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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Dear All,
Does any of you know someone who knows how to combine astrology with homeopathy, thus obtainning the hom. remedy that corresponds with the natal hour, day and place of the patient?
let me know.
[message edited by Albert on Mon, 03 Mar 2014 18:08:22 GMT]
  Albert on 2008-01-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Well I never heard of something like this. Is this is true, this is amazing, please keep us all posted.

luvdodo last decade
Dear Albert...there is one author who has linked the 12 Bio-chemic (cell) salts to the 12 Zodiac signs.

I read this book about 10 years back. Cannot recall the title or the author's name.

But his arguments appeared convincing....

Mya be if you 'Google Search' ...might get some answers.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Hi Friends,
of course there is a very popular book on medical astrology by 'Eileen nauman', which not only links homeopathy but allopathy too, like particular vitamins/minerals etc. useful for specific zodiac signs.
pappu77 last decade
This may help:

Planet: Sun
Metal: Gold
Body: Heart, Spine
Color: Gold, yellow
Remedies: Aurum, Palatina

Personality: Strong, active, argues, quick, busy, selfish, aggressive, incline to violence.

Planet: Moon
Metal: Silver
Body: Brain, Blood
Color: Silver, White, Cream, Green
Remedies: Arg, Puls, Igna

Personality: Emotional, sensitive, caring

Planet: Mercury
Metal: Mercury
Body: Nerves, Lung
Color: Silver, Grey, Yellow
Remedies: Mer, Tub, Cann ind, Stram

Personality: Talking & gissoping, massenger, deplomat, love reading.

Planet: Venus
Metal: Copper
Body: Kidney, nutrition
Color: Blue, pink, pastel shades
Remedies: Pulsatilla

Personality: Mild & Artistic, goes with the flow, creates harmony, never upset others, like sweets.

Planet: Mars
Metal: Iron
Body: Blood, muscles, circulation
Color: Red, Brown
Remedies: Ferrum met

Planet: Jupitar
Metal: Tin
Body: Liver, Gall bladder
Color: Orange
Remedy: Chelidonium

Personality: Theorizer, speculate, gamble, like to travel, suspicious mind, have a sense of humor

Planet: Saturn
Metal: Lead
Body: Skelton, Skin, Hair, Nails
Color: Black, Dark colors, purple, violet, indigo
Remedies: Calc, Plumb, Allumina, Lycopodium

Personality: Dark, heavy, likes coffee, dark color, winter, night time, music. Intolerant, conservative
sthillaiyah last decade
here,s something very interesting, but i couldnt reach the authors:

Albert last decade
You have omitted Personality under - Mars.

Can you please add.

I can identify the areas of the body requiring Medication on the basis of Planetary placements. If you have your birth details pl. write.

DO you have any such requirement?
Rajendra last decade
mar. 21 to apr. 20 kali phosphoricum
apr. 21 to may. 20 natrum sulphuricum
may. 21 to jun. 20 kali muriaticum
jun. 21 to jul. 20 calcium fluoride
jul. 21 to aug. 20 magnesia phosphoricum
aug. 21 to sep. 23 kali sulphuricum
sep. 23 to oct. 23 natrum phosphoricum
oct. 23 to nov. 22 calcium sulphate
nov. 22 to dec. 21 silicea
dec. 21 to jan. 19 calcium phosphate
jan. 19 to feb. 19 natrum muriaticum
feb. 19 to mar. 20 ferrum phosphoricum

for more detail visit:

libra981 last decade
This is a very ineresting way of healing.

Dr. R.S.Gupta
Rajendra last decade
i am a practicing homeopath and medical astrologer. i stared exploring the link between astrolgy and medicine in 1973 when i was clinical director at a large hospital. i noticed doctors where not paying attention to the emotional nature of the patient. then in 1985 i started classes in homeopathy. i cant say enough about astrology and homeopathy.
drmlevan last decade

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