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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

extreme fatigue, muscle pain and moderate acid reflux

Hello Dr,
The symptoms are:

Mild Acid Reflux: I am eating raw ginger after every meal and that relieves it .
Extreme Weakness:Some of the days i feel so weak that i dont want to come out of bed.
Pain in hands and fore arm: my fingers make a clicking noise when i fold them.
Gas: Upward and downward both.
Pain in my belly sometimes and when there is the discofort I have an urge to for bowel movement.
I am not sure why I am have all kinds of wierd symptoms, got the liver enzyme test done:results normal, thyroid :Normal, Upper GI endoscopy: the result stated that I have mild chronic gastritis.

I will really appreciate if you can help me find the remedy.
It take natu. phos when I get acidity.
We lve in US so we are able to find most of the homeopathic medecations

Thanks for reading the post.
  gabbi on 2008-05-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
try Phosphorus 6 daily twice for a week ,and rport me. this is very good medicine for acid reflux...

try it and report me...

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Hello Dr. Deoshlok

Along with the acid reflux symptoms I am having stiffness in my left hand and when I try to bend the fingers they make a clicking noise, moreover I had a normal delivery 9 months ago and I am 27 yrs old and currently taking Nat Phos. 6X 3 times a day to relieve my acid reflux.

gabbi last decade

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