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12 yr old with painful ear infection
hello. My 12 year old son has what the doc described as a rip roaring ear infection in his left ear. He said there is a lot of white pus behind the eardrum and it could rupture. Doc prescribed Bactrim, as my son is allergic to most other antibiotics. I called our homeopath across the state and he had us give hepar sulph which didn't help. Have been using garlic, mullein ear drops, tea tree/lavender essential oil rub around ear, echinacia/goldenseal tincture,garlic capsules, C, B vitamins, cod liver oil, probiotics 3x daily. Seems better at times, then gets worse again. Ear pain started moving behind ear, so we started the antibiotic.Feb. is always a month when son is stuffed up and has sinus issues.
Started early Feb with stuffiness/congestion esp. at night and morning. Ear was bothering, but getting under control with above natural remedies. Then caught a bad cold-sinuses very congested, much mucus. Also used muco-stop enzyme, but ear continued to worsen. Hears/feels thumping, painful.
L. ear often crackly sounding when bending, burping.
L. ear failed fall and winter hearing tests at school before infection even came up.
Ear infections since infancy. As well as sinus
Allergies-environmental, dairy, red food dye #40
Yeast/gut problems.
Diarrhea problems since infancy.
C-dif 1 yr. old.
Tubes in ears 2x (at age 4 and 6). Adenoidectomy age 6.
Loves breads, chips, waffles, chocolate rice milk
Angry about dairy allergy
Rarely sleeps all night
Anxiety disorder, OCD, mild tourettes-vocal squeaks mainly. Separation anxiety, still.
Dark circles under eyes most of time, worse when sick.
Chilly. Loves blankets, warm clothes, heating pads.
Controlling, manipulative nature (due to anxiety?), but also caring and sweet, helpful,
Does well in school. Wants to do well but focus issues make it take forever to do homework, projects.
Small build, not strong, brown hair, big brown eyes, long black eyelashes.
Sensory issues since infancy. Jumpy, noises bother, certain textures bother.
Very fussy, sick, sleepless baby needed much comfort and consoling. Seems to be the same, just older now.
Any remedies that would be a good choice? Can I use them along with antibiotics? We have no local classical homeopath. One comes from 400 miles away every 2 weeks for one day. Hard to get in to see when he is here, but we do go when we can. It will be at least 2 weeks before we can see him.
Thank you very much
breezy on 2009-03-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
well wel well---ok---hepar no help--u should have seen some respnse ---but anyaway--dose of sulphur---1 pelllet 30c in 4 oz water stir heavy --1 teasopoon dose---
here is the thing u be looking for some new symptms or old come up after---keep eye for all changes----
dont be tempted with silica at ti s pont---platic tubes in hears --we stir trouble duringtis acute --phase----unless silica is absolutely showmn be correct remedy
no other herbs and all that crap--i dont care about antibioticas--well i really do --but no way u will stop til see some bettermnet---u decide---keep sweets away from him in all forms---this is going be a process--bit by bit---
here is the thing u be looking for some new symptms or old come up after---keep eye for all changes----
dont be tempted with silica at ti s pont---platic tubes in hears --we stir trouble duringtis acute --phase----unless silica is absolutely showmn be correct remedy
no other herbs and all that crap--i dont care about antibioticas--well i really do --but no way u will stop til see some bettermnet---u decide---keep sweets away from him in all forms---this is going be a process--bit by bit---
♡ John Stanton last decade
We tried the sulphur at night. More pain by morning. Gave another dose of sulphur and pain diminished except when burping, etc. After about 3 days, pain returned. We dosed again with 1 tsp. and again saw improvement. This pattern has repeated several times with sulphur helping every time. On occasion he has a slight bit of clear to whitish drainage from ear. Have I dosed incorrectly? I stop when we see improvement, but pain returns. He also feels pain in ear if we don't use garlic/mullein/St. John's wort drops. We skipped one night and pain returned during night. He has no tubes in ears now. I'm afraid ENT will want to put tube in again, though. He still is congested and ear is still blocked, but horrible pain is better. How long can I keep giving occasional sulphur, or should I dose differently?
breezy last decade
Try calc.picrata 3x,at 3hourly interval.Along with you can try mag.phos 6x,5 tab twice daily for few days.
Zahid)2 last decade
Dear Breezy ,
In the last years have u ever tried any homeopatic treatment or not or u have just managed with various herbs that u have mentioned .
Please also explain this
'Rarely sleeps all night
Anxiety disorder, OCD, mild tourettes-vocal squeaks mainly. Separation anxiety, still. '
What are his anxieties .
Please also explain in more detail
'Very fussy, sick, sleepless baby needed much comfort and consoling. Seems to be the same, just older now'
How would u explain his personality , his likes and dislikes , his fears , his confidence .
Does he sweat more than usual .
In the last years have u ever tried any homeopatic treatment or not or u have just managed with various herbs that u have mentioned .
Please also explain this
'Rarely sleeps all night
Anxiety disorder, OCD, mild tourettes-vocal squeaks mainly. Separation anxiety, still. '
What are his anxieties .
Please also explain in more detail
'Very fussy, sick, sleepless baby needed much comfort and consoling. Seems to be the same, just older now'
How would u explain his personality , his likes and dislikes , his fears , his confidence .
Does he sweat more than usual .
vikas_grower last decade
Hi. He does not sweat more than usual. He is usually chilly and loves many blankets at night. He has been on a few different constitutional remedies. Most recently Berylium nit. started last August. Originally started with Stram, eventually lycopodium, and Fabiana about a year ago. One year ago used apis for extremely serious mosquito bite reactions. We have tried nothing specific for ears before the hepar sulph and sulphur.
He has trouble falling asleep. He doesn't always know why. Sometimes he worries and thinks about things and can't sleep. He occasionally has night terrors. He usually wakes during the night either from thrashing around and hitting the wall, or need to use bathroom. Sometimes just wakes. Has recently been able to stay in bed without needing to wake me.
2 counselors have described his anxieties as over the top and not knowing where to start because it is to many areas of his life. Has had separation anxiety since birth, only with me. Won't even do things he wants to do if I can't or won't go, like fishing or movies with dad or older brothers, going to friends houses. Has recently started going to visit friends but has never spent the night. Worries about almost everything. Scared of water. Is just now learning to swim but not doing well because he still is scared, although he wants to do well. He gets in the water just fine now, but floating, breathing and all he can't do.
OCD-has to touch things, esp. smooth things. Has to step on certain spots on the floor. Backs up to step on places he misses. Rattles doorknobs after shutting. Has gotten much better with counseling and Berylium Nit. but still present.
Vocal tics better with inositol. Started at 8 years old as owl type hoots, then raspberries, then high pitched squeaking. Squeaks have been around the longest. He rarely squeaks anymore. Used to be almost nonstop. Now does a blowing out the nose sound, almost like a silent laugh, like when you are reading to yourself and find something humorous.
Has been a perfectionist with school work, handwriting, etc. Used to erase until paper tore trying to make letters perfect. Had to have 4.0. This has also improved.
He can be sweet, kind and helpful, but also manipulative, controlling, especially with younger brother.
Sometimes he seems very confident, playing basketball etc. But at times seems like he's not.
He is small and has been picked on and bullied, which bothers him but he's good at letting it go when it is taken care of and being happy with his friends.
Teachers say he is a hard worker and happy kid. Also say doesn't focus well, easily distracted, moves alot.
Baby-woke every 1 1/2 hrs.Screamed until nursed. Nursing was only comfort. Startled easily. Screamed anytime in carseat unless I reached back and held his hand.
Sick more than well. Antibiotics for ear infections and other things since 4 months. Also prescription cough meds, dimetapp long term. Used a nebulizer from 18 months to 5 years for off and on croup. Dr. said cold induced asthma.
He is argumentative. Loves to correct people. Has to be right.
Hope this helps.
He has trouble falling asleep. He doesn't always know why. Sometimes he worries and thinks about things and can't sleep. He occasionally has night terrors. He usually wakes during the night either from thrashing around and hitting the wall, or need to use bathroom. Sometimes just wakes. Has recently been able to stay in bed without needing to wake me.
2 counselors have described his anxieties as over the top and not knowing where to start because it is to many areas of his life. Has had separation anxiety since birth, only with me. Won't even do things he wants to do if I can't or won't go, like fishing or movies with dad or older brothers, going to friends houses. Has recently started going to visit friends but has never spent the night. Worries about almost everything. Scared of water. Is just now learning to swim but not doing well because he still is scared, although he wants to do well. He gets in the water just fine now, but floating, breathing and all he can't do.
OCD-has to touch things, esp. smooth things. Has to step on certain spots on the floor. Backs up to step on places he misses. Rattles doorknobs after shutting. Has gotten much better with counseling and Berylium Nit. but still present.
Vocal tics better with inositol. Started at 8 years old as owl type hoots, then raspberries, then high pitched squeaking. Squeaks have been around the longest. He rarely squeaks anymore. Used to be almost nonstop. Now does a blowing out the nose sound, almost like a silent laugh, like when you are reading to yourself and find something humorous.
Has been a perfectionist with school work, handwriting, etc. Used to erase until paper tore trying to make letters perfect. Had to have 4.0. This has also improved.
He can be sweet, kind and helpful, but also manipulative, controlling, especially with younger brother.
Sometimes he seems very confident, playing basketball etc. But at times seems like he's not.
He is small and has been picked on and bullied, which bothers him but he's good at letting it go when it is taken care of and being happy with his friends.
Teachers say he is a hard worker and happy kid. Also say doesn't focus well, easily distracted, moves alot.
Baby-woke every 1 1/2 hrs.Screamed until nursed. Nursing was only comfort. Startled easily. Screamed anytime in carseat unless I reached back and held his hand.
Sick more than well. Antibiotics for ear infections and other things since 4 months. Also prescription cough meds, dimetapp long term. Used a nebulizer from 18 months to 5 years for off and on croup. Dr. said cold induced asthma.
He is argumentative. Loves to correct people. Has to be right.
Hope this helps.
breezy last decade
Dear Breezy ,
thanks for the answers , however there are some more questions ,
1) can we say he is restless child with fear , fright and worry .( Pardon me for using these words ) Can we use this expression to describe him ' great anguish and restlessness , changes place continuosly '
2)Does his conditions get aggravated at night .
3) How is his thirst .
4) How is his appetite .
5) Does he tire easily after extertion
thanks for the answers , however there are some more questions ,
1) can we say he is restless child with fear , fright and worry .( Pardon me for using these words ) Can we use this expression to describe him ' great anguish and restlessness , changes place continuosly '
2)Does his conditions get aggravated at night .
3) How is his thirst .
4) How is his appetite .
5) Does he tire easily after extertion
vikas_grower last decade
1) Yes. I think thoses word would describe him. Has always thrashed in his sleep. Can't sit still much at home or school, unless watching a movie, etc.
2)aggravated at night-yes, definitely.
3)Sometimes very thirsty, but not always. More often than not, probably. Drinks a lot of water and sometimes juice.
4)Hearty appetite. Sometimes forgets we have had dinner and asks what's for dinner b/c he's hungry again. Grazer, too, I guess.
5)Doesn't tire extremely easily. Does fine with basketball games, etc. Chest feels tight, though.
2)aggravated at night-yes, definitely.
3)Sometimes very thirsty, but not always. More often than not, probably. Drinks a lot of water and sometimes juice.
4)Hearty appetite. Sometimes forgets we have had dinner and asks what's for dinner b/c he's hungry again. Grazer, too, I guess.
5)Doesn't tire extremely easily. Does fine with basketball games, etc. Chest feels tight, though.
breezy last decade
Dear Breezy ,
During sleep does he experiences any kind of suffocation .
Does he sleeps with his hand over his head
Does he dread being alone
Is/Was he more disturbed around midnight
During sleep does he experiences any kind of suffocation .
Does he sleeps with his hand over his head
Does he dread being alone
Is/Was he more disturbed around midnight
vikas_grower last decade
Please read the symptons of homeopathic remedy Arsenicum Album below for Mind and Sleep . Do these symptons hold good for your son .
1)Mind.Melancholy, sometimes of a religious character, sadness, care, chagrin, cries and complaints.Anguish, driving one out of bed at night, and from one place to another in the daytime.Restlessness.Great fear of being left alone.Anger, with anxiety, restlessness and sensation of coldness.Anxiety, restlessness, and excessive
anguish which allows no rest, principally in the evening in bed, or in the morning on waking, and often with trembling, cold sweat, oppression of the chest, difficulty of breathing, and fainting fits.Anxiety of conscience, as if a crime had been committed.Inconsolable anguish, with complaints and lamentation.Hypochondriacal humour, with restlessness and anxiety.Fear of solitude, of spectres, and of robbers, with desire to hide oneself.Indecision and changeable humour, which demands this at one time, that at another, and rejects everything after having obtained it.Despair; he finds no rest, esp. at night, with anguish.Despondency, despair, weariness of life, inclination to suicide, or excessive fear of death, which is sometimes believed to be very near.Too great sensibility and scrupulousness of conscience, with gloomy ideas, as if one had offended all the world.Ill-humour, impatience, vexation, inclination to be angry, repugnance to conversation, inclination to criticise, and great susceptibility.Caustic and jesting spirit.Extreme sensibility of all the organs; all noise, conversation, and clear lights are insupportable.Great apathy and indifference.Great weakness of memory.Stupidity and dulness.Delirium.Delirium, with great flow of ideas.Loss of consciousness, and of sensation; dotage; maniacal actions and frenzy.Madness; loss of mind (from the abuse of alcoholic drinks).
2)Sleep.Constant drowsiness, with strong and frequent yawnings.Nocturnal sleeplessness, with agitation and constant tossing.Drowsiness in the evening.Coma vigil, often interrupted by groans and grinding of the teeth.Unrefreshing sleep; in the morning it seems as if more sleep were needed.Starting of the limbs when on the point of falling asleep.During sleep, startings with fright, groans, talking, querulous exclamations, grinding of the teeth, convulsive movements of the hands and fingers, sensation of general uneasiness, and tossing.In sleep, lying on the back, with the hand under the head.Light sleep; the slightest noise is heard, though the patient dreams continually.Frequent dreams, full of cares, threats apprehensions, repentings and inquietude; anxious, horrible, fantastic, lively and angry dreams; dreams of storms, of fire, of black waters and darkness; dreams with meditation.In the night, jerking of the limbs, heat and agitation, burning under the skin, as if there were boiling water in the veins, or cold, with inability to get warm, stifling sensation in the larynx, asthmatic attacks, great agitation, and anguish at the heart.Frequent waking during the night, with difficulty in sleeping again.Sleeplessness, from anguish and restlessness, with tossing about (after midni
1)Mind.Melancholy, sometimes of a religious character, sadness, care, chagrin, cries and complaints.Anguish, driving one out of bed at night, and from one place to another in the daytime.Restlessness.Great fear of being left alone.Anger, with anxiety, restlessness and sensation of coldness.Anxiety, restlessness, and excessive
anguish which allows no rest, principally in the evening in bed, or in the morning on waking, and often with trembling, cold sweat, oppression of the chest, difficulty of breathing, and fainting fits.Anxiety of conscience, as if a crime had been committed.Inconsolable anguish, with complaints and lamentation.Hypochondriacal humour, with restlessness and anxiety.Fear of solitude, of spectres, and of robbers, with desire to hide oneself.Indecision and changeable humour, which demands this at one time, that at another, and rejects everything after having obtained it.Despair; he finds no rest, esp. at night, with anguish.Despondency, despair, weariness of life, inclination to suicide, or excessive fear of death, which is sometimes believed to be very near.Too great sensibility and scrupulousness of conscience, with gloomy ideas, as if one had offended all the world.Ill-humour, impatience, vexation, inclination to be angry, repugnance to conversation, inclination to criticise, and great susceptibility.Caustic and jesting spirit.Extreme sensibility of all the organs; all noise, conversation, and clear lights are insupportable.Great apathy and indifference.Great weakness of memory.Stupidity and dulness.Delirium.Delirium, with great flow of ideas.Loss of consciousness, and of sensation; dotage; maniacal actions and frenzy.Madness; loss of mind (from the abuse of alcoholic drinks).
2)Sleep.Constant drowsiness, with strong and frequent yawnings.Nocturnal sleeplessness, with agitation and constant tossing.Drowsiness in the evening.Coma vigil, often interrupted by groans and grinding of the teeth.Unrefreshing sleep; in the morning it seems as if more sleep were needed.Starting of the limbs when on the point of falling asleep.During sleep, startings with fright, groans, talking, querulous exclamations, grinding of the teeth, convulsive movements of the hands and fingers, sensation of general uneasiness, and tossing.In sleep, lying on the back, with the hand under the head.Light sleep; the slightest noise is heard, though the patient dreams continually.Frequent dreams, full of cares, threats apprehensions, repentings and inquietude; anxious, horrible, fantastic, lively and angry dreams; dreams of storms, of fire, of black waters and darkness; dreams with meditation.In the night, jerking of the limbs, heat and agitation, burning under the skin, as if there were boiling water in the veins, or cold, with inability to get warm, stifling sensation in the larynx, asthmatic attacks, great agitation, and anguish at the heart.Frequent waking during the night, with difficulty in sleeping again.Sleeplessness, from anguish and restlessness, with tossing about (after midni
vikas_grower last decade
Many sound true, some not so true. He cries easily over just about anything he feels is wrong, unfair, someone else gets thier way, anything not going well. He has always been a cryer with low coping/problem solving skills. Used to be terrified of being alone, or even just not knowing where I am. This has gotten better since homeopathy and counseling. He is a complainer. Very Irritable and complains about everything.
No trembling, cold sweat, oppression of the chest, difficulty of breathing or fainting fits on waking. Possibly on the occasions of night terrors, but not typical.
No despondency, despair, fear of death, etc.
Yes-inclination to be angry and to criticize.
No-apathy,indifference, weakness of memory, stupidity, dullness, delerium.
Madness, loss of mind-yes when he's eaten red food dye #40. Not at other times.
Not constantly drowsy.
Yes--agitation and constant tossing during sleep.
No coma vigil, groans, grinding of teeth.
Unrefreshed sleep--yes. tired and can be very irritable in the mornings.
Tossing, sleep talk, sleep walk--yes.
Sleeps on stomach or sides. Many positions.
He does dream of thunderstorms (Another extreme fear he has) and fires, though not excessively anymore. Has scary dreams. Somewhat better since homeopathy.
No burning under skin sensation. Does wake frequently with difficulty falling asleep. Usually he's cold, but there are occasions when he's too warm.
I don't know if this helps. Much of this sounds like him, but some of the things, definitely not. (Much sounds like me, too!)
Thanks again.
No trembling, cold sweat, oppression of the chest, difficulty of breathing or fainting fits on waking. Possibly on the occasions of night terrors, but not typical.
No despondency, despair, fear of death, etc.
Yes-inclination to be angry and to criticize.
No-apathy,indifference, weakness of memory, stupidity, dullness, delerium.
Madness, loss of mind-yes when he's eaten red food dye #40. Not at other times.
Not constantly drowsy.
Yes--agitation and constant tossing during sleep.
No coma vigil, groans, grinding of teeth.
Unrefreshed sleep--yes. tired and can be very irritable in the mornings.
Tossing, sleep talk, sleep walk--yes.
Sleeps on stomach or sides. Many positions.
He does dream of thunderstorms (Another extreme fear he has) and fires, though not excessively anymore. Has scary dreams. Somewhat better since homeopathy.
No burning under skin sensation. Does wake frequently with difficulty falling asleep. Usually he's cold, but there are occasions when he's too warm.
I don't know if this helps. Much of this sounds like him, but some of the things, definitely not. (Much sounds like me, too!)
Thanks again.
breezy last decade
Dear Breezy ,
Is he still on Beryllium Nit , if yes can u stop it for a while .
if yes please get Kali Phos 30C in liquid form .
Is he still on Beryllium Nit , if yes can u stop it for a while .
if yes please get Kali Phos 30C in liquid form .
vikas_grower last decade
We haven't given berylium nit. since we gave hepar sulph a month ago. Then we gave sulphur. He has had no homeopathy for about 1 1/2 weeks. He does have a cold again now with much sinus congestion and mucus in the back of the throat he can't get out. Makes lots of noise at night trying to get stuff out of back of nose/throat.
breezy last decade
Breezy ,
To take care of such acute phases please keep handy Ocimum Sanctum -Tincture .
This is actually a herbal formulation available from homeopathic stores and its administraation will help him to cope better with these acute phases .
Please also get following homeopathic medicines Kali Phos 30c , Arsenicum album 30c and calcarea Sulp 30c with you . just get them but dont yet administer them .
To take care of such acute phases please keep handy Ocimum Sanctum -Tincture .
This is actually a herbal formulation available from homeopathic stores and its administraation will help him to cope better with these acute phases .
Please also get following homeopathic medicines Kali Phos 30c , Arsenicum album 30c and calcarea Sulp 30c with you . just get them but dont yet administer them .
vikas_grower last decade
Let us also summarize the information .
1)Frequent Ear infections ( Please add frequency and the colour ,consistencythat is thick or fluentand thin , smell of the discharge )
2)Frequent Nose infections
(Please add frequency and the colour ,consistencythat is thick or fluentand thin , smell of the discharge )
3) Frequent Diarrhoea ( Specify the frequency , the colur , consistency of the stools whether accompanied by pain , smelly )
4) Allergic to environment , dairy ( does that include milk) red food dye .
5) Likes Bread , chips waffles , choclate rice milk (Does he prefer salty or sweet foods )
6)Dark circles under the eyes , almost always .
7) Chilly. Loves blankets, warm clothes, heating pads.
Usually he's cold, but there are occasions when he's too warm.(What is his behaviour on such occasions when he is not feeling chilly )
8)No excessive sweating on any body part .( Please confirm )
9) Restless sleep , wakes up frequently .Sleep talk , walk , tossing about .
Very fussy, sick, sleepless baby needed much comfort and consoling. Seems to be the same, just older now'
He has trouble falling asleep. He doesn't always know why. Sometimes he worries and thinks about things and can't sleep. He occasionally has night terrors. He usually wakes during the night either from thrashing around and hitting the wall, or need to use bathroom. Sometimes just wakes. Has recently been able to stay in bed without needing to wake me
( You have mentioned that sometimes worries and think about things and cant sleep .What are the things that worry him , is it fear of ghosts , evil , helath )
10) Has had separation anxiety since birth, only with mother. Won't even do things he wants to do if mother can't or won't go, like fishing or movies with dad or older brothers, going to friends houses. Has recently started going to visit friends but has never spent the night
11) Worries about almost everything ( Anything which worries him the most )
12) Scared of water , thunderstorm , fire .
13) OCD-has to touch things, esp. smooth things. Has to step on certain spots on the floor. Backs up to step on places he misses. Rattles doorknobs after shutting. Has gotten much better with counseling and Berylium Nit. but still present.
14)Has been a perfectionist with school work, handwriting, etc. Used to erase until paper tore trying to make letters perfect. Had to have 4.0. This has also improved.
( Any other area where this perfectionist attitude is observed for example the general arrangement of things in room , cleanliness, tidiness)
15)Vocal tics better with inositol. Started at 8 years old as owl type hoots, then raspberries, then high pitched squeaking. Squeaks have been around the longest. He rarely squeaks anymore. Used to be almost nonstop. Now does a blowing out the nose sound, almost like a silent laugh, like when you are reading to yourself and find something humorous.
16) Gets offended easily , cries easily when things are not done as per his wishes .
17) Complains about everything ( Can we say he is discontented . How are his moods does he remain sad and morose more as compared to being happy . What gives him happiness and joy )
18) Good thirst , and a very good appetite sometimes feels hungary even after full dinner)
19) Restless, constantly moves about lack of concentration ( please confirm )
20) Good stamina , Good memory , . Confidence wavers but not always poor
21) He can be sweet, kind and helpful, but also manipulative, controlling, especially with younger brother. ( what does he do in being manipulative )
22)No trembling, cold sweat, oppression of the chest, difficulty of breathing or fainting fits on waking. Possibly on the occasions of night terrors, but not typical.
No despondency, despair, fear of death, etc.
No-apathy,indifference, weakness of memory, stupidity, dullness, delerium.
No coma vigil, groans, grinding of teeth.
No burning under skin sensation.
23) Extremely irritable in morning on waking up ( what about in afternoon , evening )
Angry with inclination to crticize .
24) Dreads of being alone .
25)He is argumentative. Loves to correct people. Has to be right.
1)Frequent Ear infections ( Please add frequency and the colour ,consistencythat is thick or fluentand thin , smell of the discharge )
2)Frequent Nose infections
(Please add frequency and the colour ,consistencythat is thick or fluentand thin , smell of the discharge )
3) Frequent Diarrhoea ( Specify the frequency , the colur , consistency of the stools whether accompanied by pain , smelly )
4) Allergic to environment , dairy ( does that include milk) red food dye .
5) Likes Bread , chips waffles , choclate rice milk (Does he prefer salty or sweet foods )
6)Dark circles under the eyes , almost always .
7) Chilly. Loves blankets, warm clothes, heating pads.
Usually he's cold, but there are occasions when he's too warm.(What is his behaviour on such occasions when he is not feeling chilly )
8)No excessive sweating on any body part .( Please confirm )
9) Restless sleep , wakes up frequently .Sleep talk , walk , tossing about .
Very fussy, sick, sleepless baby needed much comfort and consoling. Seems to be the same, just older now'
He has trouble falling asleep. He doesn't always know why. Sometimes he worries and thinks about things and can't sleep. He occasionally has night terrors. He usually wakes during the night either from thrashing around and hitting the wall, or need to use bathroom. Sometimes just wakes. Has recently been able to stay in bed without needing to wake me
( You have mentioned that sometimes worries and think about things and cant sleep .What are the things that worry him , is it fear of ghosts , evil , helath )
10) Has had separation anxiety since birth, only with mother. Won't even do things he wants to do if mother can't or won't go, like fishing or movies with dad or older brothers, going to friends houses. Has recently started going to visit friends but has never spent the night
11) Worries about almost everything ( Anything which worries him the most )
12) Scared of water , thunderstorm , fire .
13) OCD-has to touch things, esp. smooth things. Has to step on certain spots on the floor. Backs up to step on places he misses. Rattles doorknobs after shutting. Has gotten much better with counseling and Berylium Nit. but still present.
14)Has been a perfectionist with school work, handwriting, etc. Used to erase until paper tore trying to make letters perfect. Had to have 4.0. This has also improved.
( Any other area where this perfectionist attitude is observed for example the general arrangement of things in room , cleanliness, tidiness)
15)Vocal tics better with inositol. Started at 8 years old as owl type hoots, then raspberries, then high pitched squeaking. Squeaks have been around the longest. He rarely squeaks anymore. Used to be almost nonstop. Now does a blowing out the nose sound, almost like a silent laugh, like when you are reading to yourself and find something humorous.
16) Gets offended easily , cries easily when things are not done as per his wishes .
17) Complains about everything ( Can we say he is discontented . How are his moods does he remain sad and morose more as compared to being happy . What gives him happiness and joy )
18) Good thirst , and a very good appetite sometimes feels hungary even after full dinner)
19) Restless, constantly moves about lack of concentration ( please confirm )
20) Good stamina , Good memory , . Confidence wavers but not always poor
21) He can be sweet, kind and helpful, but also manipulative, controlling, especially with younger brother. ( what does he do in being manipulative )
22)No trembling, cold sweat, oppression of the chest, difficulty of breathing or fainting fits on waking. Possibly on the occasions of night terrors, but not typical.
No despondency, despair, fear of death, etc.
No-apathy,indifference, weakness of memory, stupidity, dullness, delerium.
No coma vigil, groans, grinding of teeth.
No burning under skin sensation.
23) Extremely irritable in morning on waking up ( what about in afternoon , evening )
Angry with inclination to crticize .
24) Dreads of being alone .
25)He is argumentative. Loves to correct people. Has to be right.
vikas_grower last decade
1)From the time he was a baby until about 7 years old he had almost continual ear infections which is why he had tubes in his ears twice. The last ones at age 6. He no longer has tubes. Since beginning natural remedies, healthful eating and homeopathy, he has had no mjor ear infections for the past 5 years until now. During that time though, he still would get pressure, crackling, or thumping in ears at times. Especially when bending over. Probably during times of having a cold or allergy symptoms. Whenever he did have ear pain, the garlic, mullein, St. John's wort ear oil knocked it out. That was maybe once a year for the past 5 years. No drainage until current infection. A couple times at school he said whitish liquid came out of his ear. I never saw or smelled it. But I did look into ear canal and see very white coating in ear. Yesterday ear was full of dried white stuff. ENT doctor tried to vacuum it out but couldn't get it all. It was causing pain that my son couldn't seem to tolerate. ENT couldn't see drum to see if it had perforated or if canal was infected or what. He prescribed antibiotic ear drops.
2)Sinus problems. Sometimes continual for months. Sometimes lead to infections. Very congested. Nose doesn't really run but is very full and has to be blown often.
3)Diarrhea-I don't remember one formed bowel movement since before 1 year old. Always mushy -runny. A few times as a toddler had to go to dr. with diarrhea. No pain that I am ever aware of. I don't remember the color being anything out of the ordinary. Stench is the word I use to describe the smell. Very strong stench still to this day. He's almost a teenager and doesn't like to share this info with me anymore, but he has said that sometimes it's formed and not mushy.
4)Dairy allergy includes milk. Milk always congests, leads to raging ear infections, sinus infections, eczema.
5)He loves both salty foods and sweets. He loves chips, crackers, lots of salt on his food, but also loves sweets--cookies, chocolate, candy, sorbet...
7)I haven't noticed what his behavior is when he's not chilly. Something I'll try to notice. There are just times when he says he was warm at night and had to uncover. (He has a sheet, blanket, quilted bedspread, down comfortor, and fleece throw on his bed when he goes to sleep)
8)Not a sweaty kid at all. No excess sweating on any body part that I can think of .
9)Fear is not of ghosts, evil or health. He worries more about things at school, things he feels bad about and is sorry for, things he forgot to do. If the weather is bad, that will worry him. He says he just can't fall asleep very well.
11)Possibly worries most about me not picking him up on time from school or a friends. He used to totally melt down at school or anywhere if I wasn't on time to the second or early.
Worries about appointments, dentist, doctor, etc. and what they will do to him. He always thinks they will do something terrible or painful. He asks them a bazillion questions. They always know he is 'worrier'. Counselors have tried to get to the root of his worries and anxiety. 1st counselor stressed out my son to where he didn't want to go anymore because he couldn't come up with answers to questions and felt pressured to do so. He couldn't answer why is so afraid to not be with me, or what that little voice is telling him if he's not with me, etc.
13)OCD and anxiety are worse when he's sick or under stress, as in our big state assessment test at school.
14) His room is a mess and he doesn't care. He is not tidy or overly concerned about cleanliness. He is careful about germs in public places, but nothing out of the ordinary.
15)Vocal tics worsen when sick or stressed.
17)He generally is a happy kid. Teachers say he is happy and kind and gets along with everyone. But he is quite critical and a complainer. He complains about commercials, people on TV, people's clothes. When watching movies or TV he complains about people's chins or noses or their voice and that they shouldn't even be on TV. He is very critical of his 9 year old brother. Sometimes it's as if he watches him just waiting and looking for something to complain about.
Moods are worse when he's hungry, tired, or not feeling well.
Happiness and joy come from being with family. Time with his older brothers. Playing games. Playing with friends. Playing trumpet, basketball. He can be silly and goofy and be lots of fun.
19)Has trouble sitting down for a meal. Moves around gets up, sits on back of chair or on feet. Sometimes we say if he gets up again we'll take his plate away. Teachers say he is easily distracted, moves around, gets his body in strange postitions. Has much trouble getting homework dome because he can't seem to focus on it for more than a few short minutes at a time. He is certainly smart enough, but doesn't focus for long.
Also takes him forever to do a task like brushing teeth. He gets so distracted in the bathroom even--writing on window or mirror if foggy, opening drawers, looking at hair, face. Takes him about 45 minutes to brush teeth and put pj's on.
21)Things must always be his way, I assume to ease anxiety. If he wants his little brother to do something with him (which little bro often doesn't want to because of the controlling and no fun)he will promise him things he has no intetion of doing or can't promise, or he'll lie to him, threaten that if he doesn't play whatever with him he won't be able to go to his Aunt's anymore, or won't be able to play with certain games, etc.
Another example--my husband and I were going to a new restaurant. Son doesn't like us going out without him. He cried and had a royal fit because he says we promised him that the first time we go to that restaurant he would go with us, we would go as a family. Nothing like that ever happened or was said, but he comes up with this stuff.
23)He actually can be irritable any time of day. Mornings seems to be worse, especially before he eats.
25)Almost like he enjoys being contradictory. He does this to me in doctor's offices, with other adults, etc. He 'correct' the information I give. He's usually wrong and I have to then correct his info. He's working at not doing this anymore.
He will argue just to argue. He often has no point. Soetimes he'll argue something opposite of what he argued it before. Just to be arguing??
*Jealous of brother. Has asked why parents love the littlest kids the most. Could be why he's so critical. He loves and is protective of his little brother, too.
2)Sinus problems. Sometimes continual for months. Sometimes lead to infections. Very congested. Nose doesn't really run but is very full and has to be blown often.
3)Diarrhea-I don't remember one formed bowel movement since before 1 year old. Always mushy -runny. A few times as a toddler had to go to dr. with diarrhea. No pain that I am ever aware of. I don't remember the color being anything out of the ordinary. Stench is the word I use to describe the smell. Very strong stench still to this day. He's almost a teenager and doesn't like to share this info with me anymore, but he has said that sometimes it's formed and not mushy.
4)Dairy allergy includes milk. Milk always congests, leads to raging ear infections, sinus infections, eczema.
5)He loves both salty foods and sweets. He loves chips, crackers, lots of salt on his food, but also loves sweets--cookies, chocolate, candy, sorbet...
7)I haven't noticed what his behavior is when he's not chilly. Something I'll try to notice. There are just times when he says he was warm at night and had to uncover. (He has a sheet, blanket, quilted bedspread, down comfortor, and fleece throw on his bed when he goes to sleep)
8)Not a sweaty kid at all. No excess sweating on any body part that I can think of .
9)Fear is not of ghosts, evil or health. He worries more about things at school, things he feels bad about and is sorry for, things he forgot to do. If the weather is bad, that will worry him. He says he just can't fall asleep very well.
11)Possibly worries most about me not picking him up on time from school or a friends. He used to totally melt down at school or anywhere if I wasn't on time to the second or early.
Worries about appointments, dentist, doctor, etc. and what they will do to him. He always thinks they will do something terrible or painful. He asks them a bazillion questions. They always know he is 'worrier'. Counselors have tried to get to the root of his worries and anxiety. 1st counselor stressed out my son to where he didn't want to go anymore because he couldn't come up with answers to questions and felt pressured to do so. He couldn't answer why is so afraid to not be with me, or what that little voice is telling him if he's not with me, etc.
13)OCD and anxiety are worse when he's sick or under stress, as in our big state assessment test at school.
14) His room is a mess and he doesn't care. He is not tidy or overly concerned about cleanliness. He is careful about germs in public places, but nothing out of the ordinary.
15)Vocal tics worsen when sick or stressed.
17)He generally is a happy kid. Teachers say he is happy and kind and gets along with everyone. But he is quite critical and a complainer. He complains about commercials, people on TV, people's clothes. When watching movies or TV he complains about people's chins or noses or their voice and that they shouldn't even be on TV. He is very critical of his 9 year old brother. Sometimes it's as if he watches him just waiting and looking for something to complain about.
Moods are worse when he's hungry, tired, or not feeling well.
Happiness and joy come from being with family. Time with his older brothers. Playing games. Playing with friends. Playing trumpet, basketball. He can be silly and goofy and be lots of fun.
19)Has trouble sitting down for a meal. Moves around gets up, sits on back of chair or on feet. Sometimes we say if he gets up again we'll take his plate away. Teachers say he is easily distracted, moves around, gets his body in strange postitions. Has much trouble getting homework dome because he can't seem to focus on it for more than a few short minutes at a time. He is certainly smart enough, but doesn't focus for long.
Also takes him forever to do a task like brushing teeth. He gets so distracted in the bathroom even--writing on window or mirror if foggy, opening drawers, looking at hair, face. Takes him about 45 minutes to brush teeth and put pj's on.
21)Things must always be his way, I assume to ease anxiety. If he wants his little brother to do something with him (which little bro often doesn't want to because of the controlling and no fun)he will promise him things he has no intetion of doing or can't promise, or he'll lie to him, threaten that if he doesn't play whatever with him he won't be able to go to his Aunt's anymore, or won't be able to play with certain games, etc.
Another example--my husband and I were going to a new restaurant. Son doesn't like us going out without him. He cried and had a royal fit because he says we promised him that the first time we go to that restaurant he would go with us, we would go as a family. Nothing like that ever happened or was said, but he comes up with this stuff.
23)He actually can be irritable any time of day. Mornings seems to be worse, especially before he eats.
25)Almost like he enjoys being contradictory. He does this to me in doctor's offices, with other adults, etc. He 'correct' the information I give. He's usually wrong and I have to then correct his info. He's working at not doing this anymore.
He will argue just to argue. He often has no point. Soetimes he'll argue something opposite of what he argued it before. Just to be arguing??
*Jealous of brother. Has asked why parents love the littlest kids the most. Could be why he's so critical. He loves and is protective of his little brother, too.
breezy last decade
Dear Breezy ,
It seems after your description that he is not really a restless child but rather one who gets distracted a lot and therefore not able to sit still or concentrate on the task in hand .
Is this correct .
Also what do you feel that his separation anxiety is due to the fact that some misfortune will befall him or else he is more worried about your well being than his .
Does eating makes him better.
What is his response to music .
It seems after your description that he is not really a restless child but rather one who gets distracted a lot and therefore not able to sit still or concentrate on the task in hand .
Is this correct .
Also what do you feel that his separation anxiety is due to the fact that some misfortune will befall him or else he is more worried about your well being than his .
Does eating makes him better.
What is his response to music .
vikas_grower last decade
It could be that he is not really restless. I guess this term fits better when we are talking about sleep. He had a massage appointment recently and had a very difficult time laying still on the table. He needed to keep moving and wanted to be done early because he couldn't lay still any longer, even though he loved the massage and wants to go back. Would that be restless? He didn't seem to be distracted...
Counselors and I have tried to determine what he is so worried about. He has said he is afraid I won't pick him up, or I won't come back or something will happen to me, but he also worries about all of the things that could go wrong that I'm not there to handle. It seems to be both. He's been this way forever. No incident started it. His current counselor thinks it just may be due to the fact that he was so sick and uncomfortable as a baby and I was his only source of comfort and he's just carried that through. He subconsciously needs me to be OK and for things to be OK. This is the question my son has never been able to really answer, and we (parents)haven't either.
Usually eating improves mood, especially if he is actually hungry. He likes to munch all day. He is a grazer, but also likes his meals.
He loves music. He listens to soothing music to go to sleep, and likes to have music playing most of the time. He listens to good music, not the negative,disturbing music some kids like.
I was also thinking that maybe controlling might describe him better than manipulative. I think he needs to be manipulative to control situations. Control may help reduce anxiety.
Thank you for all of your generous time and attention to this.
Counselors and I have tried to determine what he is so worried about. He has said he is afraid I won't pick him up, or I won't come back or something will happen to me, but he also worries about all of the things that could go wrong that I'm not there to handle. It seems to be both. He's been this way forever. No incident started it. His current counselor thinks it just may be due to the fact that he was so sick and uncomfortable as a baby and I was his only source of comfort and he's just carried that through. He subconsciously needs me to be OK and for things to be OK. This is the question my son has never been able to really answer, and we (parents)haven't either.
Usually eating improves mood, especially if he is actually hungry. He likes to munch all day. He is a grazer, but also likes his meals.
He loves music. He listens to soothing music to go to sleep, and likes to have music playing most of the time. He listens to good music, not the negative,disturbing music some kids like.
I was also thinking that maybe controlling might describe him better than manipulative. I think he needs to be manipulative to control situations. Control may help reduce anxiety.
Thank you for all of your generous time and attention to this.
breezy last decade
Dear Breezy ,
The Arsenicum Album whose symptoms had been listed in this thread had seemed to be remedy for him ( By the way what is the name of your son ) but from your last few posts it seems that this is not the correct choice as Arsenicum people are very particular about orderliness and want all things to be in right way .
Another remedy that comes to mind is Rhus Tox which has this characteristic desire to continuously move and also has fear of Misfortune .
Therefore please ignore for the time being the previously suggested remedies and Get Rhus Tox 30c .
please get it and inform however do not give it on your own as it has to be given in a specific way which we shall discuss once u get it .
I hope Mr Sammer vermani sees this thread as he is the master prescriber on this forum .
The Arsenicum Album whose symptoms had been listed in this thread had seemed to be remedy for him ( By the way what is the name of your son ) but from your last few posts it seems that this is not the correct choice as Arsenicum people are very particular about orderliness and want all things to be in right way .
Another remedy that comes to mind is Rhus Tox which has this characteristic desire to continuously move and also has fear of Misfortune .
Therefore please ignore for the time being the previously suggested remedies and Get Rhus Tox 30c .
please get it and inform however do not give it on your own as it has to be given in a specific way which we shall discuss once u get it .
I hope Mr Sammer vermani sees this thread as he is the master prescriber on this forum .
vikas_grower last decade
breezy last decade
Rhus Tox is not for acute but primarily for the ' Restlessness compelling him to move' but if it turns out to be the right one , it will help in acute also .
vikas_grower last decade
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