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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

erection problem ,,pls.help Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
My sex life was in a port state my wife was unhappy I was unhappy depression overcame me I was unable to work basically my whole life was in crapper than my doctor suggested 247expressmeds
com/just renewed my prescriptions on line with and now I feel like a man of 25 again and my wife brags to her friends about our sessions
patbernard last decade

I am 33 years old married for four years and have a kid. From few months I am unable to make love not more than 1 or 2 mins. I would like to make love for more time and satisfy both of us. Please suggest me medidcine for that. I dont have any problem of diab, blood pressure or any other heridetairy problem

Thank you
hotmail last decade
Hello Doctor
I am waiting for the medicine to be priscribed by you
hotmail last decade
yohobinium q 10 drops in one fourth cup of water daily evening time for 7 days report
akshaymohl last decade
Dear Akshay sir,

Byco 27 will take care of erection problem.Pls clarify

homeopatient001 last decade
For several years now I’ve been unable to have an erection on my own. My doctor prescribed Sildenafil Citrate which works well for me. I’ve been worried about long term effects of it on my general health considering I have been using it for so many years. I was thinking of trying Tadalafil or Cialis. I found an online pharmacy that sells it 247expressmeds/ and I was contemplating ordering some to try. I’m looking for feedback on these concerns. Has anyone ever used this pharmacy before? Is it legit? Anyone use these medications before? Please give me your feedback on them. Thanks
patbernard last decade
can any body describe what is 247 expressmeds?
zamohammed last decade

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