The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Ear infection and surgery
My 14 month old son has had a lot of ear infections lately. He had 2 till he was about 7-8 months old and then we started day care for him. He has had three back to back ear infections since then. We have stopped his daycare for now. But he did have the last ear infection even after we had stopped day care. We took him to an ear specialist who said that we might need to surgery if he gets a couple more ear infections in the next two months. We recently started homeopathy for him and I think that he is still getting one ear infection because he is itching his ears frequently nowadays. I just wanted to know which homeopathy medicine would be suitable for him. And is this ear surgery absolutely necassary (will it cause hearing loss if not done ?)shanbhar on 2004-12-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I'm really sorry to hear about her; I know exsactly how bad it is. Our daughter used to have the same problems and she even had a 25% hearing loss. so when the doctor said that we must do the surgery we start with the homeopathy treatment and after 3 month she was completely recovered with a loss of only 15% after another 2 month she got to the normality. I can't advise about a doctor here in US and based on our experience the medication is personal, but I'd definitely suggest to not give up and find a good doctor/keep the treatment.
I'm really sorry to hear about her; I know exsactly how bad it is. Our daughter used to have the same problems and she even had a 25% hearing loss. so when the doctor said that we must do the surgery we start with the homeopathy treatment and after 3 month she was completely recovered with a loss of only 15% after another 2 month she got to the normality. I can't advise about a doctor here in US and based on our experience the medication is personal, but I'd definitely suggest to not give up and find a good doctor/keep the treatment.
edgar 2 decades ago
It would save a lot of guessing on our part if first you would tell us what remedies you have already used. Don't want to repeat right in the first posting.
Bring us up to date.
No surgery will be necessary with homeopathy. Allopathic attitude is surgery is last ditch effort, and if that does not work, where to go then???
There are thousands of adults and children out there that can no longer take antibiotics as they no longer work for them. Their bodies have built a resistance to them. They unfortunately do not know about homeopathy.
Please give us a chance to help you.
Blessings, Sabra
Bring us up to date.
No surgery will be necessary with homeopathy. Allopathic attitude is surgery is last ditch effort, and if that does not work, where to go then???
There are thousands of adults and children out there that can no longer take antibiotics as they no longer work for them. Their bodies have built a resistance to them. They unfortunately do not know about homeopathy.
Please give us a chance to help you.
Blessings, Sabra
♡ sabra 2 decades ago
We were prescribed the homeopathy medicines by our doctor back in India. But he did not give us the details for the homeopathy medicine that he gave us. We still have 2 months of dosage left of the medicine that he has given us but I am not sure if that is solving the problem. The allopathy antibiotics that we have given him are biaxin and ceftin since he was allergic to penicillin.
We were prescribed the homeopathy medicines by our doctor back in India. But he did not give us the details for the homeopathy medicine that he gave us. We still have 2 months of dosage left of the medicine that he has given us but I am not sure if that is solving the problem. The allopathy antibiotics that we have given him are biaxin and ceftin since he was allergic to penicillin.
shanbhar 2 decades ago
There are seldom ear infections without some throat also. And the other way around too.
Try to look in his throat and get an idea if tonsils are swollen or if bright red, or if throat area is white or bluish. Any teeth coming in?
Eyes, nose?
Try your best to hang in there without surgery.
Blessings, Sabra
Try to look in his throat and get an idea if tonsils are swollen or if bright red, or if throat area is white or bluish. Any teeth coming in?
Eyes, nose?
Try your best to hang in there without surgery.
Blessings, Sabra
♡ sabra 2 decades ago
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