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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Chronic Acne

im Saatvi from srilanka and im 24 years old. im a computing student always full of stress and depression.im having acne for the past 7 years. sometimes it worsens ,and sometimes its better.i find it better in cold conditions. im also allergic to food and medications that i easily develop aggrevations.my constitutional remedy is pulsatilla.when i tried 6c in wet dose it improved my mental conditions a lot.as my acne was better during that time i didnt notice if it had any improvements in my acne.

when i was reading the forums last time i found that Arnica 30c in wet dose helps acne and Silicea 6x can be taken to remove scars. so i tried it for the past two weeks. but it didnt show improvement for me.infact my acne went worse than before.i also developed eruptions when i took the medicine.i had dark circles around my eyes.it cleared away after taking this. it was the only result i could find.. can you please help me with this? i also read that pulsatilla helps acne a lot.but i didnt try it.
  saatvi on 2008-09-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
i forgot to mention that i tried Arnica 30c wet dose and silicea 6x at the same time and for two weeks only. then i stopped it.
saatvi last decade
constitutional homoeopathic treatment would certainly help you. For this provide these informations.


History of present illness:
Acne: Location
Chin (Present in your case, Right?)
Presence of whiteheads
Presence of blackheads
Presence of itching
Types nodular
Papular (moderate swelling)
Pimples (small swelling)
Pustules (severe swelling)(Present in your case, Right?)
Suppurating (present in your case, Right?)
Tubercular (cystic ) most severe form of presentation (Present in your case, Right)

Mental evaluation continued:
1. Forgetfulness.
2. Good long-term memory.
3. Affectionate
4. Indifference
5. Malicious.
6. Capriciousness (changeability, unpredictably individual with changeable behavior and unpredictable).
7. Censorious (who critics other, faultfinding habit).
8. Cheerful
9. Mirth (Excessive cheerful with great sparkle)(liveliness, energetic cheerful person).
10. Mischievous (ill-behaved).
11. Do you do any particular mistake frequently i.e. mistakes in calculating.
12. Changeable mood.
13. Morose (depression).
14. Obstinate (inflexible, fixed).
15. Occupied ameliorates (feel good when occupied in sufferings or in general).

Menstrual Evaluation

1. Age when the first menses started.
2. Which time menstrual flow occurs usually morning, daytime, or night?
3. Does the menstrual blood cause irritation or scratching to the touched skin?
4. Color: What is the usual color of the menstrual flow black, bright red, brown, dark, green, pale, changeable.
5. Consistency: What is the usual consistency of menstrual flow i.e. thick, thin, clotted, membranous, tenacious (too much sticky).
6. Quantity: Too much (copious) too less (scanty),
7. Regular or irregular.
8. If irregular: Frequent (too early) late
9. Duration (days): Prolonged (1-10 days )or short (less than 3 days).
10. Any other symptom that you would like to tell regarding menses.

General Evaluation

1. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
2. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
3. How is your bowel movement and stool type ( You have Constipation and bloating, anything else ?)
4. How sleep, how are your dreams?
5. Do you have any strange, peculiar or unusual symptom or feelings?
6 What medicines have been taken earlier?
7. How do you look like (Appearance (fat, thin, smart, tall, lean etc)?
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
Age: 24
Sex: Female
Location/Climate: Colombo, Sri Lanka.

History of present illness:
Acne: Location
Chin (Present in your case, Right?) - no
Forehead -yes
Nose –not much
Presence of whiteheads -no
Presence of blackheads -yes
Presence of itching –yes. in face and arms

Types nodular
Papular (moderate swelling) -yes
Pimples (small swelling) -yes
Pustules (severe swelling)(Present in your case, Right?) –not severe swelling
Suppurating (present in your case, Right?) -yes
Tubercular (cystic ) most severe form of presentation (Present in your case, Right) – not very severe

Mental evaluation continued:
1. Forgetfulness -yes
2. Good long-term memory – not much
3. Affectionate -yes
4. Indifference -yes
5. Malicious. - no
6. Capriciousness (changeability, unpredictably individual with changeable behavior and unpredictable). - yes
7. Censorious (who critics other, faultfinding habit). - yes
8. Cheerful - sometimes
9. Mirth (Excessive cheerful with great sparkle)(liveliness, energetic cheerful person) – not much
10. Mischievous (ill-behaved). - yes
11. Do you do any particular mistake frequently i.e. mistakes in calculating. – no. I cant remember anything like that
12. Changeable mood.-yes
13. Morose (depression). -yes
14. Obstinate (inflexible, fixed). -yes
15. Occupied ameliorates (feel good when occupied in sufferings or in general). - no

Menstrual Evaluation

1. Age when the first menses started -14 yrs

2. Which time menstrual flow occurs usually morning, daytime, or night? - daytime

3. Does the menstrual blood cause irritation or scratching to the touched skin? - no

4. Color: What is the usual color of the menstrual flow black, bright red, brown, dark, green, pale, changeable. -
Bright red in the first two days. then changes to brown and dark

5. Consistency: What is the usual consistency of menstrual flow i.e. thick, thin, clotted, membranous, tenacious (too much sticky)-
Thin .sometimes clotted

6. Quantity: Too much (copious) too less (scanty), - not too much or too less.

7. Regular or irregular. - regular

8. If irregular: Frequent (too early) late

9. Duration (days): Prolonged (1-10 days )or short (less than 3 days). – less than 5 days

10. Any other symptom that you would like to tell regarding menses. -
No..i don’t have any problems regarding menses. Pimples appear on face before menses begins (one week before). Gets better in the end of menses. I get headaches before menses.

General Evaluation

1. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive? - normal

2. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive? -normal

3. How is your bowel movement and stool type ( You have Constipation and bloating, anything else ?) -I have constipation problems very often .

4. How sleep, how are your dreams? -
I don’t have a sound sleep ..even the slightest sound or light awakens me. I have lots and lots of dreams… I don’t sleep straight but I always sleep in either sides.

5. Do you have any strange, peculiar or unusual symptom or feelings? -
Not exactly. but I have itching on face often

6 What medicines have been taken earlier? -
I have taken lots of face creams subscribed by allopathic doctors and also antibiotics. Creams like isotrexin and steimicin .pills like microdox, vibramycin .It gave me a temporary relief.. I developed headaches after taking some pills prescribed by doctors and then I stopped it. i tried homeopathy remedies recently like Arnica 30c wet dose and silicea 6x at the same time and for two weeks only. then i stopped it.

7. How do you look like (Appearance (fat, thin, smart, tall, lean etc)?-
Im thin but not skinny, tall and have average fair complexion.
saatvi last decade
What kind of dreams you used to see i.e. (unsuccessful efforts, robbers, animal) (pleasant,bad, serious, anxious).

How do you react to climates i.e. can you tolerate hot much better in comparison to others in same condition or can tolerate chill much better to other.

Do you drink or smoke or any other habits.

Do you talktive person or taciturn person.

Do you have affected by weather codition i.e strom very much or not at all
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
What kind of dreams you used to see i.e. (unsuccessful efforts, robbers, animal) (pleasant,bad, serious, anxious).-
i have repeated dreams of tsunami very often. i have lots of dreams which r often unpleasant.sometimes i wake up from very bad and terrifying dreams.

How do you react to climates i.e. can you tolerate hot much better in comparison to others in same condition or can tolerate chill much better to other.-
i cannot tolerate hot conditions at all. i feel much better in chill conditions. my acne clears and complexion improves in chill conditions.

Do you drink or smoke or any other habits. -

Do you talktive person or taciturn person.-
not very talkative

Do you have affected by weather condition i.e strom very much or not at all-
not affected so far. but very humid and hot weather makes me uncomfortable.
saatvi last decade
Take Pulsatila 30 2-3 drops three times at the interval of 10 minutes i.e. three times in half hour and report at 10 days or eariler if any quesion or concern
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
Dr can u please tel me how i should take the dose? should i mix the drops with water and take or just take straight away?
saatvi last decade
Take it with little water
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
ok..but should i take the dose three times a day? i.e - three times in the morning afternoon and night? or is it just one dose per day. i.e 3 times at the interval of 10 minutes?
saatvi last decade
should i take the remedy daily for 10 days? or just only once?
i already took it for three days three times daily at the interval of 10 minutes. i have a doubt now whether u said it only for once. im sorry..can u reply me soon doctor? what shud i do now?
saatvi last decade
Hello saatvi

Dr. Rakesh meant three doses of pulsatilla --10 minutes apart-- once. But it seems you have taken three times daily for three days. Don't take any more doses. Just wait for 10 more days and report here.
maheeru last decade
Thanks maheeru,

You had replied right about dosages.

Sorry, satvi for delayed reply, I was away for sometime. It is okay if you have taken for three days, stop at all now and report after 10 days, or earlier if any questions or concerns
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
hello Dr,
three days have completed today after i took the dose. in these three days i can see a rapid increase in acne on my face and arms. itching is also there in face . new and lot of pustules have appeared on my cheeks, forehead and also the chin.scarring has increased and my face is red all over. is it an aggravation?
saatvi last decade
It seems homoeopathic aggravation. It would be settle down within couple of days. Do not intrupt action of medicine by taking any other medication. If symptoms stay for more than one week then take a strong cup of coffee.
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
its almost one week after taking the medication and my acne seems worse. it has left so many marks on ma face and i dont know how i would get rid of them. still new ones are forming. my menses date is also nearing. what shal i do?
saatvi last decade
Hi, i know it is distressing, but keep patience.

Is it your wrost flare-up for the last 7 years (as you have acne for 7 years)?

How do your mood and feelings in these days?

I assume you well familar about homoeopathy as you have mentioned in your first post and when i analize your case i also found you to be puls girl so i advised to take only one dose in spilt dosing (i.e. at 10-10-10 minutes), but you have taken rather much(your present condition is not due to overdosing, one dose could have the same result)so whenever you have any doubt please ask beforing taking any action.

You are a sensitive person so be careful while taking medicines.

In my experienc action of Puls lasts about 60-120 days so we should wait for another five days only meanwhile note your acne and mood fresh and post. If we find indications for any other mediction based on presents then we have to change that medicine.

Keep updated
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
its not the worst flare up. but my mood is not very gud,, i think its more worse.. im feeling more annoyed and depressed. my tsunami dreams occured 3 times in a week after taking the dose..
saatvi last decade
hello doctor,
its 10 days now after i took puls. now the pustules have settled down a bit and left big and lot of scars on my face. still some yellow things are coming out from the small pimples i have got in face during last week. small ones like prickly heat rash and they are in groups..but its not prickly heat rash but acne. my face is not clear..its rough and pricky and also reddish where i have the pimples. acne in arms near shoulders have increased. my skin has also tanned..but itching is in control..not worse like earlier. i should also say my menses started 3 days before..

my mood seems to be ok a little bit..its kind of constant now. but i feel like no improvement in acne but its worse. what should i do now?
saatvi last decade
im looking forward for your response.

Thank you
saatvi last decade
Please post your menstrual symptoms if there is any change and update your acne condition.

Berberis Aquifolium (Berb-a) Q soaked in cotton apply on affected areas three times a day.

Do not take any medicine.

Dr. Rakesh Kumar (B.H.M.S., Lko)
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
Hi Saatvi,

I understood your problem , after seeing this long thread of yours.

Myself Chaitanya from Hyderabad, India. First of all, how is SriLanka? :)

Here is the solution -

1) Take Calcarea Sulphurica(Calc sulph) 30x and Ferrum phosphoricum(Ferr Phos) 30x.

Since you reported Chronic Acne, you need to take 4pills 4 times each day for 2 complete weeks. Make sure to have 15min gap before and after each gulp down.

Make sure you follow this regime thoroughly.

Reasons for your chronic acne:

1) Less than 8hrs of sleep
2) Body heat due to certain types of food - How about gulping down Coconut water daily

The medicines I gave you will heal your Chronic acne completely. Instead of medicines I would call these as Bio-chemic remedies, as the lack of these are causing acne on your face.

Start using them without neglecting

Ah yes!!!, one more thing once after 2 weeks, you need to gulp them down 3times a day, 4pills each time. Don't get afraid of 4pills :), they are the part of your body itself...so nothing to worry.

Get back to me with results/if any questions..

I Wish you good health and confidence back
check_kpr last decade
hello Dr Rakesh,
Thanks for the reply. i have ordered Berb-a Q as its not available in Sri Lanka.i'l be getting it in another two days time.can u tel me how long should it be used? i found that it acts against bacterial infections. will it cause any aggravations in the skin?

doctor i forgot to mention earlier that i get frequent cold and cattarh too..with running nose. i hope the medications i take will not affect those.

Thank You
saatvi last decade
doctor i have another question.. please tell me how i should use berb-a Q. should i mix the drops with water and apply? if so how many drops?
saatvi last decade
Thank you for your response Chaitanya..im indeed so glad that u responded. Sri Lanka is fine. i know Bio-chemic remedies help a lot. Thanks a lot. i'l get back to u soon.
ktsuda last decade
it was me saatvi who responded to Mr.Chaitanya. i mistakenly used my father's account. Thank You so much
saatvi last decade

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