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Chronic FatigueFatigue



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Chronic fatigue

Hello sir
I am 23 year old male. 4-5 years back i used to masturbate a lot and as a result i got weak at that time. It was a general weakness as anyone would get if he over masturbates. As a result of this i used to catch viral infections very easily. There was a time i used to get ill (fever) every 2'months and the recovery would be too slow (requiring around 10-12 days everytime). One time i got ill and i could not recover for 2 months. I was having feverish weakness even after my fever got right. From that time i decided to give up my masturbation and be healthy again.
I want to add that i am very sports lover person. I have won many awards in basketball till my high school. And i was very fit person.
But after this fever i could not regain my strength. Everytime i used to exercise or play outdoor games i used to drain out if i continued my routine for 2 days.
So i decided to heal myself and started taking various homeopathic medicines for healing. Medicines helped a lot for strength but the fatigue was still there. I might have taken around 25-30 homeopathic healing medicines in these 3-4 years.
I want to add that in begining if i took any homeopathic medicine its proving would disappear in 2-3 days. But now if i take any homeopathic medicine , its symptoms would stick with me for atleast 25-30 days. And suppose lithium is benefitting me for my fatigue, if i took its 2nd dose then it would stop doing its job and all healing is stopped.
Now 3-4 days back i found on internet that i may be having chronic fatigue syndrome because even if do mental labor for 2-3 hours i would feel exhausted.
So i found one article about chronic fatigue.
It told me that the virus i had 3-4 years back could lying inside my body and for that take gelsimium.
I am taking now gelsimium for four days. It feels that virus is trying to resurface on my body because body feels low as fever. But it is not able to be fully come outside. Also taking gelsimium has disturbed my digestion. I am not feeling hungry compared to my normal diet.
Can somebody prescribe me medicine that will make my body recognise virus if any lying dormant inside my body.
  baniya on 2018-06-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
A little help from someone having knowledge in this regard would be appreciated. Thanks in advance :)
baniya 6 years ago
are you from india can you arrange ayurvedivc herbs ???
0antivirus0 6 years ago
Yes from india and can arrange ayurvedic herbs.
baniya 6 years ago
I would like to add that i have olready taken certain ayurvedic med like ashwagandha but they are of no benefit. They only boost energy for some time and produces lot of heat in body.
baniya 6 years ago
16.Tell your date, month, year of birth with birth place and timing for Medical Astrology Color Therapy

17.Describe PRAKRITI
by doing EVALUATION on visiting

NOTE-- if proper reporting will not be done by you, then i will close the case, you can take advice from others.

0antivirus0 6 years ago
16.Tell your date, month, year of birth with birth place and timing for Medical Astrology Color Therapy
ANS. 1/9/1994. 2 pm
Birth place -panchkula haryana

17.Describe PRAKRITI
by doing EVALUATION on visiting
ANS. i have added attachment for this.

NOTE-- if proper reporting will not be done by you, then i will close the case, you can take advice from others.

⚠ ♡+ Reply ↩
baniya 6 years ago
16.Tell your date, month, year of birth with birth place and timing for Medical Astrology Color Therapy
ANS. 1/9/1994
2 pm
Panchkula haryana

17.Describe PRAKRITI
by doing EVALUATION on visiting
ANS. it is showing score as
Vata 29
Pitta 57
Kapha 14
Your predominant dosha is pitta
baniya 6 years ago
Waiting for your reply
baniya 6 years ago
please arrange ayurvedic shatavari and kamdudha ras, homepoathic biochemic salt five phos 6x.
0antivirus0 6 years ago
Ok sir. I will arrange these ayurvedic medicines tomorrow.
I want to tell you that i have olready taken 5 phos earlier also. Do i need to repeat them? Five phos affects my diet in negative way. It decreases my diet.
baniya 6 years ago
Take the following

1. Alfalfa Tonic (Daily twice before food 2 TSP) X 2 weeks
2. Acid Phos 30 ( Daily twice after food 4 drops) X 1 week.

let me know the reply.
Arjun1 6 years ago
Sorry i am following antivirus prescription. Thankyou for your advice:)
baniya 6 years ago
ok then dont arrange five phos.
0antivirus0 6 years ago
I arranged shatavari and kamdudha ras. Tell me what to do next.
baniya 6 years ago
I mean how to take these medicines and in what quantity ?
baniya 6 years ago
Waiting for your reply sir
baniya 6 years ago

Please click your prescriber name and see his email.
Send an email, with your thread title /user name and let him know you are waiting. Sometimes prescribers do not get alerts that a person has
simone717 6 years ago
Thankyou simone for your reply.
I have emailed him also.
And i have already started medicines prescribed by him as he was not replying by searching on internet on how to take them and in what quantities. These medicines are not working for my problem i can tell you that as i am already taking these from 2 days. I can tell this because i know if some medicine suits a person then it is gonna show its effect from very moment you take it.
You seem to be experienced homeopath. Can you help me with my case ? Please i request you. Because i want to go to my normal healthy life once again. I am not getting any way out of my condition. If you agree i will explain my whole case to you. Please i request you.
baniya 6 years ago
Can you give me your email ID. ?
baniya 6 years ago
i had loose motions this morning and am still having. I have got to stop these ayurvedic medicines. There was also heavy vomit feeling but once i had loose motions then it got away.
baniya 6 years ago
Can somebody with experience in this case please help ?
baniya 6 years ago
I was in some issues, so not checked the forum, sorry for that.

one tablespoon shatavari with milk in morning, 2 tablets kamdudha ras after lunch, not to drink water just befor and after food take after 1hour, you can take 1-2 sips of water.


feeling calm=
good sleep=
proper energy level=
self control=
confidence level=
freshness on waking up=
love and affection with others=
mental freedom or freshness=
any other change you felt=

0antivirus0 6 years ago
Ok sir.
But i want to tell you that because you were missing for so many days i had already started taking these medicines. First day i took 1 tablespoon of shatavari in alomg with water in evening and along with that 1 tablet of kamdudha ras. 2nd day i repeated the same in morning. Third day in the morning i had loose motions so i dint take any medicine. Today was 4th day And i had loose motions in morning. Now my stomach is fine after stopping medicine for 2 days.
baniya 6 years ago
I want to tell you my whole story in nutshell.
3-4 years back i started masturbating in excess. But as i was working with some company at that time, the excess masturbation i did was only on weekends and sometimes on weekdays also. But at that time i dint feel any weakness and would recover within 2-3 days. It was 2 years back when i left my internship for my final competetive exams. I was home for about a year when my masturbation grew very ridiculuosly. It came to the point that i started masturbating for 10-12 times in a single go to satisfy my urge. But i did not do this everyday becoz after doing 10-12 time in a single go i would feel very weak for 7-8 days. Then after 7-8 days when i felt good again my urge to masturbate would again arise and i would repeat the same and felt exhausted again. It came to the point i started feeling depressed amd inferior. It continued for roughly 6-7 months till i decided to do something about it. My urge was so strong that one morning i had to cry a lot in my washroom just to stop my hand. That day i decided to visit my homeopath amd he gave me medicine for this which was effective also. He told me my brain was producing too much dopamine. But the medicine was effective if i took it everyday. So i decided to search net and do something own my own.

I want to add here that by this time i have already grown very fearful. Even the slightest fear would force me to empty my stomach. Whenever i tried to exercise my heartbeat would be very fast and loud and i had lot of perspiration and my body would feel very weak amd would take 2-3 days to regain its strength.

As i already told i decided to search net and do something own my own. I found lycopodium to reduce my masturbation drive. I took it and it helped me from my first dose. I was so amazed that i overdozed it and developed anxiety issues for first time in life. Before that i had only fear of actual things but not anxiety by thinking something.
Continuing in next post in 5 minutes.
baniya 6 years ago
So after a month i got to realise that i had overdosed lycopodium so i need to stop it. But i think it was too late. Bcoz my anxiety issue never got fully solved after that. I tried many antidotes like pulsatilla, nux vomica etc etc to reduce its effect but anxiety did not completely vanish away because now my brain new how to get anxiety in order to avoid fear. After that in one year i took various homo medicines such as argentum nit to reduce fear, various nutrition medicines to gain back my health such as various metals, minerals etc etc. Though these medicines helped me gain my health back and my original state of mind back but they have failed to get my original body back. After these many years i have become intolerant to high nutritional value foods and alcohal. Also my body has become to slow to heal any wound.

Recently i visited some commercial homeopath in different city that is very famous for his experience. I just told him whenever i exercise my body heats up very high and takes long time to cool down and my hunger is gone whenever i excercise aggresively. So he gave me some medicine LB 30. He writes the name of medicine on paper and gives that paper to his nurse to provide medicine from his medicine department.
After coming home i took that medicine in the night. Next morning i woke up as original man i used to be 3-4 years back. My whole fatigue due to little exertion was gone. Before that when i climbed stairs in my house my heartbeat would raise and i had to breath heavily. On that morning i had completely no problem in climbing as many stairs as i would want. Also wound healing was so fast like my body was waiting for that medicine. Also anxiety was gone and fear returned back little bit, but i was happy with that.
But when i repeated the dose of medicine it stopped working gradually and everything returned.
After searching the name of medicine on internet i thing it might be some lithium. The homopath would not tell me name of medicine as he is a commercial doctor.
So this is my story. I am stuck with this in my life. I want to exercise and have full build and everything. But my life got stuck especially after i took lycopodium. It feels as if the natural flow of body has stopped and lycopodium is restricting my body to attain its full potential.
I want to add that i have taken every antidote on internet except opium which i have learnt is dangerous.
I gained my life when i took that LB 30 medicine. I pity myself why i repeated the dose.
baniya 6 years ago

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