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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

cellulite treatment, pls help!!!!!!!!!!

Dear Dr,Im 30 years old, and haveing to fight agains cellulite but at this poind im really worried, i go to the gym 4 times a week, and i lost a lot of weight, and eat really healhty, i have celluliteon my stomach and things but spread all to the upper legs,i tried vaccum , creams, massage,running, lost of watet and gree tea..at list in my arms is gone.but ts so much its making me really self concious..i dont want to starve myself, or overdue the gym, but i feel i have no option, its really bad,and im really embarrased to go on a bathing suit, or wear something that will show my legs.Is there anything i can take to improve this? I will appreciate if you can help, and i never use to have anything like this....i guess it got worse after having a baby, thanks
  MARIPI74 on 2009-02-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
nat mur 30 one dose daily for 7 days evenimng time one drop in two table spoon of water less saltpl drink water for thirst and not otherwise
akshaymohl last decade
Thanks, i have pellets, so it will be 1 a night? i have 30 C?
MARIPI74 last decade
two pellets as one dose evening time
akshaymohl last decade
30c is ok
akshaymohl last decade
sorry i started onnly 1 pellet for the last 3 nights as i didnt have internet, but i will start 2 tonight, for the reste of the 4 days, or should i do 7 from today? thanks you very much for taking time to help
MARIPI74 last decade
pl take 2 pills for 7 days
akshaymohl last decade

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