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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Treatment for Depression

I am 30 Yr old Indian Male and I work in Nigeria. My wife 29 Yr old was diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome in May 2007 and she was put on 60 mg prednisolone for 2 months.
She faced lot of side effects – breathlessness, dizziness, palpation and panic attacks.

As on today these side effects are no more there but she noticed sudden mood change and her anxiety level have increased. She feel tired, doesn’t feel like getting up in the morning, body ache. She often forgets what she was doing.
But she tries very hard to come out of this situation. She goes to gym daily and does regular exercise. But after morning exercise she again gets depressed. She is very sensitive and small thing from her past life also affects her badly.

History: She was divorced before marrying me. During 1st marriage she always felt depressed, angry. She has a 6 yrs old daughter who lives with us. She was depressed during pregnancy also. She felt like shouting, throwing things, angry etc and in the beginning of 2006, she started taking help from a counselor. And we got married in the beginning of 2007. I knew her since last 3 years when she got separated (but not divorced).

She met same counselor again when she went back to India recently and counselor asked her to take professional help from a physiatrist. Physiatrist has advised to take Nexito and Lonazep for next 10 days.

I want to know if she feels better during these 10 days then what will happen. Doctor will put her on this medicine for ever? Is there any side effect of these medicines?

  lkhanna on 2007-12-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
what is past medical history and any family history?
faisal qureshi last decade
Hello Sir

My wife had high BP during pregnancy (2000-2001) and she has been diagnosed with hypertension in July 2007.
She had Facial paralysis in 1993 (age 14 yrs) and she was given wysolone for four months at that time.
She is extremely sensitive and since her childhood she is facing sever palpation.
She got involved with her 1st husband in 1995 (age 16 yrs) and since then things got worst. She got married with him in 1998 and separated in 2006.

She tries to convince herself always not to think about past not to think negative but her rational mind works rarely and irrational thoughts hover her mind and she feels very sad within. She got married with me in Feb 07 but she didn’t see much change in her life style and as on today she feels worse. We live in Nigeria and she doesn’t have anything to do. She feels more depressed due to loneliness.
She is really scared of taking any medicine and she wants natural treatment.

Family History

Her Mother has High BP since last 5 yrs. Depression was observed in Father due to Job.
My wife’s childhood was good. She always has high emotional requirements. She has tendency of having mental dependency on somebody around her and if that person is not available then she feels insecured get depressed easily. She is observing this from school time.
lkhanna last decade
please try (Aurum metallicum-30c) 2pills daily for 1 week only then stop and after 2weeks report me back,OK
Good luck
faisal qureshi last decade
Thanks Sir
I want to know if there will be any side affect while taking this medicine? I am really new and have very less exp. in medicals and in life. It is difficult to get good doctors in Nigeria. I am just scared of giving something to my wife which may have some side affect or may crate more problem. Pl don't take it other wise
lkhanna last decade
Homeopathy is free from any side effect.
faisal qureshi last decade
Hello Sir
I also wanted to know if she should she stop taking Nexito and Lonazep? She started this two days ago.

lkhanna last decade

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