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Mr. Anuj follow up with my case + Eczema14 year old girl eczema3Graphites & Eczema2Eczema9dyshidrotic eczema4Scrotal Eczema65 months old baby severe eczema9Eczema4My 7 yr old son seems to have eczema7Toddler with very dry skin and eczema40


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hi Sameer, My teenage son has chronic eczema and wheezing - please assess Page 2 of 5

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Dear Sameer,

When we talked to him, in one on one conversation, he was mentioning about going 'tit for tat' when someone does anything to him at school.

Not a revenge per say, but certainly not forgiving.

longlong last decade
Hmm.. okay, then please give 3 doses of

Nitric Acid 12c or 15c

in the same manner as Sulphur 30c doses,

and report in 5 days.
sameervermani last decade
We have Nitric acid 30c.Will that be OK Sameer?
longlong last decade
Well, I would prefer you getting 12c or 15c first. Even a 6c is fine.

6c should be available at whole foods.
sameervermani last decade
Wait, lemme ask you this before you give Nit-ac, was the Sulphur 200c you used from a reliable source ?
sameervermani last decade
good thinking sammy--also may be block to cure---sulph 30c did fine---as long as no new symptoms 200c is next step---
if cuts on fingers NEVER had before--thisis guide

could also be using something for dandruff--eevn coconut oil will intefere---rule is if substance used on skin affects (i.e dry no mor after coconut) then medicnal too that individuasl
John Stanton last decade
look closer forblock--diet--maybe child taken to sweetys --this give big troulble with sulphur
John Stanton last decade
Yes ,it is from Hahnemann lab, San Rafael .
longlong last decade
We apply only coconut oil for hair.
longlong last decade
And as a part of his cooking class at school,he prepared chocolate chip cookies and he ate some chocolate chips and cookies too.This is after taking 200c.
longlong last decade
Okay, Hahnemann Labs is very respected indeed.

So, the dose being a dud is out of the picture. I do not think a few cookies would abort the action to such an extent that there is no change whatsoever mentally.

So, go ahead with the Nit-ac doses. (potency not higher than 15c)
sameervermani last decade
if cocnut oil modifies dandruff in any way--this means it is afecting the condition--and as such has a medicianl quality --NOT TO BE USED--sammy boy --i know u as stubborn as me--but dont back out suplhur yet---c

and cookies and swets dont antidote---they give irritation aggravtion--mental phusical when ubder sulphur respnse
John Stanton last decade
Thanks for the input John. Let me inquire further.


Has he been having sweets every day ?
sameervermani last decade
canny itsthe cocnut oil--knock that stuf off

concerning above

hahnemann's organon
paragraph 194--come on sammy--start with that
John Stanton last decade
paragraph 191 is a killer
John Stanton last decade
When he was taking sulphur30, every other day he went merry with sweet snacks (we had relatives come over to our place).

When Sulphur 200 was administered, sweet consumption frequency was just once a week (in moderation).

longlong last decade
seems no matter how many times read the organon of medicine --like learning homoeopathy new--makes me feel stupider than i already am
John Stanton last decade
if desire for sweets change after 30c --bingo-- we got block to cure--seek and destroy----

cuts on fingers --when have such in health history?
John Stanton last decade
no topical skin stuff at all

clarify--if desire for sweets lessened after 30c--is ponit to consider
John Stanton last decade
'seems no matter how many times read the organon of medicine --like learning homoeopathy new'

^^ This is quite true.


let us try a repeat dose of Sulphur 200c, as there is merit in John's statement, and I am also curious as to why the curative action started so well with 30c, and 200c did not do anything.

Repeat a 1/2 teaspoon dose of Sulphur 200c tomorrow morning on an empty stomach. STAY AWAY from coconut oil and sweets this time for this week and report back.

If no response, Nit-ac is our next step.
sameervermani last decade
we applied ghee for finger cuts.

Desire for sweets,neither increased nor decreased.

longlong last decade
1/2 teaspoon dose = Dissolve 1 pellet of Sulph 200 in 120 ml water, stir with spoon and 1/2 teaspoon from there as dose ONCE.
sameervermani last decade
Only one dose of Suphur 200.RIght?

longlong last decade
YES. Just one dose, and report in 1 week.
sameervermani last decade
paragraph 253 254 sammy boy--hahnemann went through all thsi trial and error for us--
John Stanton last decade
i'mon a roll----also 252
John Stanton last decade

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