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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


I got off of the birth control pill 2 years ago. Ever since I have congestion that won't come to a head and acne on the forehead, cheeks, and jawline. I have done detox, yeast/parasite cleanse, I eat very clean with whole foods and have tried supplements. I have seen a plastic surgeon, a doctor who does blood/cell analysis and who is also a nutritionist. I cleaned up my digestion with probiotics, enzymes, and fiber. I have given up because nothing seems to help. I refuse to go to family weddings, class reunions, etc due to its severity. I'm nervous to use anything to regulate my hormones if that is what is causing the acne becuase I don't want to mess up my hormones any worse. I have no health insurance. Any suggestions as far as homeopathics with any of the following that I am struggling with? I have researched some but not quite sure which one to do, how administer and strength to use?
  redspider on 2008-08-14
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