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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

sleep apnea - help

i am posting this for partner
any help will be appreciated.

1. name - marc
2. age - 55
3. sex - male
4. unmarried but involved in relationship
5. height - 5' 10'
6. wieght - 150 lbs.
7. country - US
8. climate - presently cold/winter
9. family history - mother recently died at age 82, heart related complications with aneurism.
father is 87 - not very mobile, swelled ankles, minimal walking.
10/11. occupation - musician/teacher
12. complexion - fair skin, grey hair (turned completely grey mid 30's) hair was thick and dark.
13 constitution - medium build, generally healthy, strong. weight and height in proportion.
14. non vegetarian
15. drinks alcohol moderately, caffiene ever day, 2-3 cups.
16. main problems - SLEEP APNEA and some snoring. sleep apnea flares up more under emotional stress and pressure. past history of anxiety (felt in solar plexus, with feelings of panic) with isolated periods of high blood pressure when under stress. at present there is no high blood pressure.
17. how long - SLEEP APNEA has persisted for 15 YEARS. Snoring - 10 years
anxiety - life time (father was abusive, emotionally and sometimes physically)
18. medications - cpap breathing machine for apnea.
19. non diabetic
20. i have a moderate desire for sale but not so for sours and sweets. sometimes i feel the need for protein.
21. my fluid intake is very low and i have very little thirst.
22. my tongue is white/pale yellow coating, no red
23. blood pressure -130/85
24. what exactly is happening? my breathing stops at night and there is mucous in the throat, with post nasal drip. upon awaking with apnea, my throat feel thick with mucous.
25, 26, 27. how do i feel? emotionally sad, physically tired and heavy after waking up with apnea. i feel frustation, especially with having to wear the cpap machine evry night.
28,29,what comes to your mind, name one situation that had a big effect on you? feelings of inadequacy come to mind that began with father expressing dissappointments in me during childhood. this lead to a feeling of never being good enough while at the same time trying hard to please someone who could never be pleased. at present my father lives with me.
30. how did this feel like? -anxious around father. lack of confidence and nervousness in new situations until i feel comfortable.
31. what sensations do you experience?
anxiousness, panic in solar plexus, sadness
32. what are you showing in genstures? - facial twitches around the mouth/jaw. sometimes i click my teeth together. generally under stress my outside demaeaner is calm but tense. under great stress i may loose control, but this is extremely rare.
33. desire/like of food - none especially but i do need a fair amount of protein.
34. no body odor, normal sweating.
35. i can be a little sad at times and fearful but not in an exaggerated way. my disposition is melancholic with a slight touch of sanguine. sometimes i can have low self confidence while others times i can be very enthusiastic about things i am passionate about.
36. aggravations - stress, worry
ameliorations - being centered, calm and relaxed.
37. adverse pathalogical features - i participated in a sleep study that revealed apnea. i also endured
three throat surgury's that failed to improve the apnea.
38. my sleep - before bed i turn over things in my mind - sometimes too much. i often wake up 2-4 times per night. sometimes my thoughts get stuck in the wheel going round and round.
  natcam on 2007-11-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
any homeopathic medication did you try ?
faisal qureshi last decade
please take LACHESIS 200C one dose at early morning just on one day only.

note the changes for the next 10 nights.

dose: 3 drops in 20 ml of water.sip it slowly in clean mouth and empty stomach. dont take any water or food for next 1 hour.
rishimba last decade
thank you Faisal and Rhishimba for replying to this post. 6 months ago i did give Marc one dose of lachesis 30C but there was no response to the remedy. i considered going up to 200c but at the time he was not willing to give up the coffee. now he is. Faisal - do you agree with the Lachesis?

kind regards,
natcam last decade
sleep apnea is a deeper ailment than just a physical pain. we need to go to upto 1m potency before discarding the remedy.

try out 200c and after 15 to 20 days, if there is absolutely no response, give him 1m one dose.

alternately, ammonium carb also covers sleep apnea which can also be tried in case lach fails.
rishimba last decade
yes, i agree, the sleep apnea is a deeper ailment. i will also review the profile of ammonium carb.

your time and energy are sincerely appreciated.

natcam last decade

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