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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


My 14 year old son has autism. Last week i went to a homeopath who suggested many medicine with all 1M potency. He suggested carsinocin 1M for thrice on 1 day (say sonday) and next six days(monday to saturday) Ignatia 1M morning, lycopodium 1M noon, and lycopodium 1m night and next sunday aura metallicum 1m thrice same day.
Please let me know if i can try medicine like this on such high potency. Is it safe to continue for one month? Will there be any side effect if its wrong medicine. Please answer this mail.
  tukun on 2009-03-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Too high potencies in much repeated doses.

I have seen good results in Autistic children with Bach Flower Remedies. I would suggest following:

Water Violet + Clematis + Walnut
4 drops each mixed in a liter of water to be sipped frequently to finish within a day.

These remedies are free from any ill-effects and do not have any potency.

It should be aided with a constitutional homeopathic remedy. But for that will need more details of the child.
dramitkarkare last decade
'He suggested carsinocin 1M for thrice on 1 day (say sonday) and next six days(monday to saturday) Ignatia 1M morning, lycopodium 1M noon, and lycopodium 1m night and next sunday aura metallicum 1m thrice same day. '

^^ This is a sure way to render the case incurable.

Extremely dangerous prescription, stay away from this guy, he is just 'claiming' to be a homeopath. I am sure he does not even know the basics of homeopathy.
sameervermani last decade
DR Amit,
Thank you so much for your reply.
Please let me know more about bach flower remedy in autism cases and can it heal autism or for temporary relief of symptoms. Will those medicine avilable in Bangalore.
Please let me know information you need to know for homeopathy.
I'm writing down few characteristics:
Thin, tall
Boils or pimples all over head and faces.
Aggresive, changing mood, not interested in doing any thing, obsessive thoughts about past, likes music, sometimes helps to change mood, when agressive .. very restless, constantly stimming,twiching hands, teeth grinding, sometimes trying to hurt others.After sometime he comes to good mood but stll thinking about happy past
likes all fried, carbohydrates, sodas, readymade juice like frooti as well fresh fruit and icecreams.
please let me know if you need to know anything else.
tukun last decade
Thank you so much for your mail. I too got scared to get the prescription. It was good that i knew little about potency ... so did not start the medicine.
Please let me know if you can help my son.
tukun last decade
I would suggest:

TARENTULA HISP 200 a dose every 15 days

Bach Flower Remedies are available in many homeopathic pharmacies. Check with your nearest ones.

I have seen more eye-to-eye contact and increased responsiveness / connected-ness to the environment after BFRs.
dramitkarkare last decade
Thank you! I went through Tarentula Hispanica in the web and found its matching many features. But some features like manipulative, cunning, fear of spider, understanding proper rythm music( though likes)are not there.
Also mood change due to music is also not always.
Please let me know if its okay if these features are not matching.
tukun last decade
It is not necessary to get an exact match. One needs to match the basic core element of the case and the key symptoms. Homeopathy is prescribing the 'most similar' and not the 'exactly similar' remedy, though the later is not an impossible one.

I have also taken predominant miasmatic assessment while coming to this selection. Kindly continue as prescribed for a couple of months and let me know...
dramitkarkare last decade
'TARENTULA HISP 200 a dose every 15 days'

This is not how homeopathic remedies are given. Once the body has responded to a potency of the well chosen remedy, you should never repeat the same potency again.

If and when, the response comes to complete halt, and if there are symptoms remaining which are calling for the same remedy, the medicine should be repeated BUT in a HIGHER potency.

But there is no way before the patient has responded , to know how long the response will last. Some people will not need a repeat dose for years after a single 200c dose.

No matter how you look at it, under no circumstances, the same potency is to be repeated in a mechanical fashion.
sameervermani last decade
Dr, Amit,
I will report to you soon.
tukun last decade

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