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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


My son was diagnosed with major depression back in August.

he is 21
He was prescribed Wellbutrin and trazadone for sleeping but has stopped taking it because he ran out and did not go to the doctor when he was scheduled. He slept instead.

I have been working with him to get him motivated. He signed up for a martial arts course, which he goes to.

He is working a parttime job.

When he comes home he goes to his room, or goes on the computer, or plays his drums.

He rarely goes out with friends, which is a good thing and a bad thing. Good because they weren't good friends to be around, as they were bad influences, and bad because he is not socializing.

His mood at time is good and at times is foul. he becomes angry for no apparent reason. He gets mad for the oddest reasons.

I've been having him take 5-HTP, drink St. John's Wort to see if this helps.

While I have not noticed a significant improvement in mood or behavior, I have noticed that he has been maintaining without sinking deeper. I hate to ask him because he becomes dismissive, and won't tell me. The good thing is that he is still working and working out.

I completed the
  loly101 on 2008-02-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Nice to know that St. John's Wort is helping.
Some more things that should be included in food are Fish oil, walnuts, and fibres.
If you could please throw some light on the begining of the issue, it will help in correct diagnosis.
>Did you ever speak to his friends?
>why did he not socialise with them any more. There may be some reson(s).
>Its necessary to speak to him as a friend about anything and everything.
>Without knowing the triggering point of his depresssion, using medicines wont help much.
mohammadjamaal last decade
Well for starters, I’m not sure what his initial depresión started. It may have started years back, and we just never noticed because back then he did all the normal things teens do. Get into trouble, drink, smoke pot, hang with bad friends.

His father is an alcoholic and he was verbally abusive.

This affected all of us. #1 son, #2 son [has depression] and youngest daughter [anxiety issues]. Highly dysfunctional family, it got to the point where I was taking it out on #2 son, not physically, nor verbally, but rather with anger because he was the one that was doing everything wrong. He was coming home drunk, getting high, getting caught with weed or with alcohol, and at the time he was under age, so he was also getting jailed, not working etc etc.

#1 son left the house, which helped because he came with his own set of problems. Then I began to notice that #2 son, was sleeping too much, not doing anything, no motivation. I encouraged him to see a therapist; he did and was diagnosed with major depression. He has admitted to cutting. He was for awhile, somewhat of a hypochondriac. I noticed also, that he seemed to be a bit paranoid, always making sure that the windows were closed and locked at night.

Lots of anger for no apparent reason, or for a reason only obvious to him. Punched holes in the wall.

Once he started seeing a therapist, he insinuated that he could have been molested by a homosexual uncle. Which I tried to believe, but was unsure as to whether or not I should. Until he insinuated that my brother and my husband, might have also done something to him, and then he insinuated that I too might have molested him. At this point I thought, he’s grasping at straws here. Perhaps he might have been molested, but just can’t remember who.

His friends are bad influences. They hang with him, sell him pot and that’s it. He was staying with a “friend” on a weekend, and the apartment was burning, so he came home. Later, same friend starts to accuse him of stealing. They stop hanging with each other. #2 son hates the friend, then they make up, then they hate each other again and it goes back and forth. I have spoken to one of his friends, but I don’t think that he is very forthcoming.

#2 son has no girlfriend, has no car, has a part-time job. The money he earns he quickly spends. He is paying his father back for a court debt, he spends his money on drum equipment and I’m sure he spends some on pot. I further thing that he is making his own weed with weeds he collects from around the area.

For some reason he hates his older brother. Maybe because brother is living with a girl he had a crush on a few years back.

So in a nutshell that is it.
loly101 last decade
Hello, Mom of three

>If I understood you correctly, your family is highly disorganised as your husband is alcoholic and abusive.
>All the threee children have some emotional trouble.

Then You began to notice the following symtoms in #2 son.
>too much sleep,
>Lot of anger
>pot etc.
> insinuating that he have been abused by uncle,brother,.....and even YOU. you r afraid about paronia too.

>However it seems to me that you are well organised and you have the ability to thing and act rationally......

Who did what to him?
Please try to find out. what did the therapist suggest about his INSINUATION?
I hope you understand that he needs to expel the venom that is buried inside.only then any medicien will be helpful.Motivate him to go the therapist.It might take a bit long but I am sure he will be cured of all his Ills and you all of your worries.
We have lot of wonder drugs in medicine in homeopathy.Only a bit of patience is required.

Please answer the following:

>Any headaches or other Vague aches?
>Any positive thing except Drums in which he finds pleasure?
>How was he as a child?
>Mild,gentle,agressive,stealing,crying,liar,obedient,affectionate,playful,introvert,had frinds,
>good in studies,concerned about his family(mother)???????
His achievments?
>His looks?
>WHich color,season he likes most?
>Did he like consolation when it was required?
>How was his memory before the depression and after how is it now?
>ever tried to give him some responsibility?
>major failures
>Any fears?
>did fathere/you suffer form any major diseases. if so pls lets know.
>Also tell us something about father.

mohammadjamaal last decade

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