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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

erection problem ,,pls.help

i'm a 38 yrs. male suffering from erction problem.i have anxiety, and dark circles around my eyes for a long time. i was enged in masurbation frequently before but now my penis never becomes enough strong and i feel less interest in sex.i have no other disease.
i'm taking lycopodium 30, 5-6 gb early morning for last two days.
i like to know whether it's a correct dose, if it is how long i will continue it, or whether i have to take any other dose.
  ratan70 on 2008-03-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
pls take Lycopodium 3x will give you the faster result in this disease... try and report me....

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Thanks for your reply. what will be the dose for lycopodium 3x and how long i'll take it.
ratan70 last decade
China 2ooc once in a week.

Dr Tahira last decade
dr. tahira
thanks.can i take lycopodium 3x and china 200 simultaneously
ratan70 last decade
In current symptoms China is most suitable remedy and alone is enough.It enhances the function of Lyco,however if u want to repeat lyco(as u have already taken a few doses)wait for the up coming symptoms to decide next remedy.

Dr Tahira last decade
dr Tahira
Thanks. after taking china 200 ,can i go back to lyco 3x in future?
ratan70 last decade
one more question. how long i'll take china 200 before opting to other medicine
ratan70 last decade
After 2 doses update here.Symptom picture presented by a patient leads to the selction of a remedy.Regarding potency selection it depends upon different practioners own experiences and observations.If u wish to continue Lyco,try to go from 3o to 2oo rather than middle to lower.Another important point,people who take lyco for errection problem with out particular 'lyco' symptoms do blunder.

Dr Tahira last decade
Dr. Tahira
Thanks. i'm not taking the lyco now and 'll take china tomorrow.
i'll inform u after two doses.
one more question , can my case be compared with a case of low libido ?
ratan70 last decade
Regarding yr question,it might be.I suggested China to compensate ur wasted energy.Ur symptoms are also indicating an anemic condition due to weak liver.I have commonly observed jaudice,hepatitis and sluggishness of liver in patients involved in masterbation frequently.I hope u will feel better by suggested remedy.

Dr Tahira last decade
dear dr. Tahira
have taken china 200 ,3 drps today morning,will take again next Sunday.
ratan70 last decade
Best Wishes

Dr Tahira last decade
Dr. Tahia
Hope u r fine. i've taken china 200 last sunday. some updates i'm giving u for your consideration
1. remarkable change in my physical condition, before i always felt week for everytime, that has gone very much , i feel now more energitic and less stress .in this regard i want to inform u AS my profession is share market so i have to sit before computor for almost 7-8 hrs. which involve more mental pressure and less physical work.
2.libido condition has changed to some extent, i 'm feeling more urge than before.
3. in negative side- erection problem has not changed till now.the same problem of soft erection still there.
pls. advice me if u have anything .
ratan70 last decade
Im very happy to hear this.China will go for 2weeks more right at the previous schedule.Now add DamianaQ and AswagandhaQ to inhance ur Vital force.Before 2 hours of sleep time Take 5 drops of both medicines in half cup of water.After 1 week update ur condition.

Dr Tahira last decade
Dr. Tahira
Thanks.pls. inform me 1. whether i'll take china for another two more weeks or for next week.
2.whether i have to take damiana q and AswagandhaQ for every day and how long or i've to take it on a regular basis as like VIAGRA
3. if u don't mind i want to know one thing can i take lypo with this medicine.
ratan70 last decade
Remember one thing homeopathic remedies are not like Viagra or medicines of the similar catagory.Infact homeo remedies regulate the organs functioning and metabolic systom.I recommended u mothertinctures as homeo tonic just by keeping in mind ur stressful job.I have already mentioned the way to take them.After taking these for 1 week state ur condition.China 2ooc just once a week as u are already taking.After 2 more doses of china don't repeat.U asked for lyco,I again say u can take any homeo remedy in case its particular symptoms are present.It is better to observe further improvement and don't interrupt china.

Dr Tahira last decade
Hope u r fine. have taken china 200 last dose and also taken DamianaQ and AswagandhaQ for a week but no such erection improvement has seen ,erction is there but it remains erected for a very few moment. pls. suggest what i'll do now
ratan70 last decade
Dear Ratan,
Before going ahead i want to know about ur other health problems with modalities,also describe ur moods and behaviour with others.Are u single?

Dr Tahira last decade
Thanks.right now i've no other health problems. whatever i had as stress and weakness due to my work pattern that has gone after taking china 200.
i am married, as a human being i'm very much fun loving and cheerful person. i've no depression or anything like that.
one point to mention you i had a disease of writing cramp almost 20 yrs back, which was almost cured through homeopathic treatment but i don't know the medicines.
right now i have my erection but it stays for a minuite or less.
ratan70 last decade
Ur upcoming remedy is Conium 2ooc,1 dose only,no repitition.After 2 days start Ginseng Q io drops in half cup water in the evening daily.Come back after 2 weeks.

Dr Tahira last decade
thanks. is it 10 drops of Ginseng Q ?
ratan70 last decade
Yes,1o drops of ginseng Q and 4 drops of Conium 2ooc.

Dr Tahira last decade
i am 24 years old and iam a student,i used to masturbate excessively some years back to relieve my stress and now iam having problems in erection.the morning erections are also not very strong and otherwise also my penis doesnt stand hot and strong.i have a problem of pilestoo.when i drive my bike my testes feel numb as if they are not at all present..and i have to try hard to rise my desire level too...i would like to know any medicinal remedy for my problem....
SAKET last decade

Please update forum members on your progress with Conium 200C and Ginseng Q. Has your erection time increased?


For your problem, I suggest you start a fresh thread so that your issue can be discussed exclusively.
RishiRishi last decade
My sex life was in a port state my wife was unhappy I was unhappy depression overcame me I was unable to work basically my whole life was in crapper than my doctor suggested 247expressmeds
com/just renewed my prescriptions on line with and now I feel like a man of 25 again and my wife brags to her friends about our sessions
patbernard last decade

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