The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Erectile Dysfunction
My age is about 43 years. I am heart patient and suffering from coronary artery disease for which I am using various allopathic medicines like No Clot, Vastarel MR, Spiromide, Ismo20, Athenil and Tritace. As a result of said medication my blood pressure and all other symptoms are normal. I am also insulin dependant diabetic since last 15 years.Since last few months I have been deprived of my sexual lust and suffering from Erectile Dysfunction (have completely lost erection). Will you please help me and advise if I can safely use any effective homeopathic medicine for erection / stimulation?
adamkhan on 2004-11-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Lust, huh? Try to think of it as sexual activity and satisfaction. When one gives something so much negative emotional energy, it recedes even more.
The harder you reach, it will elude you. Please learn to relax and consider the huge world around you. "Feel" in terms of ourside yourself.
AVENA SATIVA 30C may be of benefit. One dose per day for 3 days, then one dose per week for 4 weeks. Report your progress. (MORE is not better, this is NOT the way homeopathy works!)
Also I pick up anger and impatience, and this is a deciding factor also. The more anger, the less able the erectile function. (there are exceptions, but they are in jail)
No matter what you men think, sex is not of the penis, it is how one thinks and feels in the brain. You guys shoot yourselves down with anger, impatience, anxiety, and worst,...FEAR.
It is a human mistake to live in fear, as this in itself more than ANY other emotion, that interferes with every aspect of our lives. Blessings, Sabra
The harder you reach, it will elude you. Please learn to relax and consider the huge world around you. "Feel" in terms of ourside yourself.
AVENA SATIVA 30C may be of benefit. One dose per day for 3 days, then one dose per week for 4 weeks. Report your progress. (MORE is not better, this is NOT the way homeopathy works!)
Also I pick up anger and impatience, and this is a deciding factor also. The more anger, the less able the erectile function. (there are exceptions, but they are in jail)
No matter what you men think, sex is not of the penis, it is how one thinks and feels in the brain. You guys shoot yourselves down with anger, impatience, anxiety, and worst,...FEAR.
It is a human mistake to live in fear, as this in itself more than ANY other emotion, that interferes with every aspect of our lives. Blessings, Sabra
♡ sabra 2 decades ago
By the way, get with a nutritionist and learn to eat correctly so you may be more healthy and live longer. Sabra
♡ sabra 2 decades ago
Thanx for suggestions. I hope you will aslo be kind enough while giving advise. Anyhow, please continue your guidance.
adamkhan 2 decades ago
Would you like to define 30c please, because I got AVENA SATIVA Q (A) instead.
adamkhan 2 decades ago
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