The ABC Homeopathy Forum
candida, thrush and lumpy sores
Hi, I have had chronic vaginal thrush for over ten years, have tried everything except homeopathy. Also for over ten years I have had sores, which are very lumpy and hard, with a lot of pus anda skin or crust over them so the lump/pus stays there. They do not go by themselves. They can last at least a year. Once they do go, they have left many white patches/scars on my skin. The vaginal yeast infection never goes away either. Can you help me?LeaML on 2008-07-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Patient ID: Sex: Age: Nature of work: Habits:
Please answer the following questions in a descriptive manner after careful analysis and recollection of previous experiences and happenings.
1. Describe your main suffering?
2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst? Describe the sensation in your own words.
5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?
6. Which time of the day you are worst?
7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same? Example- time, temperature, pressure, rubbing, washing, eating, tight clothing etc.
8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?
9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
Weeping, talking to one self etc?
- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?
11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?
12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
14. How is your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
15. Is there any kind of food which your body cant stand?
16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?
20. Do you have any strange, peculiar or unusual symptom or feelings? How are you different from others?
21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
22. What major diseases are running in your family?
23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance.
(For Females)
24. If your menstrual cycles are not normal, please describe the irregularities, like pains, moods, flow type, clots etc.
25. What major diseases have you had in your life and when. Please write them in a chronological manner.
Please answer the following questions in a descriptive manner after careful analysis and recollection of previous experiences and happenings.
1. Describe your main suffering?
2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst? Describe the sensation in your own words.
5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?
6. Which time of the day you are worst?
7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same? Example- time, temperature, pressure, rubbing, washing, eating, tight clothing etc.
8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?
9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
Weeping, talking to one self etc?
- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?
11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?
12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
14. How is your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
15. Is there any kind of food which your body cant stand?
16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?
20. Do you have any strange, peculiar or unusual symptom or feelings? How are you different from others?
21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
22. What major diseases are running in your family?
23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance.
(For Females)
24. If your menstrual cycles are not normal, please describe the irregularities, like pains, moods, flow type, clots etc.
25. What major diseases have you had in your life and when. Please write them in a chronological manner.
♡ rishimba last decade
Hi Rishimba, thank you for taking the time for me.
1. main suffering is the skin. the sores which remain as huge lumps, and the pus in them is very hard and very deep. they are red and when they go, they leave large white patches which never fade.
2. vaginal discharge, a thick white layer on my vagina every morning and late afternoon (which i need to wash off twice a day). an itchy vagina a couple of times per day. This is a chronic condition, but sometimes if I eat yeasted bread I get an acute thrush attack, which is incredibly itchy. When it resolves, it is back to the thick white layer.
3. I feel dirty, and not confident of myself as a woman anymore. I feel less than other women because of my skin damage. I feel grief, because I used to have truly beautiful skin.
4. I feel that God does not love me, that I am going to be abandoned, and left behind, to stay stuck in the same place forever, never to improve or prosper. I feel that I am easy to abandon and reject because I obviously cannot cure myself.
5. I think it all started when I was just pregnant with my son. I had a stomach feeling that my stomach was sick and ailing. I had been eating a lot of bread, and I feel that the water at the time in our apartment was not good. I felt sick in the stomach and a fever in my face. Once the pregnancy continued, the thrush in my vagina became incredible. It was about 1cm thick, and continued like this, with an excoriating discharge as well which almost destroyed my underwear. It abated about 3 weeks before I gave birth, but then began its chronic phase.
6. Vaginal thrush worse first thing in the morning, skin problem worse in the late afternoon.
7. The cold keeps my skin just lumpy and the vaginal thrush just the same. When I go to a hotter climate, the skin seems to resolve, ie. it gets softer and I can just push the lumps out. The vaginal thrush stays the same. Running water over the sores relieves them greatly, and so does pressure. I can't stand anything near my chin (where the sores mainly are) like a high jumper. I dislike having to wear wool and a lot of clothing. I prefer lighter clothes and nothing high on my neck.
8. I feel that since I have moved to this cold mountain climate, my whole health has deteriorated. I am not happy where I live and since I have raised my son by myself since he was 4yrs, I have not had enough money to relocate to a warmer climate. (I live in Australia).
9. I feel much much better during warm weather, and like humidity and rain very much. I hate dry weather and cold wind.
10. I think that I am agreeable, changeable, suspicious and easily offended.
Before and during a thunderstorm I feel good. After I feel ok, but like I have lost something.
Generally I don't like to be consoled or held during my tough times, but sometimes I like having someone point out the positive things in the situation.
I am very sensitive to smell. I dislike artificial chemicals, hair conditioners, artificial perfumes, cleaning products, gas leaks in the house - mainly artificial things. Not sensitive to light, noise etc.
No particular habit, except maybe picking my skin if it has a blackhead.
I love my son, the male friend I live with (although I do not want him as my partner), and I really like my best friend. I would like to meet a future husband, but feel that with my skin and thrush, this is not advisable. I dislike my former husband, and my family do not help me at all.
11. My fears are that I will be poor for the rest of my life, and will not be able to do the things I came here to do. I fear that I am getting older and things just stay the same, except my son grows bigger! I dream of many rooms in a house, and going into them and meeting people I know and people I don't know. I sometimes also dream of elevators and being in planes, which I am not really fold of. I am scared of heights.
12. I sometimes crave dark chocolate, parsley and cream.
13. My thirst is less than normal.
14. Hunger seems normal.
15. My body seems to dislike yeast, bread and beef. I also really dislike mushrooms.
16. My sweat is less. I can only sweat when it is hot, or when I exercise on my bike vigorously. Then I sweat from my head and neck and under the arms.
17. My bowel movement is twice to three times a day, before 10am. It is soft and easy.
18. I sleep very well. I sleep on my right or left side, never on my back. Sometimes I have a light sleep, though, but not uncomfortable.
19. No, I believe I need a partner, and have always had a strong sexual appetite.
20. I sometimes can smell in myself a smell like off cheese, and sometimes feel like I am about to faint, although I do not. A bit lightheaded and foggy. I think I am different from others in that I don't really need to have their company, and I dislike being bored and wasting my time when they talk about superficial or boring things. I feel then that I would prefer to be alone and do my projects and learn how to become a happier person and more powerful to be able to do the things I want to do with my life. I am constantly wanting to improve my situation and I only really like things which are to this end. I avoid negative people.
21. Broad spectrum antibiotics, hepar sulph homeopathic drops (some years ago, which worked quite well for the skin but did not address the candida, so the skin lumps/sores just continued. Right now I am taking some ayurvedic medicine - gulgulu and tiktakam. They have improved my energy but not really working on my skin or vaginal thrush.
22. The major disease which runs in my family is stoke. I am scared that I will also get this, but I do yoga every day and hope that I can avoid this fate.
23. I am a natural redhead, with red hair and pale skin. I have brown eyes. My weight is normal, but I have a tendency to gain weight around my middle and stomach. My legs are thin and I have quite a broad back and broad hips. My overall appearance is that I am quite good looking, and have always been that way. The skin problem is devastating to me since I now have white patches over my chest, arms, face.
24. My menstrual cycles have always been very regular almost to the day. Sometimes I have clots, and for the past 10 years the flow has been much less. My periods now only last 3 days. Before I get my period I feel depressed. Since I will be 50 this year, they have started to become more irregular, a longer cycle, and much less flow. Pain has never been too serious.
25. The only major illness I have had is when I was a young girl, I got measles 6 times! The last measles were when I was 13. And in 2006 when I was 48 I got quite a serious lung infection, and now have a bit of asthma. My breathing is not too good now, and I can become short of breath if I do any physical movement really fast from a resting position.
Thank you so much Rishimba. You have no idea how much I appreciate your help, you are an angel to so many people.
Love and light
1. main suffering is the skin. the sores which remain as huge lumps, and the pus in them is very hard and very deep. they are red and when they go, they leave large white patches which never fade.
2. vaginal discharge, a thick white layer on my vagina every morning and late afternoon (which i need to wash off twice a day). an itchy vagina a couple of times per day. This is a chronic condition, but sometimes if I eat yeasted bread I get an acute thrush attack, which is incredibly itchy. When it resolves, it is back to the thick white layer.
3. I feel dirty, and not confident of myself as a woman anymore. I feel less than other women because of my skin damage. I feel grief, because I used to have truly beautiful skin.
4. I feel that God does not love me, that I am going to be abandoned, and left behind, to stay stuck in the same place forever, never to improve or prosper. I feel that I am easy to abandon and reject because I obviously cannot cure myself.
5. I think it all started when I was just pregnant with my son. I had a stomach feeling that my stomach was sick and ailing. I had been eating a lot of bread, and I feel that the water at the time in our apartment was not good. I felt sick in the stomach and a fever in my face. Once the pregnancy continued, the thrush in my vagina became incredible. It was about 1cm thick, and continued like this, with an excoriating discharge as well which almost destroyed my underwear. It abated about 3 weeks before I gave birth, but then began its chronic phase.
6. Vaginal thrush worse first thing in the morning, skin problem worse in the late afternoon.
7. The cold keeps my skin just lumpy and the vaginal thrush just the same. When I go to a hotter climate, the skin seems to resolve, ie. it gets softer and I can just push the lumps out. The vaginal thrush stays the same. Running water over the sores relieves them greatly, and so does pressure. I can't stand anything near my chin (where the sores mainly are) like a high jumper. I dislike having to wear wool and a lot of clothing. I prefer lighter clothes and nothing high on my neck.
8. I feel that since I have moved to this cold mountain climate, my whole health has deteriorated. I am not happy where I live and since I have raised my son by myself since he was 4yrs, I have not had enough money to relocate to a warmer climate. (I live in Australia).
9. I feel much much better during warm weather, and like humidity and rain very much. I hate dry weather and cold wind.
10. I think that I am agreeable, changeable, suspicious and easily offended.
Before and during a thunderstorm I feel good. After I feel ok, but like I have lost something.
Generally I don't like to be consoled or held during my tough times, but sometimes I like having someone point out the positive things in the situation.
I am very sensitive to smell. I dislike artificial chemicals, hair conditioners, artificial perfumes, cleaning products, gas leaks in the house - mainly artificial things. Not sensitive to light, noise etc.
No particular habit, except maybe picking my skin if it has a blackhead.
I love my son, the male friend I live with (although I do not want him as my partner), and I really like my best friend. I would like to meet a future husband, but feel that with my skin and thrush, this is not advisable. I dislike my former husband, and my family do not help me at all.
11. My fears are that I will be poor for the rest of my life, and will not be able to do the things I came here to do. I fear that I am getting older and things just stay the same, except my son grows bigger! I dream of many rooms in a house, and going into them and meeting people I know and people I don't know. I sometimes also dream of elevators and being in planes, which I am not really fold of. I am scared of heights.
12. I sometimes crave dark chocolate, parsley and cream.
13. My thirst is less than normal.
14. Hunger seems normal.
15. My body seems to dislike yeast, bread and beef. I also really dislike mushrooms.
16. My sweat is less. I can only sweat when it is hot, or when I exercise on my bike vigorously. Then I sweat from my head and neck and under the arms.
17. My bowel movement is twice to three times a day, before 10am. It is soft and easy.
18. I sleep very well. I sleep on my right or left side, never on my back. Sometimes I have a light sleep, though, but not uncomfortable.
19. No, I believe I need a partner, and have always had a strong sexual appetite.
20. I sometimes can smell in myself a smell like off cheese, and sometimes feel like I am about to faint, although I do not. A bit lightheaded and foggy. I think I am different from others in that I don't really need to have their company, and I dislike being bored and wasting my time when they talk about superficial or boring things. I feel then that I would prefer to be alone and do my projects and learn how to become a happier person and more powerful to be able to do the things I want to do with my life. I am constantly wanting to improve my situation and I only really like things which are to this end. I avoid negative people.
21. Broad spectrum antibiotics, hepar sulph homeopathic drops (some years ago, which worked quite well for the skin but did not address the candida, so the skin lumps/sores just continued. Right now I am taking some ayurvedic medicine - gulgulu and tiktakam. They have improved my energy but not really working on my skin or vaginal thrush.
22. The major disease which runs in my family is stoke. I am scared that I will also get this, but I do yoga every day and hope that I can avoid this fate.
23. I am a natural redhead, with red hair and pale skin. I have brown eyes. My weight is normal, but I have a tendency to gain weight around my middle and stomach. My legs are thin and I have quite a broad back and broad hips. My overall appearance is that I am quite good looking, and have always been that way. The skin problem is devastating to me since I now have white patches over my chest, arms, face.
24. My menstrual cycles have always been very regular almost to the day. Sometimes I have clots, and for the past 10 years the flow has been much less. My periods now only last 3 days. Before I get my period I feel depressed. Since I will be 50 this year, they have started to become more irregular, a longer cycle, and much less flow. Pain has never been too serious.
25. The only major illness I have had is when I was a young girl, I got measles 6 times! The last measles were when I was 13. And in 2006 when I was 48 I got quite a serious lung infection, and now have a bit of asthma. My breathing is not too good now, and I can become short of breath if I do any physical movement really fast from a resting position.
Thank you so much Rishimba. You have no idea how much I appreciate your help, you are an angel to so many people.
Love and light
LeaML last decade
Hi Rishimba
Just forgot to tell you that my face is much redder than it used to be, and my eyes are slightly pink as well.
Thanks LeaML
Just forgot to tell you that my face is much redder than it used to be, and my eyes are slightly pink as well.
Thanks LeaML
LeaML last decade
please stop all ayurvedic medication if you want to follow homeopathic treatment.
take SEPIA OFFICINALIS 12C thrice a day for at least some 2 weeks and note changes in your symptoms.
if you see a positive change in your overall mental and physical symptoms in the next 15 days, you can continue SEPIA 200C once a week for some more weeks.
please report after 3 weeks.
take SEPIA OFFICINALIS 12C thrice a day for at least some 2 weeks and note changes in your symptoms.
if you see a positive change in your overall mental and physical symptoms in the next 15 days, you can continue SEPIA 200C once a week for some more weeks.
please report after 3 weeks.
♡ rishimba last decade
Dear Rishimba
Thank you I have purchased sepia officinalis and will start it as soon as it arrives. Also I will stop all the ayurvedic treatment and I will report to you again in 3 weeks.
Thank you so much
Thank you I have purchased sepia officinalis and will start it as soon as it arrives. Also I will stop all the ayurvedic treatment and I will report to you again in 3 weeks.
Thank you so much
LeaML last decade
i would look forward to your post.
i strongly feel you will get much relief from your ailments with this remedy.
i strongly feel you will get much relief from your ailments with this remedy.
♡ rishimba last decade
Dear Rishimba
I hope you remember my post re the persistent candida sores and vaginal dischage.
You recommended Sepia 12C and it has now arrived, however it is in liquid form. Is this still ok? I was expecting pills, but just wanted to ask if it will still work as well.
Also, what is the dosage amount for the liquid, is it 10 or 20 drops?
Thanks you very much Rishimba.
I hope you remember my post re the persistent candida sores and vaginal dischage.
You recommended Sepia 12C and it has now arrived, however it is in liquid form. Is this still ok? I was expecting pills, but just wanted to ask if it will still work as well.
Also, what is the dosage amount for the liquid, is it 10 or 20 drops?
Thanks you very much Rishimba.
LeaML last decade
one dose would typically consist of 3 drops in some 20 ml of ( quarter cup ) of water.
take the dose in clean mouth and take small sips one by one rinsing the mouth with the liquid ( for better absorption ) in the linings.
please dont take any food or water one hour before or after taking the doses.
take the dose in clean mouth and take small sips one by one rinsing the mouth with the liquid ( for better absorption ) in the linings.
please dont take any food or water one hour before or after taking the doses.
♡ rishimba last decade
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.