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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Hi All,

I need help for stubborn cellulites on the backside of my legs. I did very hard sports when I was young and now as a mother have no time for that. I went to massage and did some treatments but nothing is helping.. As summer is coming again, my fears of wearing swimming suits came back.. I have read Rhus Tox 6 and Apis 30 works well for cellulites. .
  stubborncellulite on 2014-04-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
give more details please

Size, color, swelling, any blebs on it, since when u have this, past diseases, any surgery ?
anindya384 last decade
Hello, below you can find a picture. In addition I don't have any diease.
stubborncellulite last decade
here it is

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stubborncellulite last decade
Ur age ?

Did it appear after ur pregnancy ?

Any Sensation ? Does it itch ? Any Pain ?

When the sensation occurs ?

How it is relieved ?
anindya384 last decade
I am 30 years old.

They were there befre pregnancy but it got a bit worse after. I don't have any pain,cellulite area are a bit cold. I feel better with sun and warm shower.
stubborncellulite last decade
Take Rhus Tox 30, liquid form

4 drops of the medicine with 30 ml water twice daily for 3 days.

Report after seven days.

When on Rhus Tox, try to avoid bathing with cold water.
anindya384 last decade
I also have cellulite problem.. I am 29 and have no kids. I have very loose skin. And also have varicose veins on my legs. I walk 40 mins everyday. Ýt is really bothering me..
esrushka last decade
Esrushka, Please give more details of the ailment.

U can use the questionnaire here:

A closeup photo of the affected area will help a lot. If u r hesitant to send pictures in a publicly, then u can send pictures on my email.
anindya384 last decade
I have sent an email. Thanks :)
esrushka last decade

[message deleted by simone717 on Sun, 04 May 2014 01:31:39 BST]
simone717 last decade
Dear Esrushka,

Please keep faith on the medical practitioners here. Posting different threads for the same disease is not good, not good for the patient him/herself as this will create confusions in his/her mind regarding the use of the medicines suggested by different practitioners. Please take advice from Simone717 as u r already doing. I wouldn't have attended ur case if it were known to me the Simone717 is already looking after the case.

Yes, it is true that there are many people here with different talents. Some treat ailments with great perfection, some learn from others treatments, some are like preaching priests, some are only patients, some are like routers, they only direct patients to known practitioners; some act like google map, some like security guards.....It's u who needs to choose the perfect guide and stick to him/her.

As sending ur private pictures to the practitioner only has been pronounced invalid, u should now post them here. I should delete ur mail on moral grounds.

I think I made myself clear.
anindya384 last decade
Exercise: Exercise improves blood flow to connective tissue and also strengthens the muscles that can help tighten and support the skin. One of the best ways to get rid of cellulite in an area is to do a targeted weight-training program, which you can learn more about in How to Tone and Lose Fat In One Body Part.

Creams: Skin tightening creams with herbal formulas and ingredients such as aloe vera, hyaluronic acid, yeast extract, soy protein, vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin A can help to hydrate skin and increase collagen and elastin formation. Beware that many of these creams contain caffeine, which can improve circulation, but can also give you jitters and insomnia. Many creams can also irritate your skin, leading to rashes, bumps, hives and irritation.

Nutrition: Protein-rich foods such as cottage cheese, milk, legumes, tofu, beans, seeds, nuts, and fish all contain collagen and elastin forming components, which can help to strengthen connective tissue and prevent cellulite fat from poking through. Staying very well hydrated each day will also assist the skin and connective tissue in staying healthy and supple.

Improve circulation: Avoid tight clothing, especially around areas where you tend to form cellulite. Yoga, regular stretching, and even regular use of herbs like ginseng, cayenne, ginger, and cinnamon can also help improve circulation, which keeps connective tissue fed and strong. If you really want to spend some money getting rid of your cellulite, a medical laser treatment can also improve circulation, but may not be much better than simply getting a regular massage to enhance circulation. Radio frequency, vibration, and ultrasound are other examples of fancy methods to improve circulation. Although doctors who make lots of money off such treatments wont like to hear this, just as much circulation may be able to be achieved through exercise and massage.
venk1986 last decade
Hi I have cellulite on my thighs I am 25 years old.my weight is 55 and height is 5.2
Please suggest me some medicine I am doing hard working and proper diet also
Prachi3 4 years ago
Hi Prachi3 Symptoms and signs are more important to select indicated medicines not only the name as you say cellulite
Please add pics
A.Singh 4 years ago

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