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Pulsatilla: $6.59Professional Constitutional Kit #1: $180.00First Aid Kit: $180.00



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it is meant--for u to take pulsatilla urself only--if u r still breastfeeding----
John Stanton last decade
Dear John, I said above that I gave her one dose of Pulsatilla 200. I don't understand in light of this, what do you mean when you say: 'Take pulsatilla yourself only'. Yes. For now I do, but I gave her also, and is incredible the reaction!
Her skin is visible clearing day after day! Her mood is better then ever. Did I do something wrong that for a 2 year old girl I gave her suposed constitutional remedy??!!
I accept, but with reserve that homeopathic remedies can act through breastmilk. Sincerely here is ther first place where I meet this 'theory'. What I've read before everywhere was told that homeopathy is safe for mothers who breastfeed their children because there is not affected the milk.
Why do you think that it is an obstacle of cure if I don't take Pulsatilla(Or whatever)??
I will appreciate your answer and explanations , I will let myself being convinced if I will be able... :)

But seriously! What is the difference between a breastfeed and non-breastfeed 2 year old child if we speak about his/her homeopathic treatment??
Julibella last decade
My understanding of teh situation is that the skin is clearing up and the child is sleeping better due to the dose of Sulphur.

Eruptions that have shown up again on the surface of the skin have shown up because of teh positive effect of the Sulphur dose and in due course the same will clear out leaving behind a clear skin.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Thanks Pankaj, the interpretation is fals only in that part that it was Pulsatilla not Sulph...

I Wrote this before:

Re: Pulsatilla From Julibella on 2009-02-18
Dear Pankaj!
I was gone for a week with my child, which was very good for both of us. Maybe the change of environment, maybe else caused that seh ask for nursing only at night before sleeping, and when she wake up at dawn. If I refuse her, and give only water in a glas, she drink a little, and fall asleep without problem!! This is a big-big progress!!!!!!!!! This last from aprox a week...
It's a very big progress, that after lunch, when she goes to bed, do not ask for breastmilk! I consider this a 'resource' for further progress! :) Maybe days, or not too much weeks are need to go to sleep nights without mother milk... :)
Well... in this case can that milk dry up....

I have to confess that I couldn't resist to Pulsatilla 200 giving her... This happend this Sunday, I gave her one dry dose. Her skin reacted at once, next day was red on that part where it was only dry...For today ameliorated a lot. I will watch and see.

Thank you for your concern,

.. :)... That was.
Julibella last decade
My only question is for now: aproximately how long is working Pulsatilla 200 ch?! I mean how long I should wait?

For two days she has cold symptoms: her nose is 'full', discharge which is rather yellow than white, is not going neither outside, nor inwards. Her breath is ok, only nose is affected. Open air makes good, warm room air worsen.
Julibella last decade
i try one more time-get it to ur thinkings---of course remedy wil affect child when given alone--BUT ur milk is intimate with her staet of health--primal thing--biological -and is of an esscense will affect her--so if ur vibration is not in synch with hers--there is a obsticle to cure--u see? but treating mum and chilsd as one through only breastmilk (which is taught by hahnemann and all the old school homoeopathists) --now the tuning of the 2 (mum amd child) is finer--more melodic---not so much dissosecene.smooth roa tochina -so to speak
John Stanton last decade
cold like symptoms child has current?

it is be noted if had and when had --in health history before?---a discharge of some sort would be expected after dosing--but depends on if new tupe symptom or old--and when it had occured...
John Stanton last decade
ok, John, I think I got your idea!! :)
Julibella last decade
alright sister--i was hoping we jive on this--i was racking my head --thinking how i could say it another way...very cool sister jubell
John Stanton last decade
cold like symptoms are nwe somehow, in middle of January she had cold, with white-tarey discharge from nose, very little cough, andfever for one night. Discharge lasted for a week aprox. Then it was after two doses of Pulsatilla 30 which I gave her weekly. That I treated with low diluted homeopathic remedies. i know this is against classical homeopathic rules, but when is urgent I became desperated abaut her. I think is more gently than an antibiotical cure which is very often given here for this kind of symptoms. Her thorat was ok, it seems that for now is too.

Now apparently she had no reason for getting cold, she was everytime well dressed, if not she got something from other children whom are neighbours of us.
Julibella last decade
we're barking up the wrong tree--lets allow this last dose pulsatill u took --a bit days to roll---then we retake case head to toe--inside out--and get things in prespective----puls isnt right --at least not the most similar remedy--partial homoeopath ,yes--not certaon what is though---mabe silica by thi recuring cold thing u mention---i ll put my head to this instead of just holding my hood up---we;ll figure it out somw way--get u so can get back working and little one bouncing on her own --sound like a plan jubell?
John Stanton last decade
Ok John. :)

The only mention that i would not say that it is characteristical recurring cold, all this winter JUST in january has that little illness and now.
Julibella last decade
The kind of clearing out of skin symptoms you have explained ...takes place normally with Sulphur. Further, one dose of Sulphur keeps acting for 7 to 10 days.

Yes ..the yellow nasal discharge is due to the Pulsatilla dose and allow it to clear out.

I told you earlier also...when a well selected med does not go very far in curing a patient, we have to give Sulphur. In your daughter's case...it has happened.

In homeopathy, it takes a lot of time to understand which med produced what kind of results.

Best wishes

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dear Pankaj Varma, dear John Stanton!

You both deserve to know resoults of our weaning process! :) John you had right: weaning happened spontaneously! Since one month my daughter is not any more a sucking baby...! :) We went again abroad to see our relatives, and she forgot to ask for breastmilk... 3 days lasts our trip, and at home was not too much struggle to convince her that we finished nursing...

I think I am much more happier now!
John, you had right regarding Sepia... We went to a professional homeopath, who recomended Sepia for me and my daughter, saying that problems which may pssibliy starta in womb, should be treated with mother's constitutional remedy. Sepia worked for a while, and it drew me to a deeper level of self-knowledge, which could match to Apis... I'm wainting for our homeopath's reply.

Thank you both for guiding, for paying attention, and help, best wishes:
Julibella last decade

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