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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

1 month old has congestion

Our 1-month-old boy has congestion, it sounds terrible and he has a hard time breathing through his nose, sneezing lots, and has trouble breastfeeding as he as to keep taking his mouth away to breath. Can anyone advise as to what to give him?
  robyn on 2007-12-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
breast fed--other diet look into --avoid extremes --keep basic----dose of nux vomica for mother only-- 1 pelet 30c in 4 oz water--stir-- 1 teaspoon doe---the response will determine next step---this acute ill phase--based on mother's health---her milk -child's nouriushent---so kep dietary aspect in ind---if will go furtgher into it then need mother's background...etc..tc.other avoid stimulants-coffee-teas---acid foods--alcohol--best interst whole food diet for other--avoiding processed foods---dairy also need consdiered as possible aggitant
John Stanton last decade

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