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Hayfever, frequent colds, stiff neck Page 2 of 6

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Dear Sameer,

My husband is tired, and his nose is often stuffy and he has also gained some weight the last months...No improvement so far...

Best regards Pia
Tintintin last decade
In view of the information shared through e-mail, please give him 3 doses of Staphysagria 30c equally spaced.

Update in 10 days.
sameervermani last decade
Dear Sameer,
It´s now 18 days since the dose was taken. My husband is not the communicative type as you know :) but he says that this remedy works fine and he felt more energy especially the first week, the nose is also better and this is still the case...

About how he feels mentally I cannot say. He says he is just fine like always and I havn´t noticed any difference in behaviour or so...

His neck is still very painful, no change at all. The pain is in the right side and goes down in the shoulder...

What do you think?

Thankyou Pia
Tintintin last decade
Bumping up!
Tintintin last decade
Let us wait for 1 more week.
sameervermani last decade
The nose is still better. He is getting more tired again. He still has severe pain in the neck. Very troublesome for him. Unfortunately he used tigerbalm last week on his neck, forgot that this is an antidote. But maybe the remedy didn´t work any longer anyway? (28 days ago)

What to do?

Thanks Pia
Tintintin last decade
Will need to analyze this from the beginning.

Please form a list of all symptoms similar to what you did for yourself.
sameervermani last decade
Yes, I will do that but he thinks that the remedy was good. He wants to try it again in a stronger dose.

Some thing that I have noticed is that he has been a bit more talkative than usual. It´s such a subtile change so I havn´t realized it until a day ago or so...I cannot say for sure.

Thanks Pia
Tintintin last decade
Hmm.. okay, then before re-analyzing, let us try a dose of Staph 1M.

You know how to dose.
sameervermani last decade
Okay, we will try that but do you mean 200C (he took 30c last time)?

Tintintin last decade
Yes, please give a single dose of Staph 200c.

I am sorry, I mixed up the potency.
sameervermani last decade
4 weeks after the 200c Staph dose:
-first week very tired
-next two weeks more energy and talkative, in good mood
-last week tired, sore throat, low energy and low spirit

Do you recommend to try Staph 1M now?

Thankyou Pia
Tintintin last decade
Okay, it is time for a SINGLE Staph 1M dose.
sameervermani last decade
Dear Sameer,

10 days after the 1M dose Staphisagria.

During the first 3 days he was very, very tired. Didn´t wake up in the morning to go to work!

After that big improvement. Good energylevel, happier and very positive energy around him.

Every symptom of the nose and chest improved/disappeared.

No doubt that this is the right remedy for now :)

Very good job Sameer to find the right remedy for him.

We are so thankful!

Best regards Pia
Tintintin last decade
Good to know :)

Please keep waiting , I am very happy for you.
sameervermani last decade
Dear Sameer,

My husband is still feeling good mentally. Good energy and happy, positive.

Some 4-5 days ago his nose started to get irritated again and also his neck (right side down to the shoulder) started to feel stiff and painful...

Have I mentioned that he was in a car accident about 20 years ago and hit his head hard...? He is suspecting that the neck problem relates from this...

Best regards Pia
Tintintin last decade
Bumping up
Tintintin last decade
Hmm.. Let me think about this, I will get back to you.
sameervermani last decade
get husband chiropractic check out/manipulation--homoeopathic remedy wont replace misligned vertebraer--but can help with the pain envolved---get chiropratic 1st then assess symptoms --and let sammy guide with that position of view
John Stanton last decade
He has been to chiropractic and massage several times but it only helps for a short time.
Tintintin last decade
since the last accident-4-5 days ago?
John Stanton last decade
Can you describe what was the nature of the accident ?

Also, please describe the nature of pain in the neck and what makes the pain/stiffness better or worse ?
sameervermani last decade
Dear Sameer,
My husband had to go to and have massage/chiropractor acute to get relief...but now he is a little bit better but still got pain...

-he was a passenger and the car hit something on the right side, his head was thrown hard in the rightside window..but as we have been talking about it he remembers having the stiffness/pain even before the accident...At about 20 years of age
-the pain is there all the time
-worse when moving the head, cannot move fully
-looking upwards and/or bending head backwards makes it worse
-pain goes down in shoulder right side
-windy and cold (awful) weather aggravates not only the neck but also a need to urinate often and catch a cold
-massage, streching, warmth ameliorates
-possible that the neck trouble is related to his allergy/nose problems
-he is having a cold right now and the nose is bad
-the allergy symptoms has been worse

Best regards Pia
Tintintin last decade
Hi Pia,

Please give him a single dose of KALI CARBONICUM 1M, and report in 10 days.

sameervermani last decade
Dear Sameer,

A positive effect came quickly mentally with more energy and joyfulness.

Some improvement in the neck but still pain...

The nose has been better but started a new (mild) cold 3 days ago...

Yesterday he twisted his ankle badly and it is very painful and red/blue and swollen...(he has done this many times before)...

I have Arnica D30. Would it benefit him or interfere with the Kali Carb? What do you think Sameer?


Tintintin last decade
Any relief from hot or cold applications ?
sameervermani last decade

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