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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

sleep apnea

I need help for my husband . He has problem of sleep apnea. He gets up 2-3 times in night with dry throat and also he has to go for urination around 2-3 times in the night.But in the day he has no problem of urination. Please advise some medication for his problem .
  lucky123 on 2008-02-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Answer a few questions,
1- Is your husband has some other ailment?
2- What is his nature of work?
3- What he mostly feels,Cold/Hot espacially during night?
4- What are the exact timings of aggravation while sleeping?
5- How his sleep apnea gets better i.e while bending forward or walking etc?
6- How is his thirst?
7- What is his temperament?
8- Any problem in the urination?Currently or in past.

Dr Tahira last decade
Thanks Dr.Tahira.
My husband has to rush to the toilet as soon as he gets
up.Stool which is usually very loose. He is in computer works and has very stressful work. He does not feelcold or hot during night. There is no exact timing of aggravation while sleeping .
He usually gets up when he feels apnea and drink water as he feels dry throat.
His temperament is normal .He has no other problem in his urination.
lucky123 last decade
Look into Sulphur to start with.

gavinimurthy last decade
Sulphur 30C, four drops or 2 pills as a dose in the fasting then wait and report about him.

Dr Tahira last decade
Dr Tahira i forgot to mention that his fingers tip alway chapped for the last 5-6years . sometime figers get heal with the help of cream and good soap but it will last only for few days and will come again .This is on and off process and happen all the time and in all season. Also his teeth has problem as they used to get chipped and he has gotten 3-4 root canal done . His eye sight really get weak rapidly has to wear glass all the time . Doctor told him that he has some utraviolet eye damage . That is very stange because he is hardly going in sun .

I will be greatful for your advise.
lucky123 last decade
Sulphur is a deep acting remedy.Sometimes it alone can cover all symptoms,otherwise clear the way for other remedies.

Dr Tahira last decade
Dr. Tahira ,
How many times he has to take medicine . Also for how long.

lucky123 last decade
Just a single dose in the fasting for one day and wait.The gap between medicine and breakfast should be 1 hour.Update me with his condition.

Dr Tahira last decade
Dr Tahira ,

I already gave him medicine 3 times a day for last 2 day. I did notice some change in his condition. What should I do now . Should I give him single now .
lucky123 last decade
No. just wait and watch his symptoms and let me know.

Dr Tahira last decade
Dr Tahira,
I have seen great improvement in his sleeping . I used to get up 1-2 times for urination but for last 2-3 days he hasn,t gotup for urination . But I am not sure about apnea as it occur once in while . Also there is no improvement in cracked fingertips.
lucky123 last decade
Extremities, cracks skin, fingers, tips of : aur-m., bar-c., graph., petr.

Look into Petroleum. You should wait for atleast two weeks before trying another remedy, since Sulphur did help him. Sulphur is a deep acting remedy and it is not wise to disturb its action now.

I suggest to come back after two weeks for further guidance.

gavinimurthy last decade
We have to wait till Sulphur is working.You should notice the changes in his symptoms and report back after a few days.

Dr Tahira last decade
I have noticed great improvement in his sleep , for the last 4-5 days he didn,t get in the night . He has now very dry itchy skin. Can I start petroleum for his cracked fingertips . Which potency and how many times . Please let me know.
lucky123 last decade
Dr Tahira ,
I found great improvement in his sleep . should I continue sulphur ?
lucky123 last decade
Did u feel any change in skin problem after giving him sulphur?What about his other problems?

Dr Tahira last decade
Dr. Tahira ,
No change in his skin problem . I don,t about his sleep apnea because occur once in while .
lucky123 last decade

1-Is the patient chilly or hot?
2-skin problem is dry or wet?if yes what is the appearance of secretion?
3-is there any sensation linked with during agg. time i.e suffocation, needles, twichings etc?

Dr Tahira last decade

1. Not chilly or hot
2.Skin is very dry.Fingers tip are always cracked and bleed.This is going on for the last 4-5yrs.
3.Body skin is very itchy sometimes.
lucky123 last decade
Hi ,
His symptom has come back. For the last two days he is getting up in night for urination. He got great improvement in his symptoms intially but now he has all symptom again .Should he starts taking his medicine again.
lucky123 last decade

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