The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Sweat Problem
My sweat is not coming from my body. I feel someone is touching my body with nidle. afflictive pain in my all body.s.jamal20 on 2008-03-10
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I don't know but I tell you with examples.
If I am walking then my body heat start rising. This excess heat needs to go out but it doesn't go out which produce very painful itching on all my body. Pimples rise up on my all body when heat at its full peak after that sweat comes out from my body and cool it.
This excess heat procedure can start anywhere anytime.
I think it is due to excess heat in body.
If I am walking then my body heat start rising. This excess heat needs to go out but it doesn't go out which produce very painful itching on all my body. Pimples rise up on my all body when heat at its full peak after that sweat comes out from my body and cool it.
This excess heat procedure can start anywhere anytime.
I think it is due to excess heat in body.
s.jamal20 last decade
I want to one thing more that itching always there where hair on body. as sweat come out without any itching from my head,underarm and on my pubic hair place(penis and testicle shave place)
s.jamal20 last decade
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
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