The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Stage fright/social phobia/ obsession to be witty
I am 28 year old. I have gone through almost all the posts related to anxiety and social phobia but could not find the exactremedy for my case. I would be greateful if somebody can take up my case.
My biggest problem is that I have intense stage fright and social phobia for the past 18 years or so. Get anxious with the
thought of making a public appearance and always try to avoid the situation. While making a public appearance heart
palpitates, not able to focus, speach slurs, too anxious and self concious and just feel like escaping from the situation.
There is no abnormal sweating as I have seen in other cases. However feel comfortable in attending meetings in small rooms
with few number of people. Fear/anxiety increases with more number of people and larger rooms.
Get anxious if others are observing me. Also gets anxious when confronted with unknown situations and when doing things for
the first time specially when others are observing. Afraid of taking part in any sports competion because of this.
Lack of self confidence in almost everything.
Not very comfortable going out alone specially if going to that place for the first time or if I have to do some job there
like submitting bills etc. Prefer going anywhere in company. Though otherwise feel very confortable if alone at home.
Get anxious if there is a group of unknown young men going while walking on road(specially when alone)as if they will make
fun of me/hurt me. Not comfortable with unknown people.
If people are talking softly behind me and laughing, I have the feeling that they are talking about me and making fun of me.
This makes me anxious and self consious.
I have Obssession to have good sense of humour and wit. When in group if somebody cracks some joke always keep thinking why
it didn't click to me.
Critical to others making fun of me in a group and therefore fear people who are very vocal and make fun of others in group.
But otherwise I enjoy in the company of people I am comfortable with and looks and feels like a normal person.
Afraid of taking responsibility.
Find if difficult to say no to people.
There is a bit of constipation. Have to go to toilet 2 ,3 times in day. Till that time gas formation in stomach with rumbling
For some years observing that my memory has deterioted. Also not able to concentrate for long while reading or attending
presentation. Mind wanders sometimes even if somebody is explaning things directly to me. Also recently I am observing some
hair loss.
Childhood histroy
Childhood not very happy. We lived in joint family and there used to be fights between my parent and my uncle/ant. This led
to tention in my family due to which my mother used to be very critical of things. I was not allowed to drive cycle/scooter
expect to the areas near to my house. She used to scold me for very small reason. Once I got a wrong thing from groceccory
store and I was scolded a lot for that. Developed the fear of going to place alone where I had to perform some task like
submitting bills or confronting people. Though this has reduced now but still face some anxiety.
In school I was a happy student, good acadmically, used to have friends and enjoy as a normal child. But had the social
phobia in schoold days also
I had been masturbating since the age of 13 but had stopped it from past 4 months. But still have night emissions. Due to bad
company in childhood had some homosexual encounters with my friends.
Questionair which I got from some other post.
1.What is the main reason you need treatment?
Not able to lead a normal life because of social phobia. Always try avoiding situations where social appearance is required
or is required to be confronted with new situations, unknown people/places.
2. Describe your complaints giving the following details:
a. What does it feel like?
Heart racing, shaking hands ,the feeling that I just want to leave the situation as soon as possible , lack of concentration,
low self esteem,worried, scared,speach slurs.
b. When does it happen?
When I am put into social situations, making a public appearance, when alone in public places, in rooms full of people,
meeting new people, in situations where I have to performe and I am being observed/judged.
c. What sort of things make it worse?
Social situations with unknown people and new place,if things around me arent going as I would want them to.
d. What sort of things make it better?
Exercise, sleep, alcohol helps in certain situations, fresh air, nature, listning to music, cloudy weather, company of a
known person.
e. What else was happening when it first appeared?
f. Describe the quality of the pain, being as creative as you can. How would someone else imagine the pain happening to them?
Just the feeling of terror, being scared and wanting to run, humiliation, embarrassment, shaking, heart races as if it will
come out,nervousness
h. Do any other symptoms occur immediately before, during or after?
3. What illnesses have you had in the past?
Nothing other than the ones mentioned above.
4. What illnessess run in the family?
Mother had breast cancer, was operated and is fine now. Father has high blood pressure and is diabetic. Had stone once.
5. What do people die from in the family?
Grandfather due to old age.
6. What medication are you on?
I am on no medications.
7. What foods do you crave, whether you allow yourself to eat them or not? List from the strongest craving to the weakest.
I have liking for chocolates and sweets but don't crave for them. I allow myself to eat them but is small quantity.
8. What foods do you have an aversion to? (hatred or repulsion for)
unflavoured milk and ghee.
9. What is your level of thirst, and what do you prefer to drink?
Normal. I prefer to drink water.
10. What foods aggravate you? (including allergies)
11. Do you suffer from any digestive complaints? What is your bowel habit like?
I get constipated a bit. Have to go to toilet 2-3 times in a day. If stomach not clean completed have gas build up.
12. What is your level of energy like? Rate it from 1-10 (10 being excellent). How does your energy fluctuate throughout the
day (and night)?
Morning is about a 8, afternoon around 6. Evening is about a 6 or 5. Night around 4 to 5 before going to bed
13. What is your level of sexual energy like?
It is normal.
14. How is your sleep? What position do you prefer to sleep in? Is there any position you cannot sleep in? Any unusual
behaviour during sleep?
My sleep is good. I sleep a full 7-6 hours a night. I prefer sleeping on my side or on my stomach.
15. Have you had any reoccurring dreams or images/ pictures/ themes that repeat themselves in your dreams? Please describe.
16. Describe your menses (periods). Describe any PMS. Have you been through menopause? Any gynecological problems?
17. How does the weather affect you? Are you sensitive to the temperature in any way?
I love rainy season with no sunshine and with cool breeze flowing all the time. I prefer cold weather conditions with very
less sunshine over hot and sunny weather.
18. Is there anything else in the environment you are sensitive to, perhaps more so than the people around you?
19. What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you? Describe in detail.
I had to give seminar for my Engg. degree. Due to stage fright that was not a very good experience.
20. What part of your life do you have the most difficulty coping with? Why is that?
I am having difficulty in coping with current life due to social phobia. Since I am in a job I have to attends lot of meeting
and sometimes give presentation. Though my childhood was also not very good as I still have the memories of being scolded for
small reasons and never had enough freedom. That has made me a timid person overall.
21. What was your childhood like? Describe your parents and your relationship with them. Describe your relationship with your
siblings and other extended family members. Did anything in your childhood have a profound effect on you?
Not a very good one. As mentioned before also never had enough freedom at home. Parents were more of supervisor than a
friend. Could never discuss my problems etc. with them. I had to take permission for even going out with my friends.
22. Describe the romantic relationship you are currently in. What causes the most problems between you?
23. What is your occupation? What differentiates you from the other people in your place of employment? What difficulties do
you have at work?
I work in computer design. It is a technical job involving working on computer most of the time. I am senior most in my team
after my manager. Also this makes me a bit more knowledgable then others. Difficulties faces mostly is attending group
meeting with large no. of people. Givinig presentations. Taking up new responsibilities.
24. What is your self-confidence like? When is your confidence at its worst?
I feel like my confidence is low. My confidence is lowest if I am alone at some public gathering, giving presentation or when
I am being observed by people. I feel more confident in the company of people I am confortable with.
25. What fears do you have? Do you have any phobias? What things in life do you have trouble facing?
I have stage fright and social phobia. This has already been explained in detaile at the starting.
26. What parts of yourself or your life would you change if it were at all possible?
Anxiety, low confidence, social phobia and also height. I have a short height 5 f 3 inch.
27. What do you do to relax?
Listen to devotional music helps. Excersice regularly. seek solace for sometime.
28. What is something that you have told nobody else, or at least very few people? Why is that?
I have anxiety,social phobia and also an obsession to be witty and have good humour. I don't want people to know about this
as otherwise my image is good amoung people. I think if people know about this I will loose all the respect.
ajdh29 on 2008-04-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
next time you go out to an unknown place and if you apprehend the same kind of panic in you, please take a dose of ACONITE 30C or 200C and see if there is a difference.
gradually, increse the potency till the panic is gone.
you can also try GELSIMIUM after ACONITE.
gradually, increse the potency till the panic is gone.
you can also try GELSIMIUM after ACONITE.
♡ rishimba last decade
Hi rishimba, thanks for replying. Could you please tell me if aconite/gelsemium will solve other problem of stage fright and social phobia as well. Are these to be taken just before confronting the panic situation or should they be taken on daily or weekly basis.
ajdh29 last decade
its better to take the remedy during a real time situation. it works best that way.
i would suggest you keep a tube of ACONITE 30C and GELSIMIUM 30C handy whenever you go out.
if the fear is mental, you can take some doses of ACONITE 30C every 30 minutes till you get relief.
else, if the fear is accompanied by trembling of hands and feet, GELSIMIUM will work better.
if you follow this everytime, gradually go higher potency is required. you can permanently get cured of this problem.
i would suggest you keep a tube of ACONITE 30C and GELSIMIUM 30C handy whenever you go out.
if the fear is mental, you can take some doses of ACONITE 30C every 30 minutes till you get relief.
else, if the fear is accompanied by trembling of hands and feet, GELSIMIUM will work better.
if you follow this everytime, gradually go higher potency is required. you can permanently get cured of this problem.
♡ rishimba last decade
Hi Rishimba,
I have tried taking aconite 30c and there is a marginal improvement. Also I have tried gelsemium 200c but that only once or twice in a day. I am not seeing much affect of gelsemium. Can I take gelsemium more frequently as done for aconite to see if it really helps ? Should I increase the potency of aconite and gelsemium furthur ? Also please let me know with increase in potency how frequently can I take the dose ?
I have tried taking aconite 30c and there is a marginal improvement. Also I have tried gelsemium 200c but that only once or twice in a day. I am not seeing much affect of gelsemium. Can I take gelsemium more frequently as done for aconite to see if it really helps ? Should I increase the potency of aconite and gelsemium furthur ? Also please let me know with increase in potency how frequently can I take the dose ?
ajdh29 last decade
♡ Dr Tahira last decade
Thanks Dr. Tahira for the reply. Could you please let me know if I cam immediately start taking Argentum Nit30c considering that I am currently taking aconite 30c and gelsemium 200c. ?
How frequently should I take this medicine ?
How frequently should I take this medicine ?
ajdh29 last decade
Avoid to take multiple remedies at a time in potency.As u have started Dr Rishimba's suggested remedy, follow his advice.Post back after some days.
♡ Dr Tahira last decade
Dear Dr. Tahira,
I am finding help only from Aconite. My anxiety for going out alone, driving alone has reduced a bit. Also it seems to help me in reducing heart palpitation. Sometimes I used to wakeup in the night with my heart beating faster without any reason. But aconite seems to be helping in that.
But I still get nervous with the though of perfoming in public. Though I have not faced any of such situation recently but just thinking about it makes me feel anxious and nervous. Gelsemium does not seems to help. I don't feel any changes/improvement after taking gelsemium. Also I still feel uncomfortable in company of people whom I percieve as bully.
I have stopped taking both of these for past 1 week. Kindly advice if I should start with Argentum Nit.
I am finding help only from Aconite. My anxiety for going out alone, driving alone has reduced a bit. Also it seems to help me in reducing heart palpitation. Sometimes I used to wakeup in the night with my heart beating faster without any reason. But aconite seems to be helping in that.
But I still get nervous with the though of perfoming in public. Though I have not faced any of such situation recently but just thinking about it makes me feel anxious and nervous. Gelsemium does not seems to help. I don't feel any changes/improvement after taking gelsemium. Also I still feel uncomfortable in company of people whom I percieve as bully.
I have stopped taking both of these for past 1 week. Kindly advice if I should start with Argentum Nit.
ajdh29 last decade
1-Describe ur likes and dislikes(food,weather,salt or sweet)?
2-what about ur moods and behaviourS?
3-Any abnormal growth on body like warts etc?
4-Past or recent ailments aside ur phobias e.i throat or digestion?
5-Any particular timing of day or night regarding aggrevation?
2-what about ur moods and behaviourS?
3-Any abnormal growth on body like warts etc?
4-Past or recent ailments aside ur phobias e.i throat or digestion?
5-Any particular timing of day or night regarding aggrevation?
♡ Dr Tahira last decade
1. I like chocolates very much and prefers coffee over tea. I like both salty and sweet food but liking is more for sweets.
I love rainy weather and preferes winter over summers.
2. I generally like freedom and wants to do things on my own terms. So sometimes get irritated when ordered to do something at home. Also I am not very vocal at home and generally don't talk a lot. At home generally I am in not a very happy mode but I do feel relaxed at home from all the phobic feelings.
I generally mix well with my friends and also with my colleages at office. My interpersonal behaviour at my work place is fine and I mix with people I feel comfortable with. However I do try to avoid company of people whom I am not very comfortable with. Apart from the axiety and nervousness I feel about giving a public appareace in public gathering my mood at my workplace is fine. I am generally comfortable in attending meeting with small no of people and in small rooms. My behavior with people in general is good and they even don't realise that I have such a problem of social phobia.
I am not short tempered and generally very patient.
I do get submissive and not able to counter argue if other person is talking in a raised tone and is senior to me.
My obsession of being witty and humurous is always there specially in a group.
3. No abnormal growth on body.
4. My bowl movements are not very smooth. I have to go to toilet 3-4 times. If I don't I generally have gas build up in stomach with rumbling sound. For the past 2 year I am also observing a slight decrease in hair density. Though my hair lining is fine. I also feel that my concentration level has decresed over past few years and also there is some loss in memory.I find it difficult to retain all the information after reading some document and therefore has to read the same thing more number of times.
5. Though I have not analyzed this behavior, I do feel that it is more prominent during daytime and afternoon and betters towards end of the day. This may be because people in general are more active during the day and my interation with people is more during the day. By evening and night since its time to be at home it is more relaxing. But evenings specially the sun set time changs my mood to more sedating and relaxing.
I love rainy weather and preferes winter over summers.
2. I generally like freedom and wants to do things on my own terms. So sometimes get irritated when ordered to do something at home. Also I am not very vocal at home and generally don't talk a lot. At home generally I am in not a very happy mode but I do feel relaxed at home from all the phobic feelings.
I generally mix well with my friends and also with my colleages at office. My interpersonal behaviour at my work place is fine and I mix with people I feel comfortable with. However I do try to avoid company of people whom I am not very comfortable with. Apart from the axiety and nervousness I feel about giving a public appareace in public gathering my mood at my workplace is fine. I am generally comfortable in attending meeting with small no of people and in small rooms. My behavior with people in general is good and they even don't realise that I have such a problem of social phobia.
I am not short tempered and generally very patient.
I do get submissive and not able to counter argue if other person is talking in a raised tone and is senior to me.
My obsession of being witty and humurous is always there specially in a group.
3. No abnormal growth on body.
4. My bowl movements are not very smooth. I have to go to toilet 3-4 times. If I don't I generally have gas build up in stomach with rumbling sound. For the past 2 year I am also observing a slight decrease in hair density. Though my hair lining is fine. I also feel that my concentration level has decresed over past few years and also there is some loss in memory.I find it difficult to retain all the information after reading some document and therefore has to read the same thing more number of times.
5. Though I have not analyzed this behavior, I do feel that it is more prominent during daytime and afternoon and betters towards end of the day. This may be because people in general are more active during the day and my interation with people is more during the day. By evening and night since its time to be at home it is more relaxing. But evenings specially the sun set time changs my mood to more sedating and relaxing.
ajdh29 last decade
ajdh29 last decade
There are some very strong indications for Lycopodium here.
You can try it IN CASE you don't get benefit from Argentum Nitricum.
You can try it IN CASE you don't get benefit from Argentum Nitricum.
sameervermani last decade
Dear Dr. Tahira,
Kindly advice after reading my reply to your queries. Should I try Argentum Nit. If yes than how frequently should this be taken.
Kindly advice after reading my reply to your queries. Should I try Argentum Nit. If yes than how frequently should this be taken.
ajdh29 last decade
Yes,take Argentum nit 3oc for three days after 1 hour of breakfast.Avoid coffee and fizzy drinks.
During and after the medicine notice ur digestion problem and social phobia symptoms.Post back after 4 days of medicine.
During and after the medicine notice ur digestion problem and social phobia symptoms.Post back after 4 days of medicine.
♡ Dr Tahira last decade
Dear Dr. Tahira,
I am not getting much benefit from Argentum. I sill have to go to toilet 2,3 times. Also there is still gas formation is stomach is not clear.
After taking the medicine I don't feel any improvement. I read somewhere that after taking Argentum person might feel a bit funny. If that is how it works then there is no such reaction of the medicine in my case. Kindly advice
I am not getting much benefit from Argentum. I sill have to go to toilet 2,3 times. Also there is still gas formation is stomach is not clear.
After taking the medicine I don't feel any improvement. I read somewhere that after taking Argentum person might feel a bit funny. If that is how it works then there is no such reaction of the medicine in my case. Kindly advice
ajdh29 last decade
Please take 3 doses of Lycopodium 30C on a single day. No more doses after these three.
Then report status in 3 days after the doses.
Then report status in 3 days after the doses.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,
Not much of benefit I would say. 1 day after taking lyco there was some reliefe in gas formation with rumbling sound. But from second day things were same as before. So not sure wheather the reliefe was due to lyco or not. Also don't see much reliefe in public speaking phobia. Stil get nervous in anticipation of making a public appearance and I think things will be worse if I really confront such situation.
Not much of benefit I would say. 1 day after taking lyco there was some reliefe in gas formation with rumbling sound. But from second day things were same as before. So not sure wheather the reliefe was due to lyco or not. Also don't see much reliefe in public speaking phobia. Stil get nervous in anticipation of making a public appearance and I think things will be worse if I really confront such situation.
ajdh29 last decade
Okay , wait for 3-4 days and if there is no improvement by that time , take 3 doses of Silicea 30C spaced by 1 hr.
Report status 5 days after these 3 doses.
Report status 5 days after these 3 doses.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,
I have not tried silicea yet. I want to ask if there is anything I take to get immediate relife from nervousness during a public appearance. I have to make such a public appearance if few days and I am really nervous about. I have read that Gelsemium is generally administered for this. I had taken only 1 or 2 dose of Gelsemium 200c in a day but that has not helped me. Should I go for silicea or should I try more doses of Gelsimum or higher potency of Gelsemium to get instant relief.
I have not tried silicea yet. I want to ask if there is anything I take to get immediate relife from nervousness during a public appearance. I have to make such a public appearance if few days and I am really nervous about. I have read that Gelsemium is generally administered for this. I had taken only 1 or 2 dose of Gelsemium 200c in a day but that has not helped me. Should I go for silicea or should I try more doses of Gelsimum or higher potency of Gelsemium to get instant relief.
ajdh29 last decade
If Gelsemium did not help you previously, it won't help you now either.
So go ahead with the Silica dose. It is one of the main remedies listed under fear of public appearance.
So go ahead with the Silica dose. It is one of the main remedies listed under fear of public appearance.
sameervermani last decade
ajdh29 last decade
is it unnecesary fear or u are suffering from any stress or depression that might lead to a fear......???
ganeshdwaraka1 last decade
It is not due to any stress or depression. It is there since my school days.The reason might be low self esteem but not stress or depression.
It is not due to any stress or depression. It is there since my school days.The reason might be low self esteem but not stress or depression.
ajdh29 last decade
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