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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

stomach issues

This is probably going to be long, and I'm sorry, but I want to be as accurate as possible. For the last year or so I have been semi-starving myself. I have a huge fear of vomitting, and I let it control my life. I would eat maybe one meal a day, I would eat normal sometimes, but not alot. I also have huge problems with anxiety, and panic disorder (mainly because of the vomitting fear) I take Nux Vomica when I feel nausea, and anxiety, it works pretty well, but for the past month or so I have been having other problems. I notice that I feel hungry all day. I eat three meals a day now, but still feel empty, a couple hours after eating. My throat also feels like there is a lump. I think I usually feel it when I'm hungry. I have also had problems with intestinal gas at least once, twice a week. I have to take Charcoal pills, and it gets better. That I could handle, but now I have new symptoms. Two weeks ago I noticed I would feel slight burning in my stomach, never to the point of stabbing pains, just discomfort. Also sometimes I feel like there is a dull, tight feeling on my left side a little above bellybutton. Usually I push on it, and gas comes out. When I push there is no pain or soreness. This sounds weird, but I notice when I fall asleep on my couch I'm fine, but once I wake up to go into bedroom, I all of a sudden feel bad gas, anxiety, burning in my stomach. It might be a coincidence, I'm not sure. I also have pain in my right eye, it usually hurts like a headache on the right side of my head also. I don't know if it's related to other issue. I have been drinking Aloe Vera for a couple weeks (about 8-10oz daily) I am hoping it will help my problem. I am so scared of what's happening to me, because of my vomitting fear, if that happens it will kill me. I don't have any health insurance, so that's another reason I worry. I have never had any health problems in the past other than anxiety created by me. I take vitamins, alot of C, B12, multi. I was one Prilosec for 2 weeks, but the burning came back 1 day after the treatment was done. If anyone can help me, I would greatly appreciate it.
  mnk4ever224 on 2008-01-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please stop all other medicine and try (Argentum Nitricum-30c)2pills twise a day for week only then stop and after 6 weeks report me back,Ok
Good luck
faisal qureshi last decade
So should I stop my aloe vera juice as well?
mnk4ever224 last decade

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