The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Needs help reg. hair loss
I am 36. Two months ago I saw a small hairloss patch on the right side of my beard. After a few days another patch appeared on the left side of the beard. One person gave me (Teucrium30, Picric Acid 30, Nat.Mur 30 to be taken 2 times a day for one month) plus Bacillinium 200 two times a week for one month. The patches stopped increasing and just four/five hairs appeared in the patches. He told me to take Psorinum 1M + Bacillinium 1M once a week for a month plus repeated the other medicines for another month. No more improvement seen. Instead I have noticed another small patch but this time at the back of my head above my right ear. Can anybody help me please? Thankslerum on 2008-01-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
flouric acid 200 twice daily for 7 days then one dose daily for seven days then thrice a week for 7 days twice a week report j k mohla
♡ akshaymohl last decade
Hi guys
Its my very first post on this forum and second I am also fan from homoeopathic and I am from Germany and third thing amazingly I have totally same problem and I did n´t use any thing however I visited to the doctor he said to me that there is no treatment in this case accept there is a therapy like to sit under the red light. but I am wondering because the placeses which my friend define it is also the same I an facing just like he explain I want to know is that some kind of disease. and I have to use the same medicine which the Akshaymohl suggest??
From the motherland of Homoeopathic ;)
Its my very first post on this forum and second I am also fan from homoeopathic and I am from Germany and third thing amazingly I have totally same problem and I did n´t use any thing however I visited to the doctor he said to me that there is no treatment in this case accept there is a therapy like to sit under the red light. but I am wondering because the placeses which my friend define it is also the same I an facing just like he explain I want to know is that some kind of disease. and I have to use the same medicine which the Akshaymohl suggest??
From the motherland of Homoeopathic ;)
ahadsay last decade
Dear akshaymohl, I am sorry for late reply, but I have got the medicine Flouric Acid 200 today and have started using it. I will let you know the results in a week and then even afterwards. Hope that it works.
Thank you very much and sorry again for replying late.
Thank you very much and sorry again for replying late.
lerum last decade
Hi Dr. akshaymohl
I am sorry for replying late. Actually I got the medicine today. So I have started it and will soon let you know the results, in a week, and even later on.
Thankyou very much again.
I am sorry for replying late. Actually I got the medicine today. So I have started it and will soon let you know the results, in a week, and even later on.
Thankyou very much again.
lerum last decade
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