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Posts about Eczema

Mr. Anuj follow up with my case + Eczema14 year old girl eczema3Graphites & Eczema2Eczema9dyshidrotic eczema4Scrotal Eczema65 months old baby severe eczema9Eczema4My 7 yr old son seems to have eczema7Toddler with very dry skin and eczema40


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Sameer, I need your opinion and guidance to handle my daughter's eczema case Page 3 of 3

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Okay so, I think there is some thing we are ignoring here completely.

Tell me what all homeopathic medicines has she had, before starting treatment with me, and how many doses, what potency.. etc..

I suspect there is some proving that she is carrying from a remedy.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer
Following are the medicines that we gave her

Initially we started out with cortizone steroid cream and moisturizers.

When she was 3 months old, we went to India and started homepathic treatment for her. This trip was during winter. The homeopathic doctor was giving her Rhustox 200 + Apis 30. She was in India for almost 3 months. By the end of her India trip, her rashes were almost gone. The dosage was 3 times a day from Monday to Saturday and once on Sunday. Once we returned to US, after sometimes her rashes started re-appearing. The medicines that worked in India stopped working here. Once in a while we had to use cortizone whenever there was a serious outbreak otherwise we mostly managed by using moisturizers(eucerin). We also continued with the homeopathic medicine. This medicine used to be shipped form India from my native place.

This time also, her rashes vanished by the end of her 3 months India trip and once she returned to US, after sometime it started re-appearing. This trip was during summer.
1. Dermisol - 10 drps * 2
2. Purazen - 1 tblsp * 2
3. Adel 12 - 10 drps * 2
4. Calendula Mother Tincture - used to mix with her bathing water.
5. Some pellets not sure what all medicines were in that. When I tried to enquire he told me it was sulphur.
6. Sulphur 30C - 3 pellets thrice a day. He recommended this once her rashes started reappearing. We didn't notice any improvement.
7. Echinacea - 5 drops twice. This we continued for 2 weeks.

Then we came to the forum. The medicines and dosage that we gave her before discussing with you are as follows in the order it was given
1. Clematis Erecta 12C : 3 dosage of 2 pellets everyday for 7 days. It increased her rashes.
2. Ars Alb 12C: 3 dosage of 2 pellets for 13 days. This aggravated her rashes. In the begining there was some watery discharge from some of her rashes. After sometime, her skin became as if there were lots of dirt on her body, which used to stick with her clothes. After administering ARS ALB, her scalp started getting drier. Until this time her scalp was fine.

Then we met you and started off with Pulsatilla.

ursraj last decade
'The homeopathic doctor was giving her Rhustox 200 + Apis 30. She was in India for almost 3 months. By the end of her India trip, her rashes were almost gone. The dosage was 3 times a day from Monday to Saturday and once on Sunday'

^^^ This is what might be the problem here, as APIS and Rhus-tox are highly inimical remedies.

These should never have been alternated and and when that is done for long durations, it will almost certainly lead to chronic problematic symptoms.

This is what we will try to address now.

We will anti-dote the Apis first through a single dose of

Lactic Acid 6c.

Please dissolve 2 pellets in 120 ml water, give her just 1 spoon from there ONCE. Make sure nothing enters the mouth 1 hr before and 1 hr after the dose.

Report in 4 days.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer
I will place the order tonight as this is not available in the local store. It might take a week or two to get this. After a long time, today she got rashes as earlier.

ursraj last decade
Hi Sameer
We gave her the dosage as per your suggestion. Her rashes have increased. She keeps on scratching her head during night. The skin around her neck has become very dry and it is peeling off as if some dirt is coming off. Generally her skin is getting drier.

ursraj last decade
Hi Sameer
Please suggest what should we do. Do you think using humidifier can help her?

ursraj last decade
Hi ursraj,

To be frank I am running out of ideas here.

If this were a clinical setting we would have the found the cause by now, but there are many things which limit a prescriber in an internet based setting.

You should try finding a good classical homeopath in your local area.

sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer
Thanks for your time and effort. I really appreciate all your help.

ursraj last decade
ur dealing with psora showing head --use single dose sulphur high---200c--single dose --allow things roll--if aggavtion gets out of hand wlil need tame with remedy that covers symptoms at that time--keep her away from sweet foods --and NO TOPICAL medicinal or non medicinal--substances on skin--no lotions-nothing---give dose and get back with response
John Stanton last decade
1 pellet 200c in 4 oz water-stir--1 teasoon dsoe--no repition of dose
John Stanton last decade
Sulphur is not the only anti-psoric medicine in the materia medica.

We do not give Sulphur based on JUST itchy skin conditions, as if the skin condition is treated as a 'one sided symptom' , it might result in suppression and the disease moving to more vital organs.

Do your own research before following the advice above.
sameervermani last decade
doc sameer --ur on edge--i have nothing prove to any one --its ur case --the patient FAITHFULLY follows ur advice--ur kingdom is secure..i may not be liked for my manors---ur the doc not me -- i go by my real name--no fame no glory for me--just an average joe--- but i know homoeopathy and i know charlatams -
John Stanton last decade
I was not talking to you, and now that you responded, I must tell, I know why you prescribe sulphur to each patient, because a Sulphur state produces the best philosphers and charlatans , and you must understand Sulphur better than anyone.

Please feel free to prescribe, it is NOT MY CASE. I had the honesty to leave this case when I thought I will need guess work now.

Now, lets see if YOU CAN CURE THIS.

Come on, show us your knowledge, we are all watching.
sameervermani last decade
relax doc---we all sick in some way--some of us know it-some dont--what r we to do?
John Stanton last decade
Yeah, nothing can be done :)

I will leave this thread now, and if the child gets cured, I will be happy. However, what I said above about Sulphur not being the panacea for skin ailments HOLDS.

It does not matter , if the cure comes from you or me.Go ahead, I will not interfere. Let the patient come first.

Lets keep the egos aside.
sameervermani last decade
sory doc not that easy for u just leave--docs dont do that --at least good docs-----as said i am not a doc--or claim to be --so no reson this patient have to listen to me---u need understand my comments were for u --so as nott get lazy--i seem to spark u--but dont be upset--regroup
John Stanton last decade
Have I used Dr in front of my name ? Show me one place.

I dont claim to be Doc either. If people call me one, it is not my mistake.
sameervermani last decade
good point--i gues u need clear that up to each patient that addresses u as such--unless u like it---u had noproblemsetting mestraight--i am sure u can with each patient clear that point,,--maybe MR. Sameer--anyway i gues i feel into that too--thganks for clearing that up--from now on --dont worry about me--ok? i amjust this way that s all..
John Stanton last decade
I can , but with so many cases it gets tiring to repeat the same thing again and again. I used to do that earlier, but later I thought , how does it matter. If someone asks, I always tell the truth.
sameervermani last decade
no wworry -ill ease off the needling---i get carried away---
John Stanton last decade

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