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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Acne Help

I am new to the forum and very excited to hear your opinion. I have suffered with terrible acne for about five years now. Initially I went to the derm. and was placed on course after course of antibiotics. After frustrated attempts to clear my skin, I decided to change to naturopathic medicine and do some cleansing. My skin was clearer, but not in totality. Lately, however, I have been getting more cystic acne that does not come to a head.
I mainly break out on my cheeks. My forehead and temples were clear until I became accustomed to the milk thistle product I was using and now they too are breaking out. My chin and jaw is occasional. Upper lip and lips have occasional painful break outs, but vitamin B seems to helps with that. My nose has black heads but rarely red bumps.
Currently I take cal mag zinc +D, digestive enzymes, vit B (all B’s), and milk thistle of a different type. One a week or so I take a vit A+C .
I get hives with sulpha meds and not a big fan of citrus.
Would love some advice!
Thanks, K
  finito on 2008-10-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take Berberis Equifolium tincture 10 drops in a little water thrice daily for 30 days.In most of the cases it clears the problem.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Thank you for your advice. I have been doing that for 3 weeks now and the problem hasn't subsided. Also when I take it, I get this strange/numbing feeling in my left ear and upper jaw area. Could this mean there is an infection there or something?
finito last decade

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