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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


My 20 months old boy has autism-like behavioral (stop talking at 12 mo, poor eye contact, no pointing, tip-toe walking, head banging, frequent tantrums with very high pitch crying) plus persistent diarrhea, poor apetite, difficulty to sleep and insomnia (wake up several times during the night and sit on bed doing nothing). His doctor put him on Veratrum Album which is working wonderfully and believe is a good simillum; activated his perception of outside world, make him gain interest in learning to talk and pointing along with makin other behaviors like head banging and tantrums less frequent. In general terms his contact with surroundings and people impoved greately BUT remedy is not taking effect on insomnia nor diarrhea.
These two symptoms alone are enough to keep him in a bad mood and on a long term could harm seriously, that's why I'm asking for advise. One thing that catches my attention is that even though he likes playing with water and in order to do so he can be outside for long periods, he doesn't like heat, his head and face sweats a lot and warm weather is not his favorite, he reacts with some anger to it. He has always liked cold drinks, both directly from the fridge and ice cold.
Have read a lot about carciosum and find many similarities.
Any ideas, suggestion or opinion?
  paty_avila on 2008-07-14
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