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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Acne problem Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
three times a day.
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
4 hour interval
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
I tried the medicine but there has been no improvement. Should i continue the medicine????
jo1989 last decade
Now you should purchase Nat Mur 200c in liquid form and take 2-3 drops directly on clean tongue three times at 10 minute interval only one day.

Purchase Berbaris Aquafolium Q (mother tincture) mix 5-8 drops in one cup of water and apply on your acne/zits by cotton and report after 7 days of treatment.
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
Dear doctor

There has been an improvement now.. Should i continue with the same medicine now??? Should i continue applying lime juice for the scars??
jo1989 last decade
I am glad to know that You should take Nat. Mur 200c on a weekly basis and Berbaris as described. You should apply lemon juice on acne scar. Rate your improvement right now. You felt any other changes regarding your general health and energy. I would like to know from where you use intermit i.e. home, school, office, cyber café so I should respond accordingly and understand your situation
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
Thanks doctor
On a scale of 10 i would rate my improvement at 5. No changes are there in my general health. I use internet from a cyber cafe.
jo1989 last decade
Dear doctor

I am better but i continue to get new acne but at much lesser rate. should i just continue this medication..
jo1989 last decade
Take Nat Mur 200c 2-3 drops directly on clean tongue three times at 10 minute interval only one day repeat this every 10 days.

Purchase Berbaris Aquafolium Q (mother tincture) mix 5-8 drops in one cup of water and apply on your acne/zits by cotton and report after 7 days of treatment.

Report after one month or early any new concern arises.
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
Dear Doctor,
How many pills and how often and for how long should I take of Nat Mur 30? I've got acne on my face and back. I'm 23 and have had this since puberty and nothing seems to have worked for me.
jeni_185 last decade
I'm working full-time, living with parents, don't drink or smoke. Height 5ft, weight 43kg.

Age: 23
Sex: female
Location/Climate: australia - hot & dry in summer, cold and wet in winter.

History of present illness: since puberty about 11-12 years old.
Acne: Location - face mostly forehead and cheeks and upper back.
Chin - no
Forehead - yes
Nose - occasionally
Presence of whiteheads - yes
Presence of blackheads - yes
Presence of itching - no
Types nodular
Papular (moderate swelling) - sometimes
Pimples (small swelling) - yes
Pustules (severe swelling)Suppurating - no
Tubercular (cystic ) most severe form of presentation - no

Menstrual Evaluation

1. Age when the first menses started - 11 years old
2. Which time menstrual flow occurs usually morning, daytime, or night? usually morning, but occasionally afternoon.
3. Does the menstrual blood cause irritation or scratching to the touched skin? not really
4. Color: What is the usual color of the menstrual flow black, bright red, brown, dark, green, pale, changeable. - bright red
5. Consistency: What is the usual consistency of menstrual flow i.e. thick, thin, clotted, membranous, tenacious (too much sticky). - thin
6. Quantity: normal
7. Regular or irregular - regular
8. If irregular: Frequent (too early) late
9. Duration (days): Prolonged (1-10 days )or short (less than 3 days). - 5 days
10. Any other symptom that you would like to tell regarding menses.
jeni_185 last decade
Jeni i had made a seperate thread for you at


Please visit this thread, answer the questions asked there and continue there for advice regarding your acne management
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade

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