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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

severe fatigue, lack of imagination

I am suffering from severe fatigue(mental, physical) since last 3 months.
I feel severe lack of imagination, concentration. anxity, depression.

My respiration has become deep and shalow.

It feels like my head is blocked and words seems to be vibrating when i look at them in a book or computer.

Lot of buzzing in the ears and sometimes sleeplessness as well.

Low self confidence, unable to speak and think proberly.

28 , Male, computer programmer, single.

I do not feel hungry. i only eat to gain some energy. i prefer normal temperature.
I have been very confident and intelligent young man. I had sinus problems because of which i got operated twice and used some medicines 10 years back(dont remember their name) After that my concentration was decreased but i was still healthy, last 3, 4 months have been worse.

everything related to depression, felt like commiting suicide because of it, avoid company of people, impotency problem as well.

someone please suggest remedy
  farrukh123 on 2009-03-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
white chest nut and mimmulus bach flower medicine twice daily morning one hour gap and evening the same way for one month lycopodium 1m one dose to be repeated after 30 days
akshaymohl last decade
Thanx. but where do i get 'white chest nut' and 'mimmulus'? are they available at a homeopathic store?
farrukh123 last decade
yes from homoeo store
akshaymohl last decade
i am into second week but i dont see any improvement.

can i used anti depressant medicine along with bach flower remedies?
farrukh123 last decade
there has been a little improvement in impotency problem.

after taking bach flower there is some improvement for an hour or so, after that depression comes back.
farrukh123 last decade
pl increase frequency of white chest nut four times mimmulus twice a day for three month you will definitely get result however if possible pl avoid other medicine you can meanwhile also purchase mustard bach flower which is to be taken once daily
akshaymohl last decade

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