Jozephina,
I have gone through your case from start to finish.

Not happy with what meds suggested to you.

Take Sepia 200 ...two times ever day for 3 days...then stop.
(This will take away your headaches, improve skin, take away leuchorea problem etc and make you feel more cheerful).

Also order Arum Trip 200 ...will guide you to take it later.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dear Pankaj Varma!

Thank you very much for your answer.

I take Silicea 30 to my skin.
Probably improved a little.

But the my mental symptoms are very disturbing.
I checked the door yesterday several times while my friends waited for me.
The fear to disease is the worst, because I know the fear may come true.
I read New Age books.( Positive thinking. )

I buy, Sepia 200.
Morning and evening one doses, for 3 days?
A dose of 5 globuli?
Thank you for your patience and help.
jozephina last decade
I buy, Sepia 200.
Morning and evening one doses, for 3 days?
A dose of 5 globuli?
Yes , yes.

Also buy :

Arum Trip 200

It is a medicine specific for those who bite their nails and skin under the nails.

Arum Trip will have to be taken after Sepia has done its job.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dear Pankaj Varma!

I had a headache until two days. The smells (AirWick, perfume) they were very bad --> nausea.
My headache was one week after the full moon.
( My menstruation is late.)
I wait for your proposal.
Thank you very much!
jozephina last decade
Sorry, missed out on your earlier post.

go ahead ...take Sepia 200 ..yes five globs is ok each time you have to take the med.

Take it morning and evening for 3 days.

Send report...after 5 days of starting medicine.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Avoid coffee, garlic, alcohol drinks, perfumes, strong smells...for about 10 days as these can diminish the benefit of the medicine.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dear Pankaj Varma!

Friday was a severe headache and vomiting.
I am thinking that maybe the with meal may be related? Maybe, my skin is spotty due to poor nutrition?
I suffer a long-term from to acne.There are knot cystic under my skin.Discolored: purple and brown.Brown scars remain.Many ugly scar is on my face.

Help me please

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jozephina last decade
My face

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jozephina last decade
I'm waiting patiently.

I apply the silicon oxide?
I buy Silicea LM1 potencia?
....or in other remedies would be good?
Please who can help.
Thank you very much.
jozephina last decade
i don't think that silicea is your remedy. Ignatia worked well for you. So you should go for Natrum Mur now. It should work well for your headache and acne. Natrum Mur should work looking at your mentals and the kind of childhood you had.

Please take a single dose of Natrum Mur 200c for only one day (not daily) and report back after 15 days.
kadwa last decade
It is an overdosing of Silicea...which has caused the outbreak of pimples on your face.

Stop further use of Silicea.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dear kadwa!

I'm sorry for the delay.

I took one dose Nat.mur 200 c
Did I dream every night but pleasant dreams.
My face is less sore and inflamed.
There is yet, acne on my face and neck, unfortunately.
Perhaps decreased my libido a bit.
It hurt my head but not so hard and lasted for less.

I think there is little improvement.
I'd really like if my skin would be nice.
I know I must be patient.

When I take another dose?
How do I continue?

Thank you for your help.
jozephina last decade
Please don't take anything for the time being and report back after 15 days.
kadwa last decade
Dear kadwa!

My face was nice till now.
The akne came back now.
Menstruation time, worse.
Till now less and kissebbek more superficial they came what disappeared quickly.
Now again deeper and bigger, they heal difficultly.

There are dreams , but not so intensively.
My hayfever decreased to a time, indeed he's gone. Came back now, unfortunately.

Very good news:
My strong migraine was last, in April, before Nat.muriaticum!
That's very good! Thank you!

I ask a proposal.
How longer?
(27.April : one dose Nat.mur. C200)

Help me please, on my face.

Thank you very much!
jozephina last decade
Please take a single dose of Natrum Mur 200c only once (not daily) and report back after 15 days.
kadwa last decade
Dear kadwa!
I was hoping that this hint!
I am pleased.
I'm not a typical Nat.mur. But six titles totaling over this helped the most.
Thank you very much!
jozephina last decade

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